
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A tool to bundle the client part of a Meteor app.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A tool to bundle the client part of a Meteor app.




# Meteor Build Client

Builder and bundler for the client part of a Meteor application. As a result it would generate simple `index.html`, so it can be hosted on any server or even loaded via the `file://` protocol.

## ToC:

- [Installation](
- [Important notes](
- [Bundler output](
- [Usage and examples](
- [Pass `settings.json`](
- [Pass `ROOT_URL`](
- [Use absolute or relative URLs](
- [Use pre-build bundle](
- [Tips'n tricks](
- [Recommended `.meteor/packages`](
- [Templating](
- [Connect to server](
- [HTTP Server/Proxy usage](
- [Apache](
- [Nginx](
- Get help:
- [GitHub issues](
- [Gitter Chat](

## Installation

npm install -g meteor-build-client

## Important notes:

- __The Meteor/Atmosphere package `frozeman:build-client` is just a placeholder package, there's no need to install it__;
- __Warning__: the content of the output folder will be deleted before building the new output! So don't do things like `meteor-build-client /home`!
- __Do not use dynamic imports!__ e.g. `import('/eager/file');`;
- By default this package link __legacy__ ES5 bundle build; For ES6/Modern scripts build an app with `meteor build --exclude-archs web.browser.legacy --directory` flag and pass it to `--usebuild `, [see docs](

## Output

The content of the output folder could look as follows:

- `index.html`
- `a28817fe16898311635fa73b959979157e830a31.css`
- `aeca2a21c383327235a08d55994243a9f478ed57.js`
- `...` (other files from project's `/public` directory)

## Usage

Things you need to know before exporting your project

### Define where stylesheet links & script links will land
`meteor-build-client` looks for the `` tag in your `` section and the `` tag in the `` section.



**Note**: this does not work for blaze projects. For blaze projects you can only set `` in your header. It is invalid to set `` in your body, simply leave it out and the right thing will happen.

### Command line usage
List all available options and show docs:

meteor-build-client --help

Usage examples:

# cd to meteor app
cd /my/app

# run meteor-build-client
meteor-build-client ../output/directory

# build meteor app as usual
meteor build ../build-directory --directory
# bundle client-only assets with meteor-build-client
meteor-build-client ../build-directory-client --url --usebuild ../build-directory

### Passing a settings.json

Pass Meteor's `settings.json` settings file via `--settings` or `-s` option:

meteor-build-client ../output/directory -s ../settings.json

__Note:__ Only the `public` property of that JSON file will be add to the `Meteor.settings` property.

### App URL

Set the `ROOT_URL` of the application via `--url` or `-u` option:

meteor-build-client ../output/directory -u

By passing `"default"`, application will try to connect to the server from where the application was served. If this option was not set, it will set the server to `""` (empty string) and will add a `Meteor.disconnect()` after Meteor was loaded.

### Absolute or relative paths

To serve application via `file://` protocol (by opening the `index.html`) set `--path` or `-p` option to `""` (*empty string*). This would generate relative paths for assets across the application:

meteor-build-client ../output/directory -p ""

The default path value is `"/"`.

__Note:__ "path" value will replace paths in generated CSS file. Use it to link fonts and other assets correctly.

### Using your own build folder

To use pre-build Meteor application, built using `meteor build` command manually, specify the `--usebuild ` flag and `meteor-build-client` will not run the `meteor build` command.

## Best practices

Tips'n tricks using client bundle

### Recommended packages for client-only build

When building server-less standalone web application we recommend to replace `meteor-base` with `meteor` and `webapp` packages.

@@ .meteor/packages
- meteor-base
+ meteor
+ webapp

## Connecting to a Meteor server

In order to connect to a Meteor servers, create DDP connection by using `DDP.connect()`, as seen in the following example:

// This Should be in both server and client in a lib folder
DDPConnection = (Meteor.isClient) ? DDP.connect('http://localhost:3000/') : {};

// When creating a new collection on the client use:
if(Meteor.isClient) {
posts = new Mongo.Collection('posts', DDPConnection);

// set the new DDP connection to all internal packages, which require one
Meteor.connection = DDPConnection;
Accounts.connection = Meteor.connection;
Meteor.users = new Mongo.Collection('users');

// Subscribe like this:

## Making routing work on a non Meteor server

To enforce JavaScript routing, all requests should point to `index.html`. See below "rewrite" instructions for various http/proxy servers.

### Apache

Create `.htaccess` for Apache with `mod_rewrite` rules:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

# Always pass through requests for files that exist
# Per
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . - [L]

# Send all other requests to index.html where the JavaScript router can take over
# and render the requested route
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.html [L]


### Nginx

Use `try_files` and `error_page` to redirect all requests to non-existent files to `index.html`. Static files will be served by nginx itself.

server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;

index index.html;
root /var/www/myapp;

error_page 404 =200 /index.html;

location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;