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Small Neovim configuration written in Lua that is specifically designed for web development.

kickstart-nvim lua neovim neovim-config neovim-configuration neovim-lsp neovim-lua vim vim-configuration web-development

Last synced: 19 days ago
JSON representation

Small Neovim configuration written in Lua that is specifically designed for web development.




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* Small: ~400 lines of code.
* Fast: ~20ms startup time.
* Lazy: loads plugins on demand.
* Simple: one single file, easy to read and understand.
* Flexible: customize it to your specific needs and preferences.

## 📸 Screenshots

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## ⚡️ Requirements

The _minimum_ recommended requirements are:

- neovim `>= 0.7.0`

## 📦 Installation

* Run `./scripts/install`
* Start Neovim (`nvim`) and run `:PackerInstall` - ignore any error message about missing plugins, `:PackerInstall` will fix that shortly
* Restart Neovim

### Manually

* Backup your previous configuration
* Copy and paste the [init.lua](./src/init.lua) into `$HOME/.config/nvim/init.lua`

## ⚙️ Configuration

You could directly modify the `init.lua` file with your personal customizations. However, if you update your config from this repo, you may need to reapply your changes.

Alternatively, you can create a separate `custom.plugins` module to register your own plugins, and handle further customizations in the `/after/plugin/` directory (see :help load-plugins). This technique makes upgrading to a newer version of this repo easier.

The following is an example `custom.lua` file (located at `$HOME/.config/nvim/after/plugin/custom.lua`).

vim.opt.relativenumber = true
vim.keymap.set('n', 'sr', require('telescope.builtin').resume, { desc = '[S]earch [R]esume' })

You can find my extra configuration file [here](./src/after/plugin/custom.lua) as an example.

## ⚠️ Disclamer

This repo is primarily for personal use. The `after/plugin` directory contains personal configs that fit my workflow. You can also install them by running `./scripts/install all`.