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a music theory development framework in python

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a music theory development framework in python




# kord
kord is a python framework that provides programmers with a simple api for the creation of music-based applications. While it's mainly intended for theoretical purposes, some of it's modules contain functionality specifically tailored for dealing with plucked-string instruments.


## installation

The only dependency for `kord` is the package `bestia`, my own library for creating command-line applications. Both can be automatically installed using pip:

$ python3 -m pip install kord

The fretboard application component of the framework can also be run directly in a containerized form. This requires you to install 0 dependencies on your system besides docker.

$ docker run -t synestematic/kord C --scale major

Scroll to the bottom of the README for more information on the fretboard application.

# api reference:

Please only expect to understand the following documentation if you have an above basic understanding of music theory. With that said, let's dive into the first module:

## kord.notes

### class MusicNote(object):

MusicNote instances are the building blocks of the framework and have 3 main attributes:

* chr: str ('C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'A', 'B')
* alt: str ('bb', 'b', '', '#', '##')
* oct: int (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

You can set these values when creating an instance and only the `chr` argument is required. Arguments `alt` and `oct` will default to `''` and `3` respectively. These are __positional__ arguments, not keyword arguments so keep that in mind when creating your objects.

>>> from kord.notes import MusicNote
>>> e3, f3 = MusicNote('e'), MusicNote('f')
>>> e3, f3
(E³, F³)
>>> MusicNote('G', 'b')
>>> MusicNote('C', 9)
>>> MusicNote('B', 'b', 7)
>>> MusicNote('C', '#', 0)

Notes with double alterations are supported but Notes with triple or more alterations will raise an exception:

>>> MusicNote('A', 'bb', 1)
>>> MusicNote('F', '##', 1)
>>> MusicNote('G', '###')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
kord.errors.InvalidAlteration: ###

Similarly, the maximum octave value currently supported is 9.

>>> MusicNote('D', 10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
kord.errors.InvalidOctave: 10

### Comparing MusicNote objects:

The ```- < > <= >= == != >> ** ``` operators allow computation of semitone intervals between MusicNote instances and give insight into their enharmonic relationships. Let's take a quick look at each operator separately:

#### - operator

The substraction operator lets you compute the difference in semitones between two notes:

>>> f3 - e3
>>> MusicNote('a', 'b', 2) - MusicNote('g', '#', 2)
>>> MusicNote('a', 8) - MusicNote('c', 4)
>>> MusicNote('a', 8) - MusicNote('c', '##', 4)

#### < > <= >= == != operators

Comparison operators return boolean values based *exclusively* on the interval between the 2 objects.

>>> f3 > e3
>>> f3 >= e3

While the concept is seemingly straightforward, special attention needs to be taken when using `== !=` with enharmonic notes.

>>> n1 = MusicNote('F', '#', 5)
>>> n2 = MusicNote('G', 'b', 5)
>>> n1, n2
(F♯⁵, G♭⁵)
>>> n1 == n2

The notes F♯⁵ and G♭⁵ are NOT the same but since their interval is a unison, the `==` comparison evaluates True. This might seem a bit counter-intuitive at first but you can still check for exact note matches with the use of 2 other operators.

#### >> ** operators

The power and right-shift operators allow you to compare Notes for equality based not on their intervals, but on their intrinsic `chr`, `alt`, `oct` properties. The strictest operator `>>` compares all 3 attributes for equality while the looser `**` ignores `oct`:

>>> ab1, ab5 = MusicNote('A', 'b', 1), MusicNote('A', 'b', 5)
>>> ab1 == ab5
>>> ab1 ** ab5

Notice `**` evaluates True since both instances are A flat notes, even when there is a wide interval between them.

>>> ab1 >> ab5
>>> ab1.oct = 5
>>> ab1 >> ab5

For the `>>` operator to evaluate True, the octaves of the notes must match as well.

## kord.keys

### class MusicKey(object):

Think of MusicKey objects as generators of MusicNote objects. You can define a new class which inherits MusicKey and use any theoretical arrangement of `intervals` from the root note in order to create chords, scales, modes, etc. You can further taylor these child classes by restricting `degrees` to specific values, this is very useful for creating chords.

