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Popup menu component for React Native

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Popup menu component for React Native




# react-native-popup-menu

Extensible popup menu component for React Native for Android, iOS and (unofficially) UWP and react-native-web.

* Simple to use popup/context menu
* Multiple modes: animated, not animated, slide in from bottom or popover
* By default opening and closing animations
* Optional back button handling
* Easy styling
* Customizable on various levels - menu options, positioning, animations
* Can work as controlled as well as uncontrolled component
* Different lifecycle hooks
* RTL layout support

Community driven features:
* Support for UWP, react-native-web and react-native-desktop
* Typescript definitions

We thank our community for maintaining features that goes over our scope.

| Context Menu, Slide-in Menu | Popover |
|![Popup menu demo](./android.demo.gif)|![Popup menu demo](./android.demo-popover.gif)|

## Installation

npm install react-native-popup-menu --save
If you are using **older RN versions** check our compatibility table.

## Basic Usage
Wrap your application inside `MenuProvider` and then simply use `Menu` component where you need it. Below you can find a simple example.

For more detailed documentation check [API](./doc/

// your entry point
import { MenuProvider } from 'react-native-popup-menu';

export const App = () => (


// somewhere in your app
import {
} from 'react-native-popup-menu';

export const YourComponent = () => (

Hello world!

alert(`Save`)} text='Save' />
alert(`Delete`)} >

alert(`Not called`)} disabled={true} text='Disabled' />



## Documentation

- [Examples](doc/
- [API](doc/
- [Extension points](doc/

## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Just open an issues with any idea or pull-request if it is no-brainer. Make sure all tests and linting rules pass.

## React Native Compatibility
We keep compatibility on best effort basis.

| popup-menu version | min RN (React) version |
| ------------------ | -------------- |
| 0.13 | 0.55 (16.3.1) |
| 0.9 | 0.40 |
| 0.8 | 0.38 |
| 0.7 | 0.18 |