
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your React and React-Native projects.

hacktoberfest icomoon icon icons react react-native reactjs svg svg-icons

Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation

It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your React and React-Native projects.




![React-Icomoon Logo](/banner.png)

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It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your `React` and `React-Native` projects.

### [Cheatsheet]( - [Interactive Demo]( - [Buy Me a Coffee](

## Install

npm install react-icomoon

yarn add react-icomoon

## Usage

You can use []( to access over `40,000` free icons and convert your own icons into `selection.json`.

Or you can use [IcoMoon]( to generate the `selection.json` file.

### Declare

// Icon.jsx
import IcoMoon from "react-icomoon";
import iconSet from "./selection.json";

const Icon = (props) => ;

export default Icon;

#### With TypeScript

// Icon.tsx
import IcoMoon, { IconProps } from "react-icomoon";
import iconSet from "./selection.json";

const Icon = (props: IconProps) => ;

export default Icon;

### Use

import Icon from "./Icon";


## Props List

| Name | Type | Default | Sample |
| ----------------- | ------------- | ------- | ----------------------------- |
| iconSet | Object | - | "selection.json file content" |
| icon | String | - | "home" |
| size | Number,String | - | "1em", 10, "100px" |
| color | String | - | "red", "#f00", "rgb(0,0,0)" |
| style | Object | {...} | { color: '#ff0'} |
| title | String | - | "Icon Title" |
| className | String | - | "icomoon" |
| disableFill | Boolean | - | true |
| removeInlineStyle | Boolean | - | true |

### Default Style

display: "inline-block",
stroke: "currentColor",
fill: "currentColor",

## iconList

You can use the iconList method to see a complete list of icons you can use.

import IcoMoon, { iconList } from "react-icomoon";


// sample output

## React Native 🎉 • [Demo](

### **Step 1:** Install Dependencies

npm install react-icomoon react-native-svg

yarn add react-icomoon react-native-svg

### **Step 2:** Declare

#### Additional props for React Native

| Name | Type | Default | Sample |
| ------------- | --------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| native | Boolean | - | true |
| SvgComponent | React.Component | - | SvgComponent |
| PathComponent | React.Component | - | PathComponent |

// Icon.jsx
import IcoMoon from "react-icomoon";
import { Svg, Path } from "react-native-svg";
import iconSet from "./selection.json";

const Icon = (props) => (


export default Icon;

**Step 3:** Use

import Icon from "./Icon";


### Related Links

- [vue-icomoon](
- [svelte-icomoon](