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An ultimate CLI tool for downloading lyrics for songs, inspired by other awesome *-dl projects.

dl kugou lyrics lyrics-downloader lyrics-finder lyrics-search musixmatch youtube-dl yt-dlp

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

An ultimate CLI tool for downloading lyrics for songs, inspired by other awesome *-dl projects.




# :musical_note: lyrics-dl

An ultimate CLI tool for downloading lyrics for songs, inspired by other awesome *-dl projects.

## Installation

Before you begin, make sure you have `python3` and `pip` installed.

0. If you wish to use the `youtube` provider, install `ffmpeg` and add it to your `PATH`.
1. Clone the repository:
git clone
2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd lyrics-dl
3. Install the package:
pip install .

## Usage

You can use `lyrics-dl` both as a CLI tool and as a Python module.

### CLI Usage

python3 -m lyrics_dl [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-e EXTENSIONS] [-f] path

#### Positional Arguments:

- `path`: Path to the song file or directory

#### Options:

- `-h, --help`: Display help message and exit.
- `-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG`: Specify a custom config file (in TOML format) for `lyrics-dl`.
- `-e EXTENSIONS, --extensions EXTENSIONS`: Define music file extensions, separated by commas (e.g., wav,flac,mp3).
- `-f, --force-override`: Force override .lrc file, if it already exists.

### Usage as a Python Module

You can also use `lyrics-dl` as a Python module, allowing you to integrate its functionality directly into your own scripts or applications.

#### Initializing `LyricsDl`

from lyrics_dl import LyricsDl, LyricsDlConfig

# Create a LyricsDl instance with default configuration
ldl = LyricsDl()

# Create a LyricsDl instance with a custom configuration
config = LyricsDlConfig(order=["kugou"])
ldl = LyricsDl(config=config)

#### Fetching Lyrics for a Song

from lyrics_dl import Song

# Create a Song object
song = Song(title="Where'd All The Time Go?", artist="Dr. Dog")

# Fetch lyrics for the song
lyrics = ldl.fetch_lyrics(song)

if lyrics:
print("Lyrics not found")

#### Processing a File

from pathlib import Path

# Define the path to the song file
file_path = Path("/path/to/song.mp3")

# Process the file

#### Processing a Directory

from pathlib import Path

# Define the path to the directory
dir_path = Path("/path/to/songs/directory")

# Define the extensions of music files
extensions = ["mp3", "wav"]

# Process the directory
ldl.process_directory(dir_path, extensions)

For more detailed information on the usage of the `LyricsDl` class, `Song` class, and `LyricsDlConfig` class, you can explore the source code. The code is written with Python typing, making it easy to understand.

## Configuration

The configuration file is in TOML format and can be specified using the `-c` flag when running `lyrics-dl`. To create a custom configuration, follow these steps:

1. Create the configuration file (`config.toml`).
2. Define the global provider parameters (for example, order) under `[providers]` section.
3. To change provider-specific configuration, add a `[providers.provider_name]` section and set the required parameters under it.

As an example, to enable the `musixmatch` provider, you'll need to [acquire a Musixmatch token]( and create a config like this:

order = ["musixmatch", "kugou"]

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"