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Emacs major mode for Move smart contract programming language.

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Emacs major mode for Move smart contract programming language.




# move-mode

[![MELPA Stable](](

`move-mode` is an Emacs major-mode for editing smart contracts written
in the [Move]( programming
language. Supports Emacs 25.1 and above (tested on Emacs for Mac OS X
25.1-1, Emacs Mac Port 28.1).

There are multiple flavors of Move (Core Move, Sui Move, etc). This
mode aims to be agnostic to the flavor of Move you are writing in by
offering [customizations](#Customization) to tweak the experience.

This mode does **not** provide auto-complete, goto definition, or
other language-server-based features out of the box, but check the
[LSP](#LSP) section for details on how to enable them using Move

## Known Issues

- Filling a paragraph in an unterminated multi-line comment (starting
with `/*` but with no matching `*/`), or inserting a newline to
continue the comment causes Emacs to use `/*` as the fill prefix
rather than the intended `*`. This can be fixed by adding the
closing `*/`.

## Installation

### Recommended: `straight.el` and `use-package`

The recommended approach is to install this package using
[`use-package`]( and
[`straight.el`]( by
including the following to your `init.el`:

``` emacs-lisp
(use-package move-mode :straight t)

### Just `straight.el`:

You can also use `straight.el` directly:

(straight-use-package 'move-mode)

### [MELPA](

Or install it from MELPA with `package-install`, using:

``` emacs-lisp
M-x package-refresh-contents RET
M-x package-install RET move-mode RET

### (Not Recommended) Manual Install

Or install the package completely manually, by cloning the repo and
adding the following:

``` emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/move-move/repo")
(autoload 'move-mode "move-mode" nil t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.move\\'" . move-mode))

## Features

- `move-mode` recognises Move syntax such as keywords, scopes, variable
declarations, literals, imports, and module, function and struct
definitions. It exposes these so font lock mode can apply syntax
highlighting to them.
- Emacs' built-in indentation (usually bound to TAB) will
bring the line/cursor to the correct column based on the level of
nesting, and whether you are continuing an earlier expression or
- The keymap includes keybindings to interact with the current
package, using the Move CLI, where the current package is defined as
the parent directory that contains the `Move.toml`. It adds the
following bindings by default:
- C-cC-cC-b: `move build` the
current package.
- C-cC-cC-d: `move disassemble` a
module (requested interactively) in the current package.
- C-cC-cC-p: `move prove` the
current package.
- C-cC-cC-t: `move test` the
current package.

## Customization

- `move-indent-offset` (default: `4`) controls the gap between tab-stops.
- `move-bin` (default: `"move"`) controls the binary to send Move CLI
commands to.
- `move-builtins` (default: `core-move-builtin-functions`) The
keywords that are highlighted as builtin functions. Defaults to the
list that are recognised in Core Move, which is packaged as a
constant with the mode.
- NOTE: Prover-specific keywords are not highlighted by default, but
are included with the mode as `move-prover-keywords`. If you
would like them to be highlighted, consider:

``` emacs-lisp
(customize-set-variable 'move-builtins
(concat core-move-builtin-functions


- `move-default-arguments` (default `""`) any extra commands to pass
to Move CLI commands -- these are added to the end.

## LSP

`move-mode` does not configure an LSP server for Move by default, but
it is possible to integrate Move Analyzer with Emacs.

The analyzer is installed directly from its repo, via `cargo`:

``` shell
$ cargo install --git move-analyzer

It can be modified using `--feature` flags passed to the `install`
command above. The two most common ones are:
- `--features "address20"` option for Move flavors requiring 20-byte long addresses (e.g., Sui Move)
- `--features "address32"` option for Move flavors requiring 32-byte long addresses (e.g., Aptos Move)

A full list of supported features can be found in the
`[features]` section of
[its Cargo.toml](

### [Lsp-bridge](

Once `move-analyzer` is
you can enjoy Move programming with pleasure. Lsp-bridge already
[provides Move language
support](, out
of the box.

### [Eglot](

Once `move-analyzer` is installed, integrating it into Eglot is as
simple as adding the following configuration to your `init.el`:

``` emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'move-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(move-mode "move-analyzer"))

Eglot uses `project.el` (Emacs' built-in project management) to find
the root of your project. It defaults to looking for the version
control repository root. If you work with repositories where your
Move packages are nested in sub-directories, add the following to
allow Eglot to find projects by looking for `Move.toml`:

``` emacs-lisp
(defun my/move-lsp-project-root (dir)
(and-let* (((boundp 'eglot-lsp-context))
(override (locate-dominating-file dir "Move.toml")))
(cons 'Move.toml override)))

(add-hook 'project-find-functions #'my/move-lsp-project-root)
(cl-defmethod project-root ((project (head Move.toml)))
(cdr project)))

NOTE: This will not affect finding project files outside of the LSP.

### [Lsp mode](

Once `move-analyzer` is installed, tell `lsp-mode` how to find the

``` emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode
(add-to-list 'lsp-language-id-configuration '(move-mode . "move"))
:new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "move-analyzer")
:activation-fn (lsp-activate-on "move")
:priority -1
:server-id 'move-analyzer))))

## Contributing

Contributions are very welcome! If you notice a bug, try updating
`move-mode`, and if it is still there please share a report as an
[issue](, with:

- Details on your configuration (operating system, version and variant
of Emacs, minimal Emacs `init.el`, version -- i.e. git revision --
of `move-mode`).
- The sequence of actions you took.
- The expected outcome.
- The actual outcome, with screenshots if relevant.

If you are interested in working on features please take a look at current
[open issues]( for inspiration!