
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

🔥A curated list of awesome things related to Blaze

List: awesome-blaze

blaze blazejs meteor meteor-framework meteor-package meteorjs

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

🔥A curated list of awesome things related to Blaze




awesome-blaze logo

A curated list of delightful Blaze packages and resources. If you want to contribute, please read the contribution guidelines.

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Contributions welcome

# Table of Contents
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Official Resources](#official-resources)
- [Jobs](#jobs)
- [Community](#community)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Projects using Blaze](#projects-using-blaze)
- [Open Source](#open-source)
- [Commercial](#commercial)
- [Blaze Packages](#blaze-packages)
- [Components](#components)
- [Routing](#routing)
- [Libraries](#libraries)
- [SSR](#ssr)
- [Contributions](#contributions)
- [License](#license)

# Resources

### Official Resources
- [Website](
- [Official Guide](
- [API Reference](
- [GitHub Repo](
- [Changelog](

### Jobs

- [WeWorkMeteor](

### Community

- [Meteor Forums](
- [Slack Channel](

### Tutorials
- [Meteor Blaze Tutorial](
- [LevelUp Tutorials Blaze](

# Projects using Blaze

### Open Source

- [Rocket Chat](
- [Wekan](

### Commercial
- [CodeSignal](
- [Classcraft](
- [Favro](
- [Rationalk](

# Blaze Packages

### Components
- [arggh:teleport]( - Render templates anywhere in the DOM. ![Size: Tiny](
- [aldeed:autoform]( - UI components and helpers to easily create basic forms with automatic insert and update events, and automatic reactive validation. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [dispatch:scrollview]( - A high performance infinite scrollview for meteor. ![Not maintained](
- [znewsham:dynamic-table]( - Flexible datatables for large collections in Meteor
- [d3k4y:tabular]( - Reactive datatables for large or small datasets.

### Routing
- [ostrio:flow-router-extra]( - Carefully extended flow-router package. ![Code quality: Golden](

### Libraries
- [manuel:viewmodel]( - MVVM for Meteor. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [peerlibrary:blaze-components]( - A system for easily developing complex UI elements that need to be reused around your Meteor app.
- [themeteorites:blaze-magic-events]( - A new way of binding event handlers to html elements for Meteor's Blaze.
- [aldeed:template-extension]( - Replace already defined templates, inherit helpers and events from other templates.
- [dburles:google-maps]( - Meteor package for the Google Maps Javascript API v3. ![Not maintained](

### Forms

- [aldeed:autoform]( - Provides UI components and helpers to easily create basic forms with automatic insert and update events, and automatic reactive validation. ![Code quality: Golden](
- #### Extensions

- [aldeed:autoform-bs-datepicker]( - Provides a single custom input type, "bootstrap-datepicker", which renders an input using the [bootstrap-datepicker]( plugin. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [aldeed:autoform-select2]( - Provides a single custom input type, "select2", which renders an input using the [select2]( plugin. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [mpowaga:autoform-summernote]( - Adds a WYSIWYG editor to AutoForm (Continued via [aniskhan001:autoform-summernote]( ![Not maintained](
- [newnectar:meteor-autoform-select-country-flags]( - Simple select for countries using selectize. ![Size: Tiny](
- [ostrio:autoform-files]( - Upload and manage files with support for many backends, such as collectionFS, GridFS or Amazon S3. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [muqube:autoform-nouislider]( - Provies a customizable [noUiSlider]( input type.
- [forwarder:autoform-wizard]( - Create wizard-like multi step components.
- [jkuester:autoform-bpmn]( - Adds the []( BPMN modeler as input type.

- #### Themes

- [mozfet:autoform-materialize]( - [Materialize-css]( styled forms for AutoForm. ![Code quality: Golden](
- [imajus:autoform-bootstrap4]( - A Bootstrap 4 theme for all builtin AutoForm components and inputs.

- [templates:forms]( - Build production-ready, reactive forms in minutes. Even complex workflows can be achieved with just a few lines of code. ![Not maintained](

### SSR
- [meteorhacks:ssr]( - Server Side Rendering for Meteor. ![Not maintained](

# Contributions

Contributions are appreciated. Please read the [contribution guidelines](

# License


To the extent possible under law, [arggh]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.