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⚡️(cd with env) Is a configurable cd wrapper that lets you define your environment per directory.

bash cd cli config filesystem fish linux rust zsh

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

⚡️(cd with env) Is a configurable cd wrapper that lets you define your environment per directory.




# ⚡️cdwe (cd with env)
A simple configurable cd wrapper that provides powerful utilities for customizing your envionment per directory. \
*(For **ZSH** / **BASH** / **FISH** Shells)*

[Installation](#installation) •
[Usage](#usage) •
[Configuration](#configuration) •


## Features

- **Per Directory Environment Variables**
- **Auto Load .env files in Directories**
- **Auto Execute Commands in Directories**
- **Per Directory Aliases**
- **Works with any CD like Command**

## Installation

1. **Install binary**
cargo install cdwe

2. **Init your shell**
cdwe init zsh # zsh shells
cdwe init bash # bash shells
cdwe init fish # fish shells

3. **Reload your shell and start using!**
# check that env var gets set
cdwe /Users/synoet/dev/projecta
echo $IS_DEBUG

# check that env var gets unset
cdwe ..
echo $IS_DEBUG

## Usage

### Defining Per Directory Env Variables

You can explicitly define environment variables in two ways:
path = "/Users/synoet/dev/project"
vars = {"IS_DEBUG" = "true", "IS_PROD" = "false"}

# or

path = "/Users/synoet/dev/project"
vars = [
{name="IS_DEBUG", value ="true"},
{name="IS_PROD", value="false"}
`path`: the path to your directory you are configuring

`vars`: a map of env vars to set

*By default env vars will also be loaded in subdirectories, in this example `/Users/synoet/dev/project/src` would also have `IS_DEBUG` and `IS_PROD` set*


name = "IS_DEBUG"
value = "true"
dirs = [
Here you can define one env var for multiple directories.

`name`: Is the key of the env variable

`value`: is the value of the env variable

`dirs`: Is a list of directories to load this env var for

### Loading From .env files
The directory object also takes a `load_from` field
path = "/Users/synoet/dev/project"
vars = {"IS_DEBUG" = "true", "IS_PROD" = "false"}
load_from = [".env"]
`load_from`: List of .env file names to auto load in, these should be relative to the dir defined in path.

In this example we would try to load in a env file at `/Users/synoet/dev/project/.env`

*Unlike per directory env vars, env files are only loaded in the exact matching directory not in subdirectories*


Similarly we can define a single env file for multiple directories

load_from = ".env"
dirs = [

### Defining Aliases Per Directory
Here we can define aliases that will be set and unset as functions only in specific directories

path = "/Users/synoet/dev/project"
vars = {"IS_DEBUG" = "true", "IS_PROD" = "false"}
load_from = [".env"]
aliases = [
{ name = "build", commands = ["yarn cache clean", "yarn build", "yarn package"] }

Here we define a `build` alias which will live only in `/User/synoet/dev/project/*` and all subdirectories.

`aliases`: a list of aliases to define for the directory

name = "build"
commands = ["yarn cache clean", "yarn build", "yarn package"]
dirs = [
Here you are defining the same alias for multiple directories.

### Defining Auto Commands
Here we can define commands that will automatically run anytime we cd into a specific directory
path = "/Users/synoet/dev/project"
vars = {"IS_DEBUG" = "true", "IS_PROD" = "false"}
load_from = [".env"]
aliases = [
{ name = "build", commands = ["yarn cache clean", "yarn build", "yarn package"] }
run = ["git fetch -p", "ls"]
In this case every time we enter `/Users/synoet/dev/project` cdwe will automatically run `git fetch -p` and `ls`

*Auto Commands also require an exact match and don't propogate to subdirectories*


run = "git fetch -p"
dirs = [

## Configuration
### Global Configuration Options
# Shell (Created during cdwe init )
shell = "zsh"
# Custom CD Command (defaults to cd)
cd_command = "z"
# Show alias hints on cd
alias_hints = true
# Show env hints on cd
env_hints = true
# shoe run hints on cd
run_hints = true

### Example Configuration
cd_command = "z"
alias_hints = true
env_hints = true
command_hints = true
run_hints = true
shell = "zsh"

# Defined a directory
# Will have env var "TEST" set in this directory
# Will auto run "git fetch -p" whenever you cd into this dir
# Exposes the following aliases in that directory and sub dirs
path = "/Users/synoet/dev/cdwe"
vars = { "TEST" = "testing" }
runs = ["git fetch -p"]
aliases = [
{ name = "build", commands = ["cargo build --release"]},
{ name = "run", commands = ["cargo run"]},
{ name = "ci", commands = ["cargo fmt", "cargo test"]}

# sets the "ENV_VAR" env var in the following directories
name = "ENV_VAR"
value = "THIS IS A TEST"
dirs = [

# auto loads from .env file in following directories
load_from = ".env"
dirs = [

# will auto run the command "git fetch -p" in the following directories
run = "git fetch -p"
dirs = [

## Uninstalling
1. Run cdwe-remove to clean up all shell artifacts
cdwe-remove #removes the `source ` from your .zshrc/.bashrc/.fish

zsh #reload your shell, use bash or fish if you use those.

2. Uninstall binary
cargo uninstall cdwe