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A collection of accessible, free, open-source web components for building Brightspace applications.

lit-element ui web-components

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A collection of accessible, free, open-source web components for building Brightspace applications.




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# @brightspace-ui/core

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A collection of accessible, free, open-source web components and tools for building Brightspace applications.

## Installation

npm install @brightspace-ui/core

## README Index

* Components
* [Alert](components/alert/): alert components for displaying important information
* [Breadcrumbs](components/breadcrumbs/): component to help users understand where they are within an application
* [Backdrop](components/backdrop/): component for displaying backdrop behind a target element
* [Buttons](components/button/): normal, primary, icon and subtle buttons
* [Calendar](components/calendar/): calendar component
* [Card](components/card/): card components
* [Colors](components/colors/): color palette
* [Dialogs](components/dialog/): generic and confirmation dialogs
* [Dropdowns](components/dropdown/): dropdown openers and content containers
* [Expand Collapse](components/expand-collapse): component to create expandable and collapsible content
* [Filter](components/filter/): single or multi-dimensional filter component
* [Focus Trap](components/focus-trap/): generic container that traps focus
* [Forms](components/form/): aggregate data for submission and validation
* [Hierarchical View](components/hierarchical-view/): nested container component that shows the active container
* [HTML Block](components/html-block/): component for rendering user-authored HTML
* [Icons](components/icons/): iconography SVGs and web components
* [Inputs](components/inputs/):
* [Checkbox](components/inputs/docs/ checkbox components and styles
* [Date and time](components/inputs/docs/ date and time picker components including ranges
* [Number](components/inputs/docs/ numeric input components
* [Radio](components/inputs/docs/ radio input styles
* [Search](components/inputs/docs/ search input component
* [Select styles](components/inputs/docs/ select input styles
* [Text](components/inputs/docs/ text input component and styles
* [Links](components/link/): link component and styles
* [List](components/list/): list and list-item components
* [Loading Spinner](components/loading-spinner/): loading-spinner components
* [Menu](components/menu/): menu and menu item components
* [Meter](components/meter/): linear, radial, circle meter web components
* [More/less](components/more-less/): constrain long bits of content
* [Off-screen](components/offscreen/): component and styles for positioning content off-screen
* [Selection](components/selection/): components for selection and bulk actions
* [Scroll Wrapper](components/scroll-wrapper/): arrows to scroll content horizontally
* [Skeleton](components/skeleton/): apply low-fidelity skeletons to your application as it loads
* [Status Indicator](components/status-indicator/): status-indicator components
* [Switch](components/switch/): switch component with on/off semantics
* [Table](components/table/): table styles, column sorting and overflow handling
* [Tabs](components/tabs/): tab and tab-panel components
* [Tag List](components/tag-list/): tag-list and tag-list-item components
* [Tooltip](components/tooltip/): tooltip components
* [Typography](components/typography/): typography styles and components
* [Validation](components/validation/): plugin custom validation logic to native and custom form elements
* Controllers
* [Subscriber](controllers/subscriber/): for managing a registry of subscribers in a many-to-many relationship
* Directives
* [Animate](directives/animate/): animate showing, hiding and removal of elements
* Helpers
* [Helpers](helpers/): helpers for composed DOM, unique ids, etc.
* Mixins
* [ArrowKeysMixin](mixins/arrow-keys/): manage focus with arrow keys
* [AsyncContainerMixin](mixins/async-container/): manage collective async state
* [FocusMixin](mixins/focus/): delegate focus to a nested element when `focus()` is called
* [FormElementMixin](components/form/docs/ allow components to participate in forms and validation
* [InteractiveMixin](mixins/interactive/): enables toggling interactive elements inside of nested grids
* [LabelledMixin](mixins/labelled/): label custom elements by referencing elements across DOM scopes
* [LocalizeMixin](mixins/localize/): localize text in your components
* [ProviderMixin](mixins/provider/): provide and consume data across elements in a DI-like fashion
* [RtlMixin](mixins/rtl/): enable components to define RTL styles
* [SkeletonMixin](components/skeleton/): make components skeleton-aware
* [VisibleOnAncestorMixin](mixins/visible-on-ancestor/): display element on-hover of an ancestor
* Templates
* [PrimarySecondaryTemplate](templates/primary-secondary): Two Panel (primary and secondary) page template with header and optional footer

## Developing

After cloning the repo, run `npm install` to install dependencies.

Run `npm run build` once, or any time icon or Sass files are changed.

### Running the demos

Start a [@web/dev-server]( that hosts the demo pages:

npm start

D2L employees can also view the latest main-branch demos at

### Linting

# eslint and stylelint
npm run lint

# eslint only
npm run lint:eslint

# stylelint only
npm run lint:style

### Testing

To run the full suite of tests:

npm test

Alternatively, tests can be selectively run:

# unit tests
npm run test:unit

# aXe accessibility tests
npm run test:axe

# translations tests
npm run test:translations

Note: The axe tests require `prefers-reduced-motion` emulation to be turned on in the dev console if debugging in a local browser.

This repo uses [@brightspace-ui/testing]('s vdiff command to perform visual regression testing:

# vdiff
npm run test:vdiff

# re-generate goldens
npm run test:vdiff -- --golden

### Versioning and Releasing

This repo is configured to use `semantic-release`. Commits prefixed with `fix:` and `feat:` will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to `main`.

To learn how to create major releases and release from maintenance branches, refer to the [semantic-release GitHub Action]( documentation.

## Future Enhancements

Looking for a new component or an enhancement not listed here? Create a GitHub issue!