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[BMVC 2022] You Only Need 90K Parameters to Adapt Light: A Light Weight Transformer for Image Enhancement and Exposure Correction. SOTA for low light enhancement, 0.004 seconds try this for pre-processing.

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[BMVC 2022] You Only Need 90K Parameters to Adapt Light: A Light Weight Transformer for Image Enhancement and Exposure Correction. SOTA for low light enhancement, 0.004 seconds try this for pre-processing.




# You Only Need 90K Parameters to Adapt Light: a Light Weight Transformer for Image Enhancement and Exposure Correction. (BMVC 2022) [(paper)]( [(zhihu中文解读)](

**2023.12.15:** Our new work Aleth-NeRF: Illumination Adaptive NeRF with Concealing Field Assumption has been accepted by **AAAI 2024**, please refer [(here)]( if you interest in NeRF under low-light~

**2023.9.26:** Upload the new detection benchmark on EXDark dataset, see [detection part page](

**2023.5.11:** Thanks for [this issue]('s correction, the Flops of IAT on (256 x 256) image is 1.44 *GFlops*, and the Flops of IAT on (400 x 600) image is 5.28 *GFlops*, please notice. Also the 0.004s per image inference speed is calculated in LOL-V2 dataset inference (100 images total), if you only test single image, the inference speed would be slow down because of GPU's effect (the initial images evaluation time would be larger).

**2023.3.2:** Renew the [](, you can directly use this for image enhancement and exposure correction.

**2022.10.16:** We add demos for low-light enhancement and exposure correction in [![Hugging Face Spaces](](

**2022.10.11:** Upload the low-light semantic segmentation code. See [segmentation](

**2022.10.1:** Papar accepted by [**BMVC 2022**](!

**2022.8.10:** Upload **LOL-V1** dataset training code.

**2022.8.3:** Upload the new [arxiv version](, the rewnewed results on **LOL-V1** dataset (485 training images, 15 testing images) is **23.38** PSNR and **0.809** SSIM, the results on **LOL-V2-real** dataset (689 training images, 100 testing images) is **23.50** PSNR and **0.824** SSIM. Detail see this [issue](

**2022.7.11:** Upload the low-light object detection code. See [detection](

## Reference:

Detection and Segmentation are use [mmdetection]( and [mmsegmentation](, some of the code are borrow from [Zero-DCE]( and [UniFormer](, thanks them both so much!

If this code or paper help you, please cite as follow, thx~
author = {Ziteng Cui and Kunchang Li and Lin Gu and Shenghan Su and Peng Gao and ZhengKai Jiang and Yu Qiao and Tatsuya Harada},
title = {You Only Need 90K Parameters to Adapt Light: a Light Weight Transformer for Image Enhancement and Exposure Correction},
booktitle = {33rd British Machine Vision Conference 2022, {BMVC} 2022, London, UK, November 21-24, 2022},
publisher = {{BMVA} Press},
year = {2022},
url = {}

## Abstract

Challenging illumination conditions (low-light, under-exposure and over-exposure) in the real world not only cast an unpleasant visual appearance but also taint the computer vision tasks. After camera captures the raw-RGB data, it renders standard sRGB images with image signal processor (ISP). By decomposing ISP pipeline into local and global image components, we propose a lightweight fast **Illumination Adaptive Transformer (IAT)** to restore the normal lit sRGB image from either low-light or under/over-exposure conditions. Specifically, **IAT** uses attention queries to represent and adjust the ISP-related parameters such as colour correction, gamma correction. With only **~90k** parameters and **~0.004s** processing speed, our **IAT** consistently achieves superior performance over SOTA on the current benchmark low-light enhancement and exposure correction datasets. Competitive experimental performance also demonstrates that our **IAT** significantly enhances object detection and semantic segmentation tasks under various light conditions.

For Vision Tasks under various lighting conditions, towards both **Human Vision** :smile: and **Machine Vision** :camera:

**5 Tasks Under Various Lighting Conditions**: 1. Low-light Enhancement (LOL, MIT5K) // 2. [Exposure Correction]( // 3. [Low-Light Object Detection]( // 4. [Low-Light Semantic Segmentation]( // 5. [Various-Light Object Detection](

Figure 1: IAT (illumination-adaptive-transformer) for multi light conditions vision tasks, and the comparision results on LOL-V1 dataset.

## Model Structure:

Figure 2: Model Structure of Illumination Adaptive Transformer.

Our IAT model consist of two individual branches, the local branch is for pixel-wise adjustment and ouputs two feature map for add and multiply. The global branch is for global-wise adjustment and outputs the color matrix and gamma value, global branch is inspired by [DETR](, the network would updates color matrix and gamma value by a dynamic query learning way. BTW, the total model is only over **90k+** parameters and the inference speed is only **0.004s** per image on LOL dataset (single Nvidia-3090 GPU).

## Usage:

Enviroment (install pytorch 1.7.1 or later, following [pytorch](
$ conda create -n IAT python==3.7.0
$ conda activate IAT
$ conda install --yes -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0
$ pip install timm matplotlib IQA_pytorch tqdm

For low-level vision (low-light enhancement, exposure correction):
cd IAT_enhance

For high-level vision (low-light detection, low-light semantic segmentation):
cd IAT_high

## Demo:

Figure 3: IAT in low-light enhancement (LOL dataset, MIT-5K dataset).

Figure 4: IAT in exposure correction (Exposure dataset).

Figure 5: IAT in low-light detection (EXDark Dataset). Background image is the image generated by IAT while joint-training.

## Related

We also have another work about the **low-light object detection**, **ICCV 2021**: Multitask AET with Orthogonal Tangent Regularity for Dark Object Detection [(code)]( [(paper)](, please read if you interest!