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IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell

autocomplete bash cli fig fish hacktoberfest iterm2 macos shell terminal typescript zsh

Last synced: 2 months ago
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IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell




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**[Fig]( makes the command line easier
for individuals and more collaborative for teams.**

Our most popular product is Autocomplete. As you type, Fig pops up subcommands,
options, and contextually relevant arguments in your existing terminal.

## ⚡️ Installation

- **macOS**:
- **DMG**: Download from our website: [](
- **Homebrew**: `brew install fig`
- **Windows/Linux**:
- Join the [waitlist](
- **Remote machines**
- [Autocomplete in SSH](
- [Autocomplete in Docker Containers](

> NOTE: Once it's downloaded, launch the app to set up Fig!

![Demo of Fig's visual autocomplete in a terminal](

## 👋 What are "completion specs"?

A completion spec is a _declarative_ schema that specifies the `subcommands`,
`options` and `args` for a CLI tool. Fig uses these schemas to generate

## 😎 Contribute your first spec in < 3 minutes

Use the steps below or follow our getting started guide:


- Download Fig for macOS
- Node and Pnpm


1. Make sure you have `pnpm` [installed](, as
that's the package manager used in this repo.

2. Click [here]( to fork this

3. Clone your forked repo and create an example spec

# Replace `YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME` with your own GitHub username
git clone fig-autocomplete
cd fig-autocomplete

# Add withfig/autocomplete as a remote
git remote add upstream

# Install packages
pnpm install

# Create an example spec (call it "abc")
pnpm create-spec abc

# Turn on "dev mode"
pnpm dev

4. Now go to your terminal and type `abc[space]`. Your example spec will appear.

#### Other things to know

- Edit your spec in TypeScript in the `src/` folder
- On save, specs are compiled to the `build/` folder
- In **dev mode**, specs are read from the `build` folder, and generators run
every keystroke.

## 🪄 Add AI to completions

You can use Fig's autocomplete for your own tools too. Here's how to create
private completions:

import { ai } from "@fig/autocomplete-generators"


generators: [
// the prompt
prompt: "Generate a git commit message",

// Send any relevant local context.
message: async ({ executeShellCommand }) => {
return executeShellCommand("git diff")

// turn each newline into a suggestion (can specify instead a `postProcess1 function if more flexibility is required)
splitOn: "\n",

## 📦 Other available package.json commands

# Typecheck all specs in the src/ folder
pnpm test

# Compile typescripts specs from src/ folder to build/ folder
pnpm build

# Lint and fix issues
pnpm lint:fix

## 🔥 Contributions

We would love contributions for:

- new completion specs
- errors with existing completion specs (e.g. missing subcommands, options, or
- [generators](
for argument suggestions
- better descriptions, icons etc
- [themes](!

If you aren't able to contribute, please feel free to open an

## 😊 Need Help?

Join our community

Discord logo

## 🧑‍💻 Teams / Enterprise

Want to use Fig to add autocomplete internal CLI tools? Or want to use Fig at
work but have security / compliance concerns?

We would love to help get you set up. Please email
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

## 🙋‍♀️ FAQ

#### What terminals does Fig work with?

Fig works with the native macOS Terminal app, [iTerm], [Tabby], [Hyper],
[Kitty], [WezTerm], and [Alacritty]. It also works in the integrated terminals
of [VSCode], [JetBrains IDEs], [Android Studio], and [Nova].

[jetbrains ides]:
[android studio]:

Want to see another terminal included? Check our
[issue tracker]( and add your support for it!

#### How does Fig work?

Fig uses the Accessibility API on Mac to position the window, and integrates
with your shell to read what you've typed.

#### Does Fig work on Windows or Linux?

Not yet, Fig is only available on macOS for now.
[Windows]( and
[Linux]( support is in progress!

#### How can I download Fig?

Run `brew install fig` or, downloading the app at
[]( Then, launch the Fig app!

#### Can I use Fig to build autocomplete for my team's internal scripts and CLI tools?

Yes! Check out our guide on how to
[get started building autocomplete specs](

#### How do I submit a PR?

Check out our
[How to Contribute]( guide.
Many of Fig's 200+ contributors made their first open source contribution to

#### Fig doesn't work for me!

[Join the Discord server]( and we'll debug it. Fixing
Fig in your setup will fix it for other people too! 🙂

#### Did we miss something?

Get in touch at [email protected] or chat with us on

## ✨ Contributors

Grid of profile icons of the 200+ contributors