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Parallax everywhere is a library with alternative android widgets with parallax effects.

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Parallax everywhere is a library with alternative android widgets with parallax effects.




# ![]( Parallax Everywhere#

[![Android Arsenal](](

Parallax everywhere (PEW) is a library with alternative android views using parallax effects.

## Demo ##

You can try the demo app on google play.

### Views with effect? ###

Android view | PEW view
--- | ---
ImageView | PEWImageView
TextView | PEWTextView

### How it works? ###

* Any parallax views (PEW*) needs to be inside a view with scroll events, ej: scrollView, listView, gridView....
* Parallax effect on views will be related to its position on device screen.
* Parallax effect in ImageView is calculated with left image in Scale mode centerCrop, centerInside or center. You can't make more parallax effect.
* Parallax effect in no image views needs a size parallax parameter (read: Attributes)

### Show me the code ###

Gradle dependencies:

compile 'com.fmsirvent:parallaxeverywhere:1.0.4'

Code in layout:




-dontwarn com.fmsirvent.ParallaxEverywhere.**

### Attributes ###

**All PEW**

* **reverse** = ["none", "reverseX", "reverseY", "reverseBoth"]
Change the direction of parallax effect. Default value "none".

* **block_parallax_x** and **block_parallax_y** = "boolean"
Blocks parallax effect. Default value false.

* **interpolation** = ["linear", "accelerate_decelerate", "accelerate", "anticipate", "anticipate_overshoot", "bounce", "decelerate", "overshoot"]
Animation interpolation. Default value "linear".

* **update_onDraw** = = "boolean"
Experimental attribute: update the parallax effect on draw event. Try if the parents don't has scroll. Now only works on +API:16 (Jelly bean). Default value false.

**Only: no image PEW**

* **parallax_x** and **parallax_y** = "dimension"
In non widgets images is necessary specify the size of parallax effect. The size will be split in half for each side. Default value 0.

## License

ParallaxEverywhere is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.