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WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine

chatgpt coffeescript desktop es5 html5 ie javascript js jscript lolbas lolbins microsoft mshta mshtml msoffice rescript typescript uri windows wsh

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WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine




# welsonjs

[![FOSSA Status](](

WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine.

![(Cover Image) A man programming against a power plant facility, the screen that the man is watching shows the Windows logo](app/assets/img/overture.jpg)

Now, You can build an Windows desktop app with JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ReScript, and HTML/CSS on Windows built-in ECMAScript engine.

WelsonJS = ***W***indows + ***El***ectr***on***-like + ***Javascript(JS)*** + [Your contribution](FUNDING.yml)

Dual license notice: The default license for this project is GPL 3.0. However, if the GPL 3.0 license is not compatible with Microsoft products, it is subject to the MS-RL license.

## Structure
![Structure Overview](app/assets/img/structure.png)

## Specifications
- Built-in transpilers: [TypeScript](, [Rescript](, [CoffeeScript 2](, [LiveScript](
- Ready to use on Windows machine immediately. No require additional software installation.
- ES5(ECMAScript 5), XML, JSON, YAML compatibility
- [](
- []( (aka. JSON2.js)
- [](
- HTML5, CSS3 compatibility
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
- [](
- Default CSS Framework
- [](
- [](
- Included libraries
- [jQuery](
- [jQuery UI](
- [](
- [](
- []( - Templating engine
- []( - LINQ for JavaScript
- [Includes binaries](
- [module.exports](, CommonJS, UMD compatibility
- [NPM]( compatibility
- [Chrome DevTools Protocol]( support
- [ADB(Android Debug Bridge)]( support
- RPC(Remote Procedure Call) protocol support
- [gRPC](
- [JSON-RPC 2.0](

## Included modules
- lib/std (Standard library)
- lib/system (System interface)
- lib/base64 (BASE64 encode and decode)
- lib/file (File I/O interface)
- lib/http (HTTP client with MSXML/cURL)
- lib/registry (Windows Registry interface)
- lib/security (Windows Security Policy interface)
- lib/shell (Windows Shell (Command Prompt) interface)
- lib/powershell (Windows Powershell interface)
- lib/service (Windows Service interface)
- lib/browser (Modern web compatibility layer)
- lib/uri (URI scheme interface)
- lib/winlibs (Windows DLL(Dynamic-link library) interface)
- lib/autohotkey ([AutoHotkey]( interface)
- lib/autoit ([AutoIt3/AutoItX]( interface)
- lib/msoffice (Microsoft Office (e.g. Excel, PowerPoint, Word) interface)
- lib/gtk (GTK-server and GladeXML supported GUI interface)
- lib/chrome ([Chrome DevTools Protocol]( based Chrome/Chromium web browser testing interface)
- lib/pipe-ipc (PIPE-based IPC(Inter-Process Communication) implementation)
- lib/toolkit (`WelsonJS.Toolkit` native component)
- Find and attach a handle of the window
- alert(), prompt() implementation in console mode
- Virtualized Human Interfaces
- Cryptography
- [Named Shared Memory]( based IPC(Inter-Process Communication) implementation
- lib/chatgpt ([ChatGPT]( integration)
- Everything you can imagine.

## Make your own `sayhello` example

### 1. Write a file `lib/sayhello.js`
// lib/sayhello.js
function say() {

exports.say = say;

exports.VERSIONINFO = "SayHello Library (sayhello.js) version 0.1";
exports.AUTHOR = "[email protected]"; // e.g. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS = global;
exports.require = global.require;

### 2. Write a file `sayhello.js`
// sayhello.js
var SayHello = require("lib/sayhello");

function main() {
console.log("calling say()");
console.log("ended say()");

exports.main = main;

### 3. Execute file on the command prompt
C:\Users\oss\Documents\GitHub\welsonjs> cscript app.js sayhello
calling say()
ended say()

## How to make your own setup file
- Please check `setup.iss` file it could be compile with [Inno Setup](

## Screenshots
![(Screenshot 1) GUI environment](app/assets/img/screenshot.png)

![(Screenshot 2) Command-line environment](app/assets/img/screenshot2.png)

![(Screenshot 3) WelsonJS with Microsoft Excel](app/assets/img/screenshot3.png)

## Thanks to
- Open Software Portal, Korea National Industry Promotion Agency - Awarded Prize
- Heavy-industry specialized CSP(Cloud Service Provider) in Republic of Korea - Use case establishment
- Live-commerce specialized online advertisement companies in Republic of Korea - Use case establishment
- Information security companies in Republic of Korea - Use case establishment
- - Mentioned
- CSDN - Mentioned
- Qiita - Knowledge-base about WSH environment
- Redsky Software - PoC(Proof of Concept) of the CommonJS on WSH environment
- Inspired by a small-sized JavaScript payload demonstrated by a cybersecurity related group.
- Inspired by the use of Named Shared Memory in an inter-language IPC implementation devised by an unidentified developer.
- Fediverse - Mentioned

## Related projects
- [gnh1201/wsh-js-gtk]( - GTK GUI ported to Windows Scripting Host - Javascript (Microsoft JScript) (wsh-js)
- [gnh1201/wsh-json]( - JSON stringify/parse (encode/decode) for Windows Scripting Host
- [redskyit/wsh-appjs]( - require-js and app framework for Windows Scripting Host JavaScript
- [JohnLaTwC's gist]( - JavaScript RAT
- [JSMan-/JS-Framework]( - No description
- [iconjack/setTimeout-for-windows-script-host]( - Replacement for the missing setTimeout and clearTimeout function in Windows Script Host
- [johnjohnsp1/WindowsScriptHostExtension]( - Inject DLL Prototype using Microsoft.Windows.ACTCTX COM Object
- [kuntashov/jsunit]( - JSUnit port for Windows Scripting Host
- [nickdoth/WSHHttpServer]( - HTTP server based on Windows Script Host
- Check FOSSA report [HTML]( [CSV]( [TXT](

## Image stocks
- [7418_blocks_color_modules_rgb_square_icon]( (Icon File) - Sergio Sanchesz Lopez, Futurosoft

## Report abuse
- [email protected]
- ActivityPub [@[email protected]](
- [Voice of the Customer (VoC)](

## License
[![FOSSA Status](](