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Linear Algebra Library for Ruby/Numo::NArray

blas lapack linalg linear-algebra-library matrix narray numo ruby

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Linear Algebra Library for Ruby/Numo::NArray




# Numo::Linalg : Linear Algebra library with BLAS/LAPACK binding to Numo::NArray

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## Introduction

This is a binding of BLAS/LAPACK for Numo::NArray using dynamic linking loader.
This design allows you to change backend libraries without re-compiling.

### [Numo::Linalg API](

* Matrix and vector products
* dot, matmul
* Decomposition
* lu, lu\_fact, lu\_inv, lu\_solve, ldl, cholesky, cho\_fact, cho\_inv, cho\_solve,
qr, svd, svdvals, orth, null_space
* Matrix eigenvalues
* eig, eigh, eigvals, eigvalsh
* Norms and other numbers
* norm, cond, det, slogdet, matrix\_rank, matrix\_power
* Solving equations and inverting matrices
* solve, lstsq, inv, pinv

### Low-level modules

* [Numo::Linalg::Blas]( - Low-level BLAS functions
* [Numo::Linalg::Lapack]( - Low-level LAPACK functions

## Installation

* Install [Numo::NArray](

* Install [LAPACK]( or alternative package.

* Numo::Linalg requires C-interface
[CBLAS]( and
[LAPACKE]( interface.
These are included in LAPACK package.

* Recommended: use one of following faster libraries:
* [ATLAS](
* [OpenBLAS](
* [Intel MKL](

* Note that the performance depends on the backend library as shown in

* Install Numo::Linalg

$ gem install numo-linalg


$ git clone
$ cd linalg
$ rake build
$ gem install pkg/numo-linalg-*.gem

## Using

* Load Numo::Linalg module with default backend:

require "numo/linalg"

* Read also instruction for [Selecting Backend Library](

## Authors

* Masahiro Tanaka
* Makoto Kishimoto
* Atsushi Tatsuma

## Acknowledgments

* This work is partly supported by 2016 Ruby Association Grant.

## ToDo

* More functions
* write test
* Documentation