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Web Component to visualize JSON data in a tree view

json json-tree json-viewer jsonviewer webcomponent

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Web Component to visualize JSON data in a tree view




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A Web Component to visualize JSON data in a tree view


- [Installation](#installation)
- [From CDN](#from-cdn)
- [From NPM](#from-npm)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Attributes](#attributes)
- [Properties](#properties)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [CSS Parts](#css-parts)
- [CSS custom properties](#css-custom-properties)
- [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
- [Load the JSON dynamically](#load-the-json-dynamically)
- [Basic interactions](#basic-interactions)
- [Demo](#demo)

## Installation

### From CDN

The package contains a bundled version of the component which includes also the Lit library. It can be useful in case you want to import the package using a CDN.



### From NPM

Install the component through NPM:

npm i @alenaksu/json-viewer

Import the package to your project, this way the component will be automatically defined in the custom elements registry with its default tag name `json-viewer`.

import '@alenaksu/json-viewer';

If you want to extend the component or if you just need to use it in scoped registries with a different tag name, then you can import the component class from the package:

import { JsonViewer } '@alenaksu/json-viewer/dist/JsonViewer.js';

class MyJsonViewer extends JsonViewer {

customElements.define('my-json-viewer', MyJsonViewer);


## Usage



### Attributes

- `data` - the string representation of JSON object to load

### Properties

- `data` - get/set the JSON object

### Methods

- `filter (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void` | Maintains only the nodes that match the given criteria
- `resetFilter () => void` | Clear the filter
- `expand (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void` | Expand all the nodes that match the given criteria
- `expandAll () => void` | Alias for `expand('**')`
- `collapse (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => void` | Collapse all the nodes that match the given criteria
- `collapseAll () => void` | Alias for `collapse('**')`
- `search (regexOrPath: RegExp|string) => Iterator` | Return and iterator with which is possible to go through all the matched nodes. It scrolls the page to the node and highlights it.

### CSS Parts

- `object` - The object wrapper element.
- `property` - The wrapper element of a property.
- `key` - The key element of a property.
- `primitive` - The primitive value.
- `primitive--string` - Applied when the primitive is a string.
- `primitive--number` - Applied when the primitive is a number.
- `primitive--boolean` - Applied when the primitive is a boolean.
- `primitive--null` - Applied when the primitive is a null.
- `preview` - The value preview of a property.
- `highlight` - The highlighted value.

### CSS custom properties

The appearance of the component can be modified by changing the CSS custom properties

json-viewer {
/* Background, font and indentation */
--background-color: #2a2f3a;
--color: #f8f8f2;
--font-family: monaco, Consolas, 'Lucida Console', monospace;
--font-size: 1rem;
--indent-size: 1.5em;
--indentguide-size: 1px;
--indentguide-style: solid;
--indentguide-color: #333;
--indentguide-color-active: #666;
--indentguide: var(--indentguide-size) var(--indentguide-style) var(--indentguide-color);
--indentguide-active: var(--indentguide-size) var(--indentguide-style) var(--indentguide-color-active);

/* Types colors */
--string-color: #a3eea0;
--number-color: #d19a66;
--boolean-color: #4ba7ef;
--null-color: #df9cf3;
--property-color: #6fb3d2;

/* Collapsed node preview */
--preview-color: rgba(222, 175, 143, 0.9);

/* Search highlight color */
--highlight-color: #6fb3d2;

### Basic Usage

Put the JSON inside the element


{ "quiz": { "sport": { "q1": { "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?", "options": [ "New York Bulls",
"Los Angeles Kings", "Golden State Warriros", "Huston Rocket" ], "answer": "Huston Rocket" } }, "maths": { "q1": {
"question": "5 + 7 = ?", "options": [ "10", "11", "12", "13" ], "answer": "12" }, "q2": { "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
"options": [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ], "answer": "4" } } } }


### Load the JSON dynamically


document.querySelector('#json').data = { prop1: true, prop2: 'test' };


### Basic interactions

const viewer = document.querySelector('#json');

// Expand/collapse/filter

// Search
const searchIterator ='value');
// Scrolls to the node and highlight the value;

## Demo

The demo can also be run locally with

npm run start