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A few scripts to be run on a fresh-off-the-presses Ubuntu VM, in order to get its shell nice 'n purdy.

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A few scripts to be run on a fresh-off-the-presses Ubuntu VM, in order to get its shell nice 'n purdy.




# Shell Bling Ubuntu

A few shell scripts to get us some command-line niceties, for a fresh new Ubuntu installation.

* [Quickstart](#quickstart)
* [FAQ](#faq)
+ [What does it come with?](#what-does-it-come-with)
+ [Can I run this on a live USB?](#can-i-run-this-on-a-live-usb)
+ [Does this work on Ubuntu Server?](#does-this-work-on-ubuntu-server)

## 📹 Video - silent install, 2023.12.06


The above is 10x to give a feel for how the commands work, it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

Normal-speed video:

## Quickstart

_From a brand spanking fresh new install of Ubuntu VM!_

### (optional) Bless your efforts

Before you begin whatever you're doing, take a deep breath, and [say](

*Satellite from days of old, lead me to your access code.*

### Get the bling

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y curl # well it can't all be in a script!
curl | sudo bash

Close your terminal, and use `Ctrl+Alt+T`. This time you should open into the Kitty terminal emulator, not the stock Ubuntu one.

curl | bash

chsh -s $(which fish)

Close and reopen your terminal again.

# ⚠️ This will ask you DYNAMICALLY to pick your text editor.
curl | fish

Close and reopen your terminal one more time.

Then run `nvim`. You should see it pop up with all the neat little icons.


### (optional) Add Copilot to Neovim

LazyVim was the only Neovim setup that had instructions for integrating it with Github Copilot last I checked, and now it's even easier
to install.

1. Hit `e` to bring up "Lazy Extras". (It might also be `x` on your machine, look at the screen!)
2. Go to `coding.copilot` and hit `x` to install it. Then `:q`uit Neovim and restart it.
3. Finally, run `:Copilot auth` to start the authentication process.


## FAQ

### What does it come with?

Look in the scripts and see for yourself! But here's a quick one-line explanation of everything in here so far, and why you might find it useful:

#### The Holy Trinity
- [fzf]( **Fuzzy search _anything_.** The best thing since sliced bread. I love `fzf` so much I have [a whole blog post]( about it!
- Before you ask, **yes, this comes with the keybindings too!** `Ctrl+R` search in fish and `Alt-C` should work out of the box.
- [fd]( **Fastest find in the West.** A simple, fast, and user-friendly alternative to the classic "find" command.
- Works _exceptionally_ well with `fzf` to find that specific file, whose name you know but just can't pin down, 7 or 8 subdirectories deep!
- ⚠️ Note that we **_do_ symlink this to the `fd` command**, which you have to do as an extra step on Ubuntu. (Otherwise it's just linked as `fdfind`, and really, who's going to go to the effort of typing _two more letters_ just to use something better than `find`?)
- [ripgrep]( **Fastest grep in the West.** A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern, faster than most other tools.
- Works _exceptionally_ well with `fzf` to find that specific line, in that specific file, 7 or 8 subdirectories deep!
- ⚠️ Note that **it is called `rg` at the command line**, as in `grep whatever` == `rg whatever`. _Not_ `ripgrep whatever`!

#### Shells and Terminal Utilities
- [fish]( The **nicest out-of-the-box shell I've ever used**. Gives you autocomplete, in-shell highlighting, the works!
- [starship]( A **minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt** for any shell! Shows the info you need while staying sleek and minimal. I like it especially because it works with bash, fish, PowerShell, elvish, you name it!
- [tmux]( A terminal multiplexer. Lets you work with **multiple terminal sessions in one window** and **long-running, detachable SSH sessions**, if, like me, you sometimes just want to remote into a machine once every 2 weeks for 6 months at a time without losing your place.
- [kitty]( A fast, feature-rich, GPU-based terminal emulator. (And the best one I know of which **supports ligatures!**)
- And to _get_ those ligatures, we set Kitty up to use [Fira Code by default]( everywhere!
- [xclip]( A command-line interface to the X11 clipboard, allowing you to **copy and paste between the terminal and GUI apps by piping to it.** Comes in handy way too often for me to live without!

