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Functional Experiments in Lua

functional-programming lua transducers

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Functional Experiments in Lua




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# FX -- Functional Experiments in Lua #

## Introduction ##

Although Lua can be used for functional programming, it lacks the
usual toolset of functions that one needs for functional programming.
Some of those functions are easily implemented in Lua, others should
be implemented in C to avoid unnecessary performance loss. This
library contains a small core implemented in C that aims to make
functional (and in particular point-free or tacit) programming in Lua
easier. It mimics features from Clojure, and the [Ramda][1] Javascript
library, and will at some point be retitled to "Functional Extensions"
once it leaves experimental status.


## Concepts ##

### Currying and Partial Application ###

Currying is the process of transforming a function call taking `n`
arguments (e.g. `f( 1, 2, 3 )` into `n` function calls taking one
argument each (`f( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )`). Every function call except the
last just returns a new function that is a partially applied version
of the original one (i.e. the arguments provided so far are saved for
the final call). Currying and partial application are useful tools for
functional programming, because they provide an easy and syntactically
pleasing way to create specialized functions from generic ones.

### Transducers ###

[*Transducers*][2] (or *reducing function transformers*) are built on
the realization that `reduce` is the ultimate iteration function. It
works by calling a *reducing function* on each tuple/value during an
iteration, returning an updated state value that is then passed to the
next call of the reducing function and finally returned as the result
of `reduce`:

function aReducer( state, ... )
-- ...
return newState

A transducer is a function that takes a reducing function and returns
another reducing function:

function aTransducer( aReducer )
return function( state, ... )
if predicate( ... ) then
