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A vocal pitch correction web application (like Autotune)

c react tensorflowjs webassembly webpack webworker

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A vocal pitch correction web application (like Autotune)




# Autotone

> A vocal pitch correction web application (like Autotune):

This project works using CREPE's pitch detection model and Stephan Bernsee's approach to Fourier-transform based pitch shifting:
* [CREPE: A Convolutional REpresentation for Pitch Estimation -- pre-trained model (ICASSP 2018)](
* [Pitch Shifting Using The Fourier Transform by Stephan Bernsee](

## 🤖 How it works

To perform vocal pitch correction, the input audio goes through two stages: pitch detection and pitch shifting.

To detect pitches, one of CREPE's pre-trained models is run using TensorFlowJS. To pitch shift, WebAssembly is used to run a C library that performs Fourier-based pitch shifting according to Stephan Bernsee's blog post above. Additionally, the audio processing algorithms are run in the background on web workers to prevent the browser from becoming unresponsive.

## 💻 Development

#### Dependencies

* Node v14.18.2
* NPM v6.14.15
* Emscripten v3.1.29

#### Developing

1. Clone this repo
2. Init the `crepe` submodule with `git submodule init`
3. Build the C pitch-shifting library to WebAssembly by entering the `tuner` directory and running `make`
4. Install the web dependencies by entering the `react` directory and running `npm install`
6. Start the development server by entering the `react` directory and running `npm start`
7. View the app at `http://localhost:8080`

#### Deploying

Deploy the app to GitHub Pages using `scripts/`

## 📚 Technologies used

* TensorFlow.js
* WebAssembly (Emscripten)
* Web audio API
* Web workers
* React
* Webpack

## 🔭 Future work

* Allow user to set pitch detection over-sampling factor
* This will involve moving audio window/buffer building
logic out of BufferNode/Processor and into Autotoner
* Allow user to upload audio (instead of just microphone)
* Implement high quality audio resampler
* Allow stereo (currently just mono)
* Add more types of scales
* Allow user to pitch correct according to a separate target audio or MIDI input