#### Help Text ... Helpers
- [tldr]( **Simplified and community-driven man pages**. It offers quick references to common command-line tasks.
- [cheat]( Allows you to **create and view interactive cheatsheets** on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember.

#### File and Directory Utilities
- [zoxide]( **A smarter `cd`** that learns your habits and preferences over time!
- [lsd]( A **modern version of the `ls` command** with a lot of improvements such as color support, icons, and more.
- [tree]( Displays directories as trees (with optional color and HTML output). I'm just always surprised this isn't installed by default!

#### Text Editors and Viewers
- [bat]( **cat but with syntax highlighting**. I'm entirely serious, it's a big improvement!
- [micro]( **Finally, a command-line editor for non-Vimmers!** A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor, similar to (but much nicer than!) the default `nano`.
- [vim]( **The OG.** An advanced text editor that's been around for decades, allowing efficient text editing with keyboard shortcuts.
- [neovim]( A modern refactor of Vim, which has since spawned its own _huge_ community.
- ⚠️ **This installs the latest _unstable_ Neovim version,** not the woefully out-of-date one that comes by default with Ubuntu. We need this because we also install...
- [LazyVim](, the only "full-featured" Neovim setup that actually [has instructions on how to install Copilot]( (It's possible in all of them, but actually being documented was what won me over!)
- [helix]( **Post-modern, zero-config.** A terminal-based text editor that's _actually_ modern and intuitive, with a focus on speed and minimalism.

#### Development and Coding Tools
- [git]( **The GOAT.** The most widely used distributed VCS on the planet. Always surprised this doesn't come pre-installed!
- [git-delta]( Never get confused by `git diff` again! A viewer for git and diff output with syntax highlighting and line numbers.
- [entr]( **Run $COMMAND when $FILE changes.** _Crazy_ useful for setting up quick little auto-compiling/testing loops during development, especially if you're using [tmux]( or [kitty]('s tabs.

#### Data Manipulation and Viewing
- [jq]( A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. A must-have for parsing and manipulating JSON data.
- [gron]( **Make JSON greppable!** by transforming it into discrete, greppable assignments. Pairs surprisingly nicely with `jq` if you use it to figure out what to actually _write_ in `jq`.
- [csvkit]( **Your CSV scalpels,** because we all know what file format the business world _really_ runs on. (Plenty of other great options here! `xsv`, `miller`, and `csv-to-sqlite` to name a few! I chose this just because I like having separate commands for `csvjoin`, `csvcut`, etc.)

#### System Monitoring and Search
- [htop]( An interactive process viewer, providing a real-time, color-coded overview of running processes.
- [lnav]( An **advanced log file viewer** for the small-scale. It helps you navigate through your log files, and it can automatically identify and color-highlight different log file structures.
- [bottom]( **CPU usage graphs? In _my_ terminal?** It's more likely than you think.

#### Things Other Things Here Need To Work Right
- [curl]( A command-line tool for getting or sending data using URL syntax. It supports multiple protocols, making it a go-to for many web operations. Needed to, well, `curl` the scripts here.
- [gcc]( The GNU Compiler Collection, providing compilers for various programming languages. Needed for some of the stuff [LazyVim]( installs.
- [make]( A utility that automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code. Needed for one of the packages [LazyVim]( installs.
- [g++]( The **GNU C++ compiler**. It's an essential tool for compiling C++ code. Needed for some of the stuff [LazyVim]( installs.
- [nodejs]( A **JavaScript runtime** built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Essential for a variety of JavaScript tasks and development workflows. Needed for LazyVim's Copilot server.

If I've forgotten anything, let me know!

### Can I run this on a live USB?

**I don't recommend it**; for some reason, every time I've tried these on a Live USB in a VM with 8 GB of RAM allocated to it, the VM shuts down mysteriously. Running `watch free -h` hasn't revealed to me any obvious out of RAM error, so I'm stumped! Can _you_ help me debug this mysterious issue?

### Does this work on Ubuntu Server?

**Yes!** Here's a Raspberry Pi SSH connection (using `kitty +kitten ssh` for [true convenience]( running Ubuntu Server 23.10. I had no issues at all installing it:



### Where else does this work?

Here's a list of places your humble author has ran these scripts and found them to work unaltered:

- [Laravel]('s [Homestead]( VM.