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Terminal user interface for SSH

cli command-line-tool ssh tui

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Terminal user interface for SSH




# sshs

Packaging status

Terminal user interface for SSH.
It uses `~/.ssh/config` to list and connect to hosts.


## Requirements

You need to have `ssh` installed and accessible from your terminal.

## How to install

### Homebrew

brew install sshs

### Chocolatey

Thanks to [Jakub Levý]( for maintaining this package on Chocolatey.

choco install sshs

### Arch Linux

#### Pacman

[Vote for the package to be added to the official repository](
In the meantime you can manually install it by cloning the repository and running `makepkg`:

pacman -S --needed git base-devel
git clone
cd sshs
makepkg -si

#### Yay

yay -Syua --needed --noconfirm sshs

### NixOS / Nix

#### As a Flake

nix profile install 'github:quantumsheep/sshs'

#### In your NixOS configuration

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ sshs ];

#### In your Home Manager configuration

home.packages = with pkgs; [ sshs ];

### From releases

Releases contains prebuilt binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows. You can download them at .

### From sources

Building sshs from sources requires [Rust]( compiler and [Cargo]( to be installed. You can install them with [rustup](

cargo install --git

Be sure to have `~/.cargo/bin` in your `PATH` environment variable.

You can also clone the repository and build it manually:

git clone
cd sshs
cargo build --release

The binary will be located at `./target/release/sshs` once the build is complete.

## Troubleshooting

### [...]/.ssh/config: no such file or directory

- Check if you have `~/.ssh/config` file
- If you don't, you can create it with `touch ~/.ssh/config`

If you want to use another SSH config file, you can use the `--config` option.

Here's a sample `~/.ssh/config` file:

Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host "My server"
User root
Port 22

Host "Go through Proxy"
User someone
Port 22
ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p

You can check the [OpenBSD `ssh_config` reference]( for more information on how to setup `~/.ssh/config`.