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Realtime benchmarks for PHP code

algorithms benchmark comparison framework gnuplot php profiling realtime realtime-metrics

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Realtime benchmarks for PHP code




# PHPench

![A pretty graph](graph.gif)

PHPench creates a graphical output for a PHP benchmark.
Plot the runtime of any function in realtime with GnuPlot and create an image
out of the result.

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## Why is it useful?

#### Algorithms are beautiful

Sometimes the difference between two algorithms is hard to explain but easy to show.
For instance, take two sorting algorithms which both have a best-case
runtime of `O(n*log n)`. Depending on the input, one can be much faster than the
other. This tools helps you see what's going on.

#### Death to premature-optimizations

Whenever people tell you that using single quotes instead of double quotes
around strings is a performance improvement, it's time to debunk some myths.
Most of the time such programmer folklore turns out to be misguided and can actually be pretty harmful.
*"Premature emphasis on efficiency is a big mistake which may well be the source
of most programming complexity and grief."* (Donald Knuth)
Let's be professionals. Let's measure.

## Example

Using PHPench feels a bit like writing a visual unit test. Check it out:

test = array();
for ($i=1; $i<$arrSize; $i++) {
$this->test[$i]= $arrSize % $i;

return $this->test;

class BenchmarkArrayFlip extends AbstractBenchmark
public function execute() {
$test = array_flip(array_flip($this->test));

class BenchmarkArrayUnique extends AbstractBenchmark
public function execute() {
$test = array_unique($this->test);

// Create a new benchmark instance
$phpench = new \mre\PHPench(new \mre\PHPench\Aggregator\MedianAggregator);

// Use GnuPlot for output
$oOutput = new \mre\PHPench\Output\GnuPlotOutput('test2.png', 1024, 768);

// Alternatively, print the values to the terminal
//$oOutput = new \mre\PHPench\Output\CliOutput();

$oOutput->setTitle('Compare array_flip and array_unique');

// Add your test to the instance
$phpench->addBenchmark(new BenchmarkArrayFlip, 'array_flip');
$phpench->addBenchmark(new BenchmarkArrayUnique, 'array_unique');

// Run the benchmark and plot the results in realtime.
// With the second parameter you can specify
// the start, end and step for each call
$phpench->setInput(range(1,pow(2,16), 1024));

## Installation

1.) Add this package to your composer.json

"require": {
"mre/phpench": "*@dev"

2.) Install gnuplot (Version 4.6)

For *Mac OS X* you can install gnuplot via homebrew. For live generated charts you also need to install XQuartz.
Without X11 support:
$ brew install homebrew/versions/gnuplot4

With X11 supprt (recommended!):
$ brew install homebrew/versions/gnuplot4 --with-x11

For *Linux* use your package manager.
apt-get install gnuplot

3.) Look at the examples for usage

## Maintainers

Matthias Endler (@matthiasendler)
Markus Poerschke (@markuspoerschke)

## License

Apache License Version 2.0