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🕉 A SQLite REST and realtime server

nodejs realtime rest sqlite sqlite3

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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🕉 A SQLite REST and realtime server




A SQLite REST and Realtime server

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## Installation

Install Soul CLI with npm

npm install -g soul-cli

## Usage

### 1. Running Soul

Soul is command line tool, after installing it,
Run `soul -d sqlite.db -p 8000` and it'll start a REST API on [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000) and a Websocket server on [ws://localhost:8000](ws://localhost:8000).

Usage: soul [options]

--version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --database SQLite database file or :memory: [string] [required]
-p, --port Port to listen on [number]
-r, --rate-limit-enabled Enable rate limiting [boolean]
-c, --cors CORS whitelist origins [string]
-a, --auth Enable authentication and authorization [boolean]

-iuu, --initialuserusername Initial user username [string]
-iup, --initialuserpassword Initial user password [string]

-ts, --tokensecret Token Secret [string]
-atet, --accesstokenexpirationtime Access Token Expiration Time (Default: 5H) [string]
-rtet, --refreshtokenexpirationtime Refresh Token Expiration Time (Default: 1D) [string]
-S, --studio Start Soul Studio in parallel
--help Show help


Then to test Soul is working run the following command

curl http://localhost:8000/api/tables

It should return a list of the tables inside `sqlite.db` database.

### 2. Running Soul in Auth mode

To run Soul in auth mode, allowing login and signup features with authorization capabilities in your database tables, follow these steps:

Run the Soul command with the necessary parameters:


soul --d foobar.db -a -ts -atet=4H -rtet=3D -iuu=john -iup=


Note: When configuring your JWT Secret, it is recommended to use a long string value for enhanced security. It is advisable to use a secret that is at least 10 characters in length.

In this example:

The `-a` flag instructs Soul to run in auth mode.
The `-ts` flag allows you to pass a JWT secret value for the `access and refresh tokens` generation and verification. Replace with your desired secret value.
The `-atet` flag sets the JWT expiration time for the access token. In this case, it is set to four hours (4H), meaning the token will expire after 4 hours.
The `-rtet` flag sets the JWT expiration time for the refresh token. In this case, it is set to three days (3D), meaning the token will expire after 3 days.
The `-iuu` flag is used to pass a username for the initial user
The `-iup` flag is used to pass a password for the initial user

Here are some example values for the `-atet` and `rtet` flags

- 60M: Represents a duration of 60 minutes.
- 5H: Represents a duration of 5 hours.
- 1D: Represents a duration of 1 day.

NOTE: It is crucial to securely store a copy of the `-ts`(`Token Secret`) value used in Soul. Once you pass this values, make sure to keep a backup because you will need it every time you restart Soul. Losing this secret values can result in a situation where all of your users are blocked from accessing Soul.

### 3. Updating Super Users

To modify a superuser information in a database, you can utilize the `updatesuperuser` command. This command allows you to change a superuser's `password` or upgrade/downgrade a normal user to a `superuser`. Below is an example of how to use it:

soul --d foobar.db updatesuperuser --id=1 password= // Update the password for the superuser with ID 1

soul --d foobar.db updatesuperuser --id=1 --is_superuser=true // Upgrade the user with ID 1 to a superuser

soul --d foobar.db updatesuperuser --id=1 --is_superuser=false // Revoke the superuser role from the superuser with ID 1

## Documentation

API documentation is available while the project is running at [http://localhost:8000/api/docs](http://localhost:8000/api/docs)

There's also a list of all endpoints examples at [docs/](docs/

For websocket examples, check [docs/](docs/

For detailed information on how authentication works in Soul, please refer to the [docs/](docs/

## Extending Soul

Soul is able to be extended (e.g. Adding custom APIs) via extensions, you can find a list of extensions at [docs/](docs/

## Soul-mates

A collection of projects that revolve around the Soul ecosystem.

- [Soul Studio]( provides a GUI to work with your database.

Right now Soul Studio is in early stages of development and not useful to work with.

- [RCO-Soul]( The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how to run a React admin client using Soul as a REST API service.

## Development

git clone # Clone project

cp .env.sample .env # Duplicate sample environment variables
nano .env # Update the environment variables

npm install # Install dependencies
npm run dev # Start the dev server

## Testing

Set the `AUTH` variable to `true` in your `.env` file and use the command below to run the tests

npm run test

## Community

[Join]( the discussion in our Discord server and help making Soul together.

## License


## Contributing

Contributions are always welcome!

See `` for ways to get started and please adhere to `CODE OF CONDUCT`.

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](

Vahid Al
Vahid Al

💻 👀
Abenezer Melkamu
Abenezer Melkamu

Ian Mayo
Ian Mayo

💻 👀

Koen De Groote
Koen De Groote

Muhammad Taha Khan
Muhammad Taha Khan


This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification.