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FoldView implemented in JavaScript ⛱


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FoldView implemented in JavaScript ⛱




# React Native FoldView [![Medium](]( [![CircleCI](]( [![npm version](]( [![npm](](

FoldingCell implementation in JavaScript. This project was inspired by the folding cell animation seen on [Dribbble](

#### Questions?
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter [@jmurzy](

### Read it on Medium
To learn more about how FoldView was implemented, check out the article on Medium: [Implementing FoldView in React Native](

### Example
The demo app from the GIF can be found at `examples/Simple`.

To build and run the example app:

git clone

cd react-native-foldview/examples/Simple
npm install

To deploy to iOS simulator:

npm run ios

### Installation

#### Using npm:

$ npm install --save react-native-foldview

#### Using yarn:

$ yarn add react-native-foldview

### Usage

import React, { Component } from 'react';

import FoldView from 'react-native-foldview';

const Frontface = (props) => (/*...*/);
const Backface = (props) => (/*...*/);
const Base = (props) => (/*...*/);

export default class Row extends Component {

constructor(props) {

this.state = {
expanded: false,

componentWillMount() {
this.flip = this.flip.bind(this);

flip() {
expanded: !this.state.expanded,

renderFrontface() {
return (


renderBackface() {
* You can nest s here to achieve the folding effect shown in the GIF above.
* A reference implementation can be found in examples/Simple.
return (


render() {
return (



#### Props

| Prop | Type | Description |
|**`children`**|`ReactElement`|React Element(s) to render.|
|**`flipDuration`**|`?number`|Length of flip animation in milliseconds. _Default 280._|
|**`renderBackface`**|`() => ReactElement`|Callback that renders a backface.|
|**`renderFrontface`**|`() => ReactElement`|Callback that renders a frontface.|
|**`renderLoading`**|`?() => ReactElement`|Callback that renders a temporary view to display before base layout occurs. If not provided, `renderFrontface` is used instead.|

#### Root-only Props

FoldViews can be nested. The following props can only be set on the root `FoldView`.

| Prop | Type | Description |
|**`collapse`**|`?(foldviews: Array) => Promise`|Called when FoldView should collapse allowing you to have control over which FoldViews(s) to collapse. Default behavior is to wait until a FoldView is collapsed before collapsing the next one.|
|**`expand`**|`?(foldviews: Array) => Promise`|Called when FoldView should expand allowing you to have control over which FoldView(s) to expand. Default behavior is to wait until a FoldView is expanded before expanding the next one.|
|**`expanded`**|`boolean`|Allows you to expand and collapse the FoldView content.|
|**`onAnimationEnd`**|`?(duration: number, height: number) => void`|Called when a collapse animation ends.|
|**`onAnimationStart`**|`?(duration: number, height: number) => void`|Called before an expand animation starts.|
|**`perspective`**|`?number`|Defines the space within which the 3D animation occurs.|

### Advanced Usage
You can customize the behavior of expand and collapse animations using the `expand` and `collapse` props on the root `FoldView`. For example, it's very much possible to collapse all FoldViews in a given stack altogether rather than one by one. You can do so as follows:

const collapse = async (foldViews) => {
* Internally, FoldView turns off rasterization when collapsed as an optimization to decrease
* memory usage. It's important to wrap your calls in a `Promise` here to avoid early disabling
* of rasterization.
await Promise.all( => foldView.collapse()));

{ /* ... */ }


### Platform Support
This library heavily depends on the `overflow` style property. Unfortunately, `overflow` defaults to `hidden` on Android and cannot be changed. Although it looks like a [possible]( [fix]( is in the making, currently, FoldingView is only supported on iOS.

### Contributing
Contributions are very welcome: bug fixes, features, documentation, tests. Just make sure the CI is 👌.

#### Hacking

Unfortunately, React Native packager does not support symlinking so you cannot use [`npm link`]( when hacking on this library. You can learn more about that, [here](

The library code is specified as a [local dependency](local dependency) in the example's `package.json`. In order to hack on the library code, you need to sync it into `examples/Simple/node_modules`. To do so, run:

npm run watch

This will automatically watch the `src` directory and sync your changes into `examples/Simple/node_modules` every time something changes.

#### License

All pull requests that get merged will be made available under [the MIT license](, as the rest of the repository.