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An mpc-like interface to control mpv from the terminal + extra goodies 🚀

bsd cli fzf invidious macos media-player mpv mpv-scripts mpvc mpvc-tui mpvc-web mpvctl posix-sh terminal tui

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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An mpc-like interface to control mpv from the terminal + extra goodies 🚀




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# mpvc 🎧

An mpc-like control interface for the mpv player with a nearly complete compatibility layer for mpc commands in addition to GNU style arguments.
This forks [lwillets/mpvc]( providing some extra goodies such as: improved CLI, TUI, FZF, WEB & playing media from YouTube & streaming services.
Check the [Wiki](../../wiki), [LogBook]( & [Casts]( for a detailed view of the extra features of this fork.

## Overview

[mpvc]( functionality is provided by:

- [mpvc](../../blob/master/mpvc): provides the mpvc core CLI commands
- [extras/mpvc-tui](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-tui): provides a console TUI, using mpvc underneath
- [extras/mpvc-fzf](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-fzf): provides FZF integration to mpvc.
- [extras/mpvc-web](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-web): a hack to remotely control mpvc from web
- [extras/mpvc-mpris](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-mpris): speaks MPRIS to control mpv player through key-bindings.
- [extras/mpvc-equalizer](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-equalizer): provides a basic mpv equalizer for the CLI.
- [extras/mpvc-autostart](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-autostart): automatic mpv start/stop based on presence.
- [extras/mpvc-installer](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-installer): provides an installer to install/update mpvc.

For more details on how to use the above tools have a look at the [logbok.html](
In addition, the [casts/]( directory to shows some screencasts of mpvc in action.

## QuickInstall ▶️

[mpvc-installer](../../blob/master/extras/mpvc-installer) fetch-user: installs mpvc under BINDIR=~/bin/

`curl -fsSL -o mpvc-installer && sh ./mpvc-installer fetch-user`

## QuickStart

# fetch a local copy of the github repo
git clone
# use extras/mpvc-installer: just copy/link to your $HOME/bin
(cd mpvc; extras/mpvc-installer link-user)

# use mpvc-fzf to search and play youtube media
mpvc-fzf -p 'kupla mirage'
# use mpvc to add/load/save media files or online YT URLs
mpvc add /path/to/your/*.mp3 # or your URLs
find . -type f -name | mpvc load
mpvc save my-playlist

# use mpvc-fzf to manage the playlist
mpvc-fzf -f
# use mpvc-tui to start the tui + desktop notifications
mpvc-tui -T

## Screenshots

mpvc-tui -T: running the mpvc TUI

![mpvc-tui -T screenshot](../../blob/master/docs/assets/mpvc-tui.png)

mpvc-fzf -f: running with fzf to manage the playlist (screenshot click to view)

![mpvc-fzf screenshot](../../blob/master/docs/assets/mpvc-tui-arch.png)

mpvc-tui -n: running with mpvc-fzf and desktop notifications on the upper-right corner (screenshot click to view)

![mpvc tui+fzf+notifications screenshot](../../blob/master/docs/assets/mpvc-tui-fzf.png)

## Dependencies


- `mpv`
- `socat`: is recommended due to the differing implementations of `netcat` across UNIXes.
- `awk`: a sane version of `awk` is recommended

Recommended extras:

- `curl`
- `fzf`
- `notify-send`

Debian (and derivatives such as Ubuntu):

apt install mpv gawk curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify-bin

Arch (and derivatives):

pacman -Sy mpv gawk curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify

BSD (and pkg(1) based derivatives):

pkg install -y mpv gawk curl socat fzf rlwrap jq libnotify

MacOS (and brew(1) based derivatives see [FAQ](../../wiki/FAQ)):

brew install gawk socat fzf rlwrap jq gnu-sed yt-dlp # mpv curl libnotify

Check for missing dependencies using `mpvc-installer check-reqs`

## Install

To install mpvc:

- curl based install: as in [QuickInstall](#quickinstall-%EF%B8%8F).
- git based install: as in [QuickStart](#quickstart).

Distro packages:

- Arch Linux package: `pacaur -y mpvc-git` [mpvc-git](
- Gentoo Linux package: `emerge mpvc` [mpvc](
- Nix package: `nix-env -i mpvc` [mpvc](

## Usage

mpvc requires the use of mpv and its `--input-ipc-server` option.

mpvc automatically opens an ipc-server for you when adding files to be played,
but by default will close the ipc-server when all files have finished playing.

To keep the ipc-server open permanently, use:
$ mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket

You can also specify the default ipc server in your `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpv.conf`
which will make the most recent mpv instance you start be controllable via mpvc:

However, this may not be suitable if you have background music added
to the socket and then open a video using mpv. The new mpv instance will be
controllable through the socket, but the previous instance is not. You can get around
this by adding the video via mpvc, and manually switching to the video.

## Useful Tricks

Some basic tricks are provided in [QuickStart](#quickstart). For more tips on loading/saving/maniputaling the mpv playlist/state, managing av/vf filters, etc. are provided in the [LogBook](

- Hotkey daemons like [sxhkd]( can be used
to bind mpvc commands to key combinations. Alternatively check your window
manager documentation on how to bind keys to commands.
- Any URL that can be played using mpv can be added to the playlist, e.g. using
[mps-youtube]( with `player` set to
mpvc and `playerargs` set to add.
- mpvc executes faster ~4x faster when using dash symlinked to /bin/sh instead
of bash. Another faster alternative is mksh.
- mpvc should be fully POSIX compliant, meaning it should run on any UNIX-like
variant. Please report an [issue](../../issues) if you experience trouble.

## Limitations

Like any piece of software, mpvc is not perfect:

- mpvc does not resolve individual files in a directory unless it is
currently in or has been inside that directory, giving misleading results about
the total number of files in the current playlist. This is a limitation of mpv.
- mpvc depends on shell tools. If your shell is misconfigured or you are using
unusual variants of basic UNIX tools, mpvc is not guaranteed to work. However,
all effort has been made to make mpvc as POSIX compliant as possible.

Check out the [Issue Tracker](../../issues) for further improvements to be made.