These are a couple of pre-defined examples to give you an idea of how it works:

class ChromaticScale(MusicKey):
intervals = (

class MajorScale(MusicKey):
intervals = (

class MajorPentatonicScale(MajorScale):
degrees = (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)

class MajorTriad(MajorScale):
degrees = (1, 3, 5)

Bare in mind that MusicKey objects are initialized with `chr` and `alt` attributes, `oct` values are not taken into consideration. These allows us to simply unpack MusicNote objects in order to create MusicKey instances based off of them. Once we have a MusicKey object, we can access it's single degrees using list index notation:

>>> from kord.keys import ChromaticScale
>>> c = MusicNote('C')
>>> c_chromatic_scale = ChromaticScale(*c)
>>> c_chromatic_scale[2]
>>> c_chromatic_scale[12]

### MusicKey.spell()

Retrieving individual degrees is good, but it is perhaps more interesting to look at a more dynamic way of getting notes out of our MusicKey instances. The `spell()` method provides such an interface for generating MusicNote instances on the fly. Let's take a look at a couple of examples and the several arguments that we can use when calling this method:

>>> for note in c_chromatic_scale.spell():
... print(note, end=' ')
C⁰ C♯⁰ D⁰ D♯⁰ E⁰ F⁰ F♯⁰ G⁰ G♯⁰ A⁰ A♯⁰ B⁰ C¹ >>>

As seen above the method will generate the first octave of degrees of the object when called without arguments.

The `note_count` argument is an `int` and it allows us to set a specific amount of notes to retrieve:

>>> from kord.keys import MinorScale
>>> a_minor_scale = MinorScale('A')
>>> for note in a_minor_scale.spell(note_count=4):
... print(note, end=' ')
A⁰ B⁰ C¹ D¹ >>>

Be careful, ask for too many notes and kord will throw and Exception when `oct` 9 has been exceeded.

The `yield_all` argument is a `bool` that will make the method yield not just `MusicNote` instances, but also `None` objects for every non-diatonic semitone found:

>>> for note in a_minor_scale.spell(note_count=4, yield_all=True):
... print(note, end=' ')
A⁰ None B⁰ C¹ None D¹ >>>

The `start_note` argument is a `MusicNote` object that can be used to start getting notes only after a specific note has been found. This can be done even if the note is not diatonic to the scale:

>>> Db1 = MusicNote('D', 'b', 1)
>>> for note in a_minor_scale.spell(note_count=4, yield_all=True, start_note=Db1):
... print(note, end=' ')
None D¹ None E¹ F¹ None G¹ >>>

## fretboard tool

A sample application `` comes built-in with `kord` and gives some insight into the possibilities of the framework. It displays a representation of your instrument's fretboard, tuned to your liking along with note patterns for any given mode (scale/chord) for any given root note.

If you installed via pip (as opposed to cloning this repo) installation path will depend on your system, it's usually something like `/usr/local/fretboard` or `~/.local/fretboard`. You will also find a `tunings` directory with some pre-defined instrument tunings in the form of .json files. Feel free to modify them or add your own and they should immediately become available to the run-time.

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-d] [-s | -c ] [-i] [-t] [-f] [-v] root

<<< Fretboard visualizer sample tool for the kord music framework >>>

positional arguments:
root select key ROOT note

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --degrees show degree numbers instead of note pitches
-s , --scale major, minor, melodic_minor, harmonic_minor, major_pentatonic, minor_pentatonic,
ionian, lydian, mixolydian, aeolian, dorian, phrygian, locrian, chromatic
-c , --chord maj, min, aug, dim, maj7, min7, 7, dim7, min7dim5, maj9, min9, 9
-i , --instrument banjo, guitar, pedal, bass, ukulele
-t , --tuning check .json files for available options
-f , --frets 1, 2, .., 36
-v , --verbosity 0, 1, 2

The only required parameter is the `root` note.

The `--scale` and `--chord` options let you choose which note pattern to display for the selected root. They are mutually exclusive and the default value is `--chord maj` when left blank.

The `--instrument` and `--tuning` options refer to the json files you will find in the tunings directory. Default values are `--instrument guitar --tuning standard`.

The `--frets` option let's you choose how many frets to visualize, maximum value is 36. Default value will fill your terminal screen.

The `--verbosity` option let's you choose how much information to see on-screen from 0 to 2. Default value is 1.

The `--degrees` option let's you display degree numbers instead of notes. Default value is false.

## screenshots

Here are a couple of pics to get you excited:

### chords



### scales




Keep on rocking!