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🚦 Carefully extended flow-router for Meteor

flow-router javascript meteor meteor-package meteorjs routing

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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🚦 Carefully extended flow-router for Meteor





# FlowRouter Extra

Carefully extended `flow-router` package. FlowRouter is a very simple router for [Meteor.js]( It does routing for client-side apps and compatible with React, Vue, Svelte, and Blaze.

It exposes a great API for changing the URL and getting data from the URL. However, inside the router, it's not reactive. Most importantly, FlowRouter is designed with performance in mind and it focuses on what it does best: __routing__.

## Features:

- 📦 Not dependent on Blaze, ready for [__React.js__]( and other templating/components engines/libs;
- 📦 No `underscore` package dependency;
- 👨‍💻 TypeScript definition [`types.d.ts`](
- 👨‍🔬 Great [tests coverage](;
- 🥑 Up-to-date [dependencies](;
- 📦 Support of [Fast Render]( and [other great packages](;
- 📋 Following semver with regular [releases](;
- 📋 Great [wiki](;
- 📋 Great [quick start tutorial](

## Install

meteor add ostrio:flow-router-extra

### ES6 Import

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';
// Full list of available classes and instances:
// { FlowRouter, Router, Route, Group, Triggers, BlazeRenderer, RouterHelpers }

### Usage

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

FlowRouter.decodeQueryParamsOnce = true;

FlowRouter.route('/', {
name: 'index',
action() {
// Render a template using Blaze

// Can be used with BlazeLayout,
// and ReactLayout for React-based apps

// Create 404 route (catch-all)
FlowRouter.route('*', {
action() {
// Show 404 error page using Blaze

// Can be used with BlazeLayout,
// and ReactLayout for React-based apps

## Documentation

- Continue with our [wiki](;
- [Quick start]( tutorial;
- All docs as [single document](

### Related packages:

- [`ostrio:flow-router-title`]( - Reactive page title (`document.title`)
- [`ostrio:flow-router-meta`]( - Per route `meta` tags, `script` and `link` (CSS), set per-route stylesheets and scripts
- [`communitypackages:fast-render`]( - Fast Render can improve the initial load time of your app, giving you 2-10 times faster initial page loads. [`fast-render` integration tutorial](
- [`communitypackages:inject-data`]( - This is the package used by `fast-render` to push data to the client with the initial HTML
- [`flean:flow-router-autoscroll`]( - Autoscroll for Flow Router
- [`mealsunite:flow-routing-extra`]( - Add-on for User Accounts
- [`nxcong:flow-routing`]( - Add-on for User Accounts (alternative)
- [`forwarder:autoform-wizard-flow-router-extra`]( - Flow Router bindings for AutoForm Wizard
- [`nicolaslopezj:router-layer`]( - Helps package authors to support multiple routers
- [`krishaamer:flow-router-breadcrumb`]( - Easy way to add a breadcrumb with enough flexibility to your project (`flow-router-extra` edition)
- [`krishaamer:body-class`]( - Easily scope CSS by automatically adding the current template and layout names as classes on the body element

## Running Tests

1. Clone this package
2. In Terminal (*Console*) go to directory where package is cloned
3. Then run:

### Meteor/Tinytest

# Default
meteor test-packages ./

# With custom port
meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

# With local MongoDB and custom port
MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

## Support this project:

- [Sponsor via GitHub](
- [Support via PayPal]( — support my open source contributions once or on regular basis
- Use []( — [Monitoring](, [Analytics](, [WebSec](, [Web-CRON]( and [Pre-rendering]( for a website