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React Worker Components simplify using Web Workers

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React Worker Components simplify using Web Workers




# react-worker-components


React Worker Components simplify using Web Workers

## Introduction

This is an experimental project inspired by
[React Server Component](

I've been developing several libraries to interact with Web Workers.

* [react-hooks-worker](
* [redux-in-worker](
* [react-suspense-worker](

While they provide various interfaces with good abstraction,
RSC style would be another approach which is useful for Web Workers.

RWC is a library to provide RSC-like interface for Web Workers.
It serializes React elements keeping their referential identities
as much as possible.
If a React component is "registered", it will be referenced by string names,
and it can be used at the both ends.

Project Status: Experimental but basic examples are working. Welcome to try realistic examples.

## Install

npm install react-worker-components

## Usage

### `TextBox.js`

This is a component that can be used in the RWC tree.
`register` is important to enable serialization.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { register } from 'react-worker-components';

export const TextBox = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState('');
return (

Text: {text}
setText(} />


register(TextBox, 'TextBox');

### `Hello.worker.js`

This is a component that runs only on web workers.
`expose` is necessary to communicate with the main thread.

import React from 'react';

import { expose } from 'react-worker-components';

import { TextBox } from './TextBox';

const fib = (i) => (i <= 1 ? i : fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2));

const Hello = ({ count, children }) => {
const fibNum = fib(count);
return (

Hello from worker: {fibNum}

Main TextBox


Worker TextBox



### `App.js`

This is the entry point component in the main thread.
`wrap` is to communicate with the worker thread.

import React, { Suspense, useState } from 'react';

import { wrap } from 'react-worker-components';

import { TextBox } from './TextBox';

const Hello = wrap(() => new Worker(new URL('./Hello.worker', import.meta.url)));

export const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(1);
return (

Count: {count}
setCount(count + 1)}>+1
setCount((c) => c - 1)}>-1


## API

### expose

Expose a React function component from web workers.

#### Parameters

* `Component` **React.FC\**
* `key` **[string](**

#### Examples

// foo.worker.js
import { expose } from 'react-worker-components';

const Foo = () => {




### register

Register a component with a string name

This allows serializing components between main and worker threads.

#### Parameters

* `component` **AnyComponent**
* `name` **[string](**

#### Examples

import { register } from 'react-worker-components';

const Counter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

{count} setCount(1)}>1

register(Counter, 'Counter');

### wrap

Wrap an exposed component in main thread

This will connect the component in the worker thread.
Requires Suspense.

It will create a dedicated worker for each createWorker function reference.

#### Parameters

* `createWorker` **any**
* `key` **[string](**

#### Examples

import { wrap } from 'react-worker-components';

const Foo = wrap(() => new Worker(new URL('./Foo.worker', import.meta.url)));

## Examples

The [examples](examples) folder contains working examples.
You can run one of them with

PORT=8080 npm run examples:01_minimal

and open in your web browser.