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:cloud: The SCSS framework for the modern web.

card cirrus css css-framework css-grid css3 flexbox font front-end responsive sass sass-framework scss scss-framework stylesheet stylesheets ui web-development

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

:cloud: The SCSS framework for the modern web.





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A component-and-utility-centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping. Use beautiful pre-built components to bootstrap your next project and utility classes to polish your final design.

Check out the docs Β»

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Report a Bug

## :sparkles: Features

* :art: **Beautiful Components** - Beautifully designed components come right out of the box for rapid prototyping.
* :balloon: **Sass First** - Forget bundling tons of JavaScript with each component. All styles require no JS for interactions/functionality (see Modals, Dropdowns, etc.).
* :rainbow: **Configuration at its Core** - Add additional components, remove utility classes, disable features, etc. Cirrus takes a generative approach to building your stylesheets.
* :zap: **Lightweight** - A large amount of features with a minimal footprint.
* :iphone: **Responsive** - Fully responsive by design.
* :computer: **Vscode Extension Support** - Install it [here](
* πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ **Playground** - Try out whatever experiment you want with Cirrus [here](

## :dart: Supported Browsers
Cirrus relies on [What CSS to prefix?]( to determine which selectors need prefixes.

| [IE / Edge]( / Edge | [Firefox]( | [Chrome]( | [Safari]( | [Opera]( | [Electron]( |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| IE11, Edge | last 3 versions, ESR | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions |

## πŸ“¦ Install

#### Npm
npm install cirrus-ui

#### Yarn

yarn add cirrus-ui

#### CDN

For CDNs, it is recommended to attach a specific versions to the URLs to avoid unexpected updates to maintain consistency in your project.

##### Unpkg


##### JsDelivr



Check out the [Setup]( guide for more information.

## :hammer: Usage

#### Basic Page


Hello World

πŸ‘‹Hello World


#### React

import { StrictMode } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";

import App from "./App";

import 'cirrus-ui'; // You can import it here if you want

const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");


#### Vue

import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';

import 'cirrus-ui';

Vue.config.productionTip = false;

new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),

#### Svelte

import App from "./App.svelte";
import "cirrus-ui";

const app = new App({
target: document.body

export default app;

#### Sass/Scss

@use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
$config: (
excludes: (
opacity: null, // Disable default opacity classes
extend: (
// Add your own
opacity: (
25: .25,
50: .5,
75: .75,

Check out the [Setup]( guide for more information.

## :computer: Development

Use Gitpod, a free online dev environment for GitHub.

[![Open in Gitpod](](

Or clone locally:

$ git clone [email protected]:Spiderpig86/Cirrus.git
$ cd cirrus
$ yarn install
$ yarn watch

## :crystal_ball: What's Included

- **Base** - base styles.
- Animations
- Default
- Font
- Grid
- Layout
- Media
- Modifiers
- Spacing
- **Builds** - build files for `core` and `ext`.
- **Components** - framework components.
- Accordion
- Avatar
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- Card
- Code
- Footer
- Forms
- Frames
- Header
- Links
- Lists
- Modal
- Pagination
- Placeholder
- Progress
- Table
- Tabs
- Tags
- Tiles
- Toast
- Tooltips
- **Internal** - internal APIs, functions, constants, etc.
- **Utils** - utility classes.
- Absolute
- Blur
- Border
- Clearfix
- Display
- Flex
- Misc
- Opacity
- Overflow
- Position
- Shadow
- Transitions
- Z-Index

## :clap: Related Projects
| Project | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [vue-cirrus]( | Cirrus components for Vue.js with straightforward syntax |
| cirrus-blocks | A collection of beautiful components built with Cirrus ready to be copied and pasted. |
| [cirrus-reset]( | A simple CSS reset from Cirrus. |

## :newspaper: License and Attribution
Cirrus is licensed under the [MIT license]( "MIT License"). If this frame work has helped you in any way, attribution in the footer of your website would be much appreciated.

[![FOSSA Status](](

## 🀝 Contributing [![PRs Welcome](](

Read our [contributing guide]( and improve Cirrus together.

We welcome all contributions. Please read our []( first. You can submit any ideas as [pull requests]( or as [GitHub issues]( If you'd like to improve code, check out the [Development Instructions]( and have a good time! :)

When creating issues, please follow the templates provided for the issue type you selected. The added detail and formatting will help me understand and resolve your issue faster.

[![Let's fund issues in this repository](](

## ❀️ Sponsors and Backers

I would greatly appreciate any support for the continued development of this project. :smile:

