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Svelte compiler for Meteor with built in tracker integration and HMR

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Svelte compiler for Meteor with built in tracker integration and HMR




# zodern:melte

Build [cybernetically enhanced web apps]( with Meteor and Svelte.

Based on [meteor-svelte]( with these added features:

- Tracker statements
- Support for hot module replacement (HMR) to update modified components without requiring a full page reload. Requires your app to use Meteor 2 and the [hot-module-replacement]( package.
- Handles syntax errors without crashing
- Supports Typescript preprocessing for script blocks

Compatible with Meteor 1.8.2 and newer.

## Installation

To use `meteor-svelte`, run the following commands:

meteor add zodern:melte
meteor npm install svelte

The `svelte` npm package uses newer JS syntax. To fix any errors with the cordova or legacy client, update your package.json file to tell Meteor to recompile it:


"meteor": {

"nodeModules": {
"recompile": {
"svelte": ["legacy"]

### Tracker Statements

In addition to the [$ reactive statements]($_marks_a_statement_as_reactive) Svelte normally supports, this adds `$m` tracker statements. They behave the same as normal reactive statements, but also rerun whenever any Tracker dependencies they use are invalidated. Behind the scenes, it uses [`Tracker.autorun`](



const Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos');

let sortDirection = 1;
let subReady = false;

// Tracker will unsubscribe when the Svelte component is destroyed
$m: {
let sub = Meteor.subscribe('todos');
subReady = sub.ready();

// This will rerun whenever the documents are updated or sortDirection is changed
$m: todos = Todos.find({}, { sort: { createdAt: sortDirection}}).fetch()

// You can still use normal reactive statements
$: completedCount = todos.filter(todo => todo.completed).length;

Sort by:

Oldest First
Newest First

{#if !subReady}



    {#each todos as todo}
  • {} - {todo.createdAt}

  • {/each}

{completedCount} completed


## Typescript

To use typescript with svelte files:

1) Add the typescript npm package to your app with `meteor npm i --save-dev typescript`
2) Add a `tsconfig.json` file. An example file can be found in the [Meteor docs](
3) In your svelte files, set the `lang="ts"` attribute for scripts:


let count = 0;

let doubled: number;
$: doubled = count * 2;

Click me

You've clicked the button {count} times (doubled: {doubled}).


Melte does not check the types when compiling Svelte files. To check types, you can use [`svelte-check`]( or [`eslint-plugin-svelte3`](

Learn more about using Typescript and Svelte from [Svelte's docs](

If you encounter the error `The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined`, this is usually from Typescript not being able to find the `tsconfig.json` file.

## Options

Compiler options can be specified with a `"svelte:compiler"` property in `package.json`. For example:

"svelte:compiler": {
"extensions": ["svelte", "html"],
"hydratable": true,
"css": false

**`extensions` (default: `["svelte"]`)**

An array of file extensions to be recognized by the package.
Note that HTML files are not compiled with the Svelte compiler if they contain top-level `` or `` elements.
Instead, the contents of the elements are added to the respective sections in the HTML output generated by Meteor (similar to what the `static-html` package does).

**`hydratable` (default: `false`)**

By default, Svelte removes server-rendered static HTML when the application is loaded on the client and replaces it with a client-rendered version.
If you want to reuse (hydrate) server-rendered HTML, set the `hydratable` option to `true` (which generates additional code for client components) and [use the `hydrate` option when instantiating your root component](

**`css` (default: `true`)**

Svelte can [extract styles for server-side rendering](
If you want to render CSS on the server, you might want to set the `css` option to `false` so that client-rendered components don't insert CSS into the DOM.

## Server-Side Rendering

`meteor-svelte` supports server-side rendering with minimal configuration.
If you import Svelte components on the server, they are automatically built for server-side rendering.
See the [Svelte API docs](, the [example app](, and the `hydratable` and `css` options above for more details.

## Examples

* [Apollo integration](
* [Tracker integration](
* [Server-side rendering](