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Develop a Telegram Bot with R

cran package r r-telegram-bot telegram-bot

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Develop a Telegram Bot with R





> Develop a Telegram Bot with R

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This package provides a pure R interface for the [Telegram Bot API]( In addition to the pure API implementation, it features a number of tools to make the development of Telegram bots with R easy and straightforward, providing an easy-to-use interface that takes some work off the programmer.

## Installation

You can install `` from CRAN:

``` r

Or the development version from GitHub:

``` r
# install.packages("devtools")

## Usage

You can quickly build a chatbot with a few lines!

If you don't have an access token (`TOKEN`), please follow the steps explained
[below](#generating-an-access-token) to generate one.

### Updater

`Updater` polls for new messages using the Telegram `getUpdates` API method and invokes
your handlers when new messages are found.

Replace `TOKEN` with the access token you generated.


start <- function(bot, update) {
chat_id = update$message$chat$id,
text = sprintf("Hello %s!", update$message$from$first_name)

updater <- Updater("TOKEN") + CommandHandler("start", start)

updater$start_polling() # Send "/start" to the bot

### Webhook

`Webhook` listens for messages POST'd to a webhook end-point URL, configured using the
Telegram `setWebhook` API method, and invokes your handlers when new messages are received.

Note that this method requires a publicly accessible end-point which Telegram is able to access.

Replace `TOKEN` with the access token you generated and `` with
your end-point's publicly accessible URL.

**Security Consideration**: It is recommended that you run the `Webhook` server behind a reverse
proxy since it needs to be publicly accessible on the internet and thus needs to be secured.


start <- function(bot, update) {
chat_id = update$message$chat$id,
text = sprintf("Hello %s!", update$message$from$first_name)

webhook <- Webhook("", "TOKEN") + CommandHandler("start", start)

webhook$start_server() # Send "/start" to the bot

## Telegram API Methods

One of the core instances from the package is `Bot`, which represents a Telegram Bot. You can find a full list of the Telegram API methods implemented in its documentation (`?Bot`), but here there are some examples:

# Initialize bot
bot <- Bot(token = "TOKEN")

# Get bot info

# Get updates
updates <- bot$getUpdates()

# Retrieve your chat id
# Note: you should text the bot before calling `getUpdates`
chat_id <- updates[[1L]]$from_chat_id()

# Send message
text = "foo *bold* _italic_",
parse_mode = "Markdown"

# Send photo
photo = ""

# Send audio
audio = ""

# Send document
document = ""

# Send sticker
sticker = ""

# Send video
video = ""

# Send gif
animation = ""

# Send location
latitude = 51.521727,
longitude = -0.117255

# Send chat action
action = "typing"

# Get user profile photos
photos <- bot$getUserProfilePhotos(user_id = chat_id)

# Download user profile photo
file_id <- photos$photos[[1L]][[1L]]$file_id
bot$getFile(file_id, destfile = "photo.jpg")

Note that you can also send local files by passing their path instead of an URL. Additionally, all methods accept their equivalent `snake_case` syntax (e.g. `bot$get_me()` is equivalent to `bot$getMe()`).

## Generating an Access Token

To make it work, you'll need an access `TOKEN` (it should look something like `123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11`). If you don't have it, you have to talk to [*@BotFather*]( and follow a few simple steps (described [here](

**Recommendation:** Following [Hadley's API
it's unsafe to type the `TOKEN` just in the R script. It's better to use
environment variables set in `.Renviron` file.

So let's say you have named your bot `RTelegramBot`; you can open the `.Renviron` file with the R command:

file.edit(path.expand(file.path("~", ".Renviron")))

And put the following line with your `TOKEN` in your `.Renviron`:

If you follow the suggested `R_TELEGRAM_BOT_` prefix convention you'll be able
to use the `bot_token` function (otherwise you'll have to get
these variable from `Sys.getenv`). Finally, **restart R** and you can then create the `Updater` object as:

updater <- Updater(token = bot_token("RTelegramBot"))

## Getting Started

To get you started with ``, we recommend to take a look at its [Wiki](

- [Introduction to the API](
- Tutorial: [Building an R Bot in 3 steps](

You can also check these other resources:

- [Telegram Bot API Documentation](
- ['' CRAN Documentation](

If you have any other doubt about the package, you can [post a question on Stack Overflow]( under the `r-telegram-bot` tag or directly [e-mail the package's maintainer](mailto:[email protected]).

## Contributing

The package is in a starting phase, so contributions of all sizes are very welcome. Please:
- Review our [contribution guidelines]( to get started.
- You can also help by [reporting bugs](

## Attribution

This package is inspired by Python's library
[`python-telegram-bot`](, specially by its submodule `telegram.ext`.