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webpack plugin for Rust

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webpack plugin for Rust




# @wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin

> webpack plugin for Rust

## Installation

With npm:

npm install --save-dev @wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin

Or with Yarn:

yarn add --dev @wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin

### `wasm-pack`

We expect `wasm-pack` to be in your `$PATH`. See [installation here](

The minimum required `wasm-pack` version is `0.8.0`

## Linting

This project uses the `prettier` with default configuration. Fo manually format the code run the `lint:fix` script.

## Usage

Add the loader in your `webpack.config.js`:

const path = require('path')
const WasmPackPlugin = require('@wasm-tool/wasm-pack-plugin')

module.exports = {
// ...

plugins: [
new WasmPackPlugin({
crateDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname, 'crate'),

// Check for
// the available set of arguments.
// Optional space delimited arguments to appear before the wasm-pack
// command. Default arguments are `--verbose`.
args: '--log-level warn',
// Default arguments are `--typescript --target browser --mode normal`.
extraArgs: '--no-typescript',

// Optional array of absolute paths to directories, changes to which
// will trigger the build.
// watchDirectories: [
// path.resolve(__dirname, "another-crate/src")
// ],

// The same as the `--out-dir` option for `wasm-pack`
// outDir: "pkg",

// The same as the `--out-name` option for `wasm-pack`
// outName: "index",

// If defined, `forceWatch` will force activate/deactivate watch mode for
// `.rs` files.
// The default (not set) aligns watch mode for `.rs` files to Webpack's
// watch mode.
// forceWatch: true,

// If defined, `forceMode` will force the compilation mode for `wasm-pack`
// Possible values are `development` and `production`.
// the mode `development` makes `wasm-pack` build in `debug` mode.
// the mode `production` makes `wasm-pack` build in `release` mode.
// forceMode: "development",

// Controls plugin output verbosity, either 'info' or 'error'.
// Defaults to 'info'.
// pluginLogLevel: 'info'

// ...

and then import your `pkg` folder from `wasm-pack`:

import('./path/to/your/pkg').then((module) => {