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PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset to enforce WordPress VIP coding standards.

php-codesniffer phpcs ruleset vip wordpress

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PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset to enforce WordPress VIP coding standards.




# VIP Coding Standards

This project contains [PHP_CodeSniffer (PHPCS) sniffs and rulesets]( to validate code developed for [WordPress VIP](

This project contains two rulesets:

- `WordPressVIPMinimum` - for use with projects on the (older) VIP platform.
- `WordPress-VIP-Go` - for use with projects on the (newer) VIP Go platform.

These rulesets contain only the rules which are considered to be [errors]( and [warnings]( according to the WordPress VIP documentation.

The rulesets use rules from the [WordPress Coding Standards]( (WPCS) project, as well as the [VariableAnalysis]( standard.

[Learn]( about why violations are flagged as errors vs warnings and what the levels mean.

## Minimal requirements

* PHP 5.4+
* [PHPCS 3.8.0+](
* [PHPCSUtils 1.0.9+](
* [PHPCSExtra 1.2.1+](
* [WPCS 3.0.0+](
* [VariableAnalysis 2.11.17+](

## Installation

[Composer]( will install the latest compatible versions of PHPCS, PHPCSUtils, PHPCSExtra, WPCS and VariableAnalysis and register the external standards with PHP_CodeSniffer.

Please refer to the [installation instructions for installing PHP_CodeSniffer for WordPress VIP]( for more details.

As of VIPCS version 2.3.0, there is no need to `require` the [PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer Plugin]( anymore as it is now a requirement of VIPCS itself. Permission to run the plugin will still need to be granted though when using Composer 2.2 or higher.

### Composer Project-based Installation

To install the VIP Coding Standards, run the following from the root of your project:

composer config allow-plugins.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer true
composer require --dev automattic/vipwpcs

### Composer Global Installation

Alternatively, it can be installed standard globally for use across multiple projects:

composer global config allow-plugins.dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer true
composer global require --dev automattic/vipwpcs

## Contribution

Please see [](.github/

## License

Licensed under [GPL-2.0-or-later](