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Pure javascript autocomplete input for react-native

android autocomplete input ios javascript react-native typescript

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Pure javascript autocomplete input for react-native




# react-native-autocomplete-input
[![npm version](](

A pure JS autocomplete component for React Native. Use this component in your own projects or use it as inspiration to build your own autocomplete.

![Autocomplete Example](

Play around with the [Example Snack](

## How to use react-native-autocomplete-input
Tested with RN >= 0.26.2. If you want to use RN < 0.26 try to install react-native-autocomplete-input <= 0.0.5.

### Installation

# Install with npm
$ npm install --save react-native-autocomplete-input

# Install with yarn
$ yarn add react-native-autocomplete-input

### Example

// ...

render() {
const { query } = this.state;
const data = filterData(query);
return (
this.setState({ query: text })}
keyExtractor: (_, idx) => idx,
renderItem: ({ item }) => {item},

// ...

### Android
Android does not support overflows ([#20](, for that reason it is necessary to wrap the autocomplete into a *absolute* positioned view on Android. This will allow the suggestion list to overlap other views inside your component.


render() {

Some content



const styles = StyleSheet.create({
autocompleteContainer: {
flex: 1,
left: 0,
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 1


### Props
| Prop | Type | Description |
| :------------ |:---------------:| :-----|
| containerStyle | style | These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the autocomplete component. |
| hideResults | bool | Set to `true` to hide the suggestion list.
| data | array | An array with suggestion items to be rendered in `renderItem({ item, i })`. Any array with length > 0 will open the suggestion list and any array with length < 1 will hide the list. |
| inputContainerStyle | style | These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the textInput component. |
| listContainerStyle | style | These styles will be applied to the container which surrounds the result list. |
| listStyle | style | These style will be applied to the result list. |
| onShowResults | function | `onShowResults` will be called when the autocomplete suggestions appear or disappear. |
| onStartShouldSetResponderCapture | function | `onStartShouldSetResponderCapture` will be passed to the result list view container ([onStartShouldSetResponderCapture]( |
| renderTextInput | function | render custom TextInput. All props passed to this function. |
| flatListProps | object | custom props to [FlatList]( |
| renderResultList | function | render custom result list. Can be used to replace FlatList. All props passed to this function. |

## Known issues
* By default the autocomplete will not behave as expected inside a ``. Set the scroll view's prop to fix this: `keyboardShouldPersistTaps={true}` for RN <= 0.39, or `keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always'` for RN >= 0.40. ([#5]( Alternatively, you can use renderResultList to render a custom result list that does not use FlatList. See the tests for an example.
* If you want to test with Jest add ```jest.mock('react-native-autocomplete-input', () => 'Autocomplete');``` to your test.

## Contribute
Feel free to open issues or do a PR!