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A TUI playground to experiment with jq

go jq tui

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A TUI playground to experiment with jq




# jqp

a TUI playground for exploring jq.


This application utilizes [itchyny's]( implementation of `jq` written in Go, [`gojq`](

## Installation

### homebrew

brew install noahgorstein/tap/jqp

### macports

sudo port install jqp

### Arch Linux
Available through the Arch User Repository as [jqp-bin](
yay -S jqp-bin

### Github releases

Download the relevant asset for your operating system from the latest Github release. Unpack it, then move the binary to somewhere accessible in your `PATH`, e.g. `mv ./jqp /usr/local/bin`.

### Build from source

Clone this repo, build from source with `cd jqp && go build`, then move the binary to somewhere accessible in your `PATH`, e.g. `mv ./jqp /usr/local/bin`.

## Usage

➜ jqp --help
jqp is a TUI to explore the jq command line utility

jqp [flags]

--config string config file (default is $HOME/.jqp.yaml)
-f, --file string path to the input JSON file
-h, --help help for jqp
-t, --theme string jqp theme
-v, --version version for jqp

`jqp` also supports input from STDIN. STDIN takes precedence over the command line flag.

➜ curl "" | jqp

## Keybindings

| **Keybinding** | **Action** |
| `tab` | cycle through sections |
| `shift-tab` | cycle through sections in reverse |
| `ctrl-y` | copy query to system clipboard[^1] |
| `ctrl-s` | save output to file (copy to clipboard if file not specified) |
| `ctrl-c` | quit program / kill long running query |

### Query Mode

| **Keybinding** | **Action** |
| `enter` | execute query |
| `↑`/`↓` | cycle through query history |
| `ctrl-a` | go to beginning of line |
| `ctrl-e` | go to end of line |
| `←`/`ctrl-b` | move cursor one character to left |
| `→`/`ctrl-f`| move cursor one character to right |
| `ctrl-k` | delete text after cursor line |
| `ctrl-u` | delete text before cursor |
| `ctrl-w` | delete word to left |
| `ctrl-d` | delete character under cursor |

### Input Preview and Output Mode

| **Keybinding** | **Action** |
| `↑/k` | up |
| `↓/j` | down |
| `ctrl-u` | page up |
| `ctrl-d` | page down |

## Configuration

`jqp` can be configured with a configuration file. By default, `jqp` will search your home directory for a YAML file named `.jqp.yaml`. A path to a YAML configuration file can also be provided to the `--config` command line flag.

➜ jqp --config ~/my_jqp_config.yaml < data.json

If a configuration option is present in both the configuration file and the command line, the command line option takes precedence. For example, if a theme is specified in the configuration file and via `-t/--theme flag`, the command line flag will take precedence.

### Available Configuration Options

name: "nord" # controls the color scheme
chromaStyleOverrides: # override parts of the chroma style
kc: "#009900 underline" # keys use the chroma short names

## Themes

Themes can be specified on the command line via the `-t/--theme ` flag. You can also set a theme in your [configuration file](#configuration).

name: "monokai"

Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 5 31 40 PM

### Chroma Style Overrides

Overrides to the chroma styles used for a theme can be configured in your [configuration file](#configuration).

For the list of short keys, see [`chroma.StandardTypes`]( To see which token to use for a value, see the [JSON lexer]( (look for `` tags). To see the color and what's used in the style you're using, look for your style in the chroma [styles directory](

name: "monokai" # name is required to know which theme to override
kc: "#009900 underline"

You can change non-syntax colors using the `styleOverrides` key:
primary: "#c4b28a"
secondary: "#8992a7"
error: "#c4746e"
inactive: "#a6a69c"
success: "#87a987"

Themes are broken up into [light](#light-themes) and [dark](#dark-themes) themes. Light themes work best in terminals with a light background and dark themes work best in a terminal with a dark background. If no theme is specified or a non-existant theme is provided, the default theme is used, which was created to work with both terminals with a light and dark background.

### Light Themes

- `abap`
- `algol`
- `arduino`
- `autumn`
- `borland`
- `colorful`
- `emacs`
- `friendly`
- `github`
- `gruvbox-light`
- `hrdark`
- `igor`
- `lovelace`
- `manni`
- `monokai-light`
- `murphy`
- `onesenterprise`
- `paradaiso-light`
- `pastie`
- `perldoc`
- `pygments`
- `solarized-light`
- `tango`
- `trac`
- `visual_studio`
- `vulcan`
- `xcode`

### Dark Themes

- `average`
- `base16snazzy`
- `doom-one`
- `doom-one2`
- `dracula`
- `fruity`
- `github-dark`
- `gruvbox`
- `monokai`
- `native`
- `paradaiso-dark`
- `rrt`
- `solarized-dark`
- `solarized-dark256`
- `swapoff`
- `vim`
- `witchhazel`
- `xcode-dark`

## Built with:

- [Bubbletea](
- [Bubbles](
- [Lipgloss](
- [gojq](
- [chroma](

## Credits

- [jqq]( for inspiration


[^1]: `jqp` uses []( for clipboard functionality. Things should work as expected with OSX and Windows. Linux, Unix require `xclip` or `xsel` to be installed.