
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

R package that provides an interface to the HERE REST APIs: Geocoder API, Routing API, Traffic API, Public Transit API and Destination Weather API. Locations and routes are returned as 'sf' objects.

api geocoding gis here-technologies isoline routing rspatial rstats traffic weather

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

R package that provides an interface to the HERE REST APIs: Geocoder API, Routing API, Traffic API, Public Transit API and Destination Weather API. Locations and routes are returned as 'sf' objects.




# hereR

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The **hereR** package provides an interface to the **HERE REST APIs** for R:
(1) geocode and autosuggest addresses or reverse geocode POIs using the **Geocoder API**;
(2) route directions, travel distance or time matrices and isolines using the **Routing API**, **Matrix Routing API** and **Isoline Routing API**;
(3) request real-time traffic flow and incident information from the **Traffic API**;
(4) find public transport connections and nearby stations using the **Public Transit API**;
(5) request intermodal routes using the **Intermodal Routing API**;
(6) get weather forecasts, reports on current weather conditions and astronomical information at a specific location from the **Destination Weather API**.

Locations, routes and isolines are returned as `sf` objects.

## Installation

You can install the released version of **hereR** from [CRAN]( with:


Install the development version from [GitHub]( with:


## Usage

This package requires an API key for a HERE project. The key is set for the current R session and is used to authenticate in the requests to the APIs. A login can be created on []( In order to obtain the API key navigate to a project of your choice in the developer portal, select '**REST: Generate APP**' and then '**Create API Key**'.

To set the API key, use:


**Note:** Your use of the HERE APIs with this package is subject to the [HERE Developer Terms and Conditions]( For freemium licenses the number of requests per second (RPS) is limited, use `set_freemium(FALSE)` to turn off limits for accounts with paid plans.

Once valid application credentials are created and the key is set in the R session, the APIs can be addressed using the functions shown in the examples below. A more detailed description can be found in the documentation of the functions and the package vignettes.

**Geocoding & Search API:** Autosuggest and geocode addresses or reverse geocode POIs.

geocode(c("Schweighofstrasse 190, Zurich, Switzerland", "Hardstrasse 48, Zurich, Switzerland"))

autosuggest(c("Schweighofstrasse", "Hardstrasse"))


**Routing API:** Construct route geometries with elevation (dim = `XYZ`).

route(poi[1:2, ], poi[3:4, ], transport_mode = "car", traffic = TRUE)

route(poi[1:2, ], poi[3:4, ], transport_mode = "car", traffic = FALSE)

route(poi[4, ], poi[5, ], transport_mode = "bicycle")

**Matrix Routing API:** Request a matrix of route summaries.

route_matrix(poi, transport_mode = "car", traffic = TRUE)

geocode(c("Schweighofstrasse 190, Zurich, Switzerland", "Hardstrasse 48, Zurich, Switzerland")),
transport_mode = "bicycle", traffic = FALSE

**Isoline Routing API:** Construct isolines around points (time, distance or consumption).

isoline(poi, range_type = "time", transport_mode = "pedestrian")

isoline(poi, range_type = "distance", transport_mode = "truck")

isoline(poi, range_type = "consumption", transport_mode = "car", traffic = FALSE)

**Traffic API:** Get real-time traffic flow or incidents in a specific area.



**Public Transit API:** Request public transport connections between points or find stations nearby.

connection(poi[1:2, ], poi[3:4, ])

station(poi, radius = 500)

**Intermodal Routing API:** Get routes with various combinations of transport modes.

intermodal_route(poi[1:2, ], poi[3:4, ])

**Destination Weather API:** Request weather observations, forecasts, astronomical information or alerts at specific locations.

weather(poi, product = "observation")

weather(poi, product = "forecast_hourly")

weather(poi, product = "forecast_astronomy")

weather(poi, product = "alerts")

## Contributing

- Contributions to this package are very welcome, issues and pull requests are the preferred ways to share them. Please see the [Contribution Guidelines](
- This project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

## References

- [Developer Terms and Conditions](
- [Geocoding & Search API](
- [Routing API](
- [Matrix Routing API](
- [Isoline Routing API](
- [Traffic API](
- [Public Transit API](
- [Intermodal Routing API](
- [Destination Weather API](