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Bootstrap theme for Dojo

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Bootstrap theme for Dojo




Dojo Bootstrap

Bootstrap theme for Dojo.

.. image::

For a live preview of the theme using Dojo's Theme Tester, see


Just want the theme for your project? Grab the latest built version from the
`releases `_ page:

#. Download and unzip the relevant zip file.

#. Copy (or link) the folder *dbootstrap* into the appropriate location in your
project and ensure you notify Dojo about the location. One way to do this is
through the Dojo config::

'packages': [
location: '/path/to/dbootstrap',
name: 'dbootstrap'

#. Add a require call for dbootstrap. You must require dbootstrap before any
Dijit widgets are loaded for the icons to work correctly::

require(['dbootstrap', ...], function(dbootstrap) {
// Start application.

#. Add *dbootstrap* as a css class to your `` element::

#. View your project as normal.

Get The Code

$ git clone --recursive git://

Building / Integration

Build Requirements

To build the project locally you will need the following installed:

* `Python `_ >= 2.6, <3
* `Nodejs `_ >= 10.5
* `Stylus `_ >= 0.31
* `Java `_ >= 7.0 (aka 1.7.0)

All other requirements are bundled as git submodules so make sure you have
initialised them (the default when using `--recursive` with `git clone`)


To build the demo locally:

#. Navigate to your clone of the repo::

$ cd /path/to/dbootstrap

#. Build it::

$ python demo

.. note::

If you like to see what is going on under the hood, run with a lower
logging level::

$ python -v debug demo

#. Fire up a server::

$ cd build/demo
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

#. Take a look::

Point your browser at http://localhost:8000/

Standalone Package

Useful if you just want a quick play of the theme with your project. For a
better solution see the integrated build below.

#. Navigate to your clone of the repo::

$ cd /path/to/dbootstrap

#. Build just the theme::

$ python theme

.. note::

If you like to see what is going on under the hood, run with a lower
logging level::

$ python -v debug theme

#. Copy (or link) the resulting package *dbootstrap/build/theme/dbootstrap*
into the appropriate location in your project and ensure you notify Dojo
about the location. One way to do this is through the Dojo config::

'packages': [
location: '/path/to/dbootstrap',
name: 'dbootstrap'

#. Add a require call for dbootstrap. You must require dbootstrap
before any Dijit widgets are loaded for the icons to work correctly::

require(['dbootstrap', ...], function(dbootstrap) {
// Start application.

#. Add *dbootstrap* as a css class to your element::

#. View your project as normal.

Integrated Build

#. Copy or link the *dbootstrap/source/dbootstrap* folder into your project
(typically so that it is a sibling to your Dojo and Dijit packages). You
will also need to link the *xstyle* and *nib* packages if you don't already
have them.

.. note::

Only tested with Dojo 1.8+

#. Add the following to your build profile.js to include dbootstrap as a
package and separate build layer::

packages: [

layers: {
'dbootstrap/main': {
include: [

.. note::

If you have placed your dbootstrap package somewhere that isn't
directly accessible as a child directory of your *basePath* then you
must use the fuller package syntax in the packages list::

location: '/path/to/dbootstrap',
name: 'dbootstrap'

#. In your main application entry point (or index.html) require the dbootstrap
package before any Dijit widgets are loaded::

require(['dbootstrap', ...], function(dbootstrap) {
// Start application.

#. Add *dbootstrap* as a css class to your element::

#. Add to your build process relevant calls to Stylus to compile the CSS files
into one dbootstrap.css file::

$ stylus --include path/to/dbootstrap/nib/lib \
--include path/to/dbootstrap/theme/dbootstrap \

$ mv path/to/dbootstrap/theme/dbootstrap/index.css \

.. note::

The CSS build must happen before the Dojo build is performed as the
generated css file is required as part of the build. Therefore, the css
file is built in the source tree to be copied to the build directory
during the Dojo build step.

#. Build your project and view as normal.


Reporting Issues

Bugs or enhancements can be reported by opening an issue at

When reporting a bug, please try to provide the following information:

* Affected browsers and Dojo versions.
* A clear list of steps to reproduce the problem.
* If the problem cannot be easily reproduced then please include an example
reduced test case (for example, as a `Gist `_).

If you would like to propose a fix for a particular issue then you are welcome
to fork dbootstrap, create a branch and submit a pull request. Please note that
a `Dojo CLA `_ is required for any
non-trivial modifications.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Martin Pengelly-Phillips

Available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
Apache License, Version 2.0. As a recipient of dbootstrap, you may choose
which license to receive this code under.

The text of the BSD and Apache License, Version 2.0 licenses is available in
the LICENSE.txt file.


The icons are provided by the excellent Font-Awesome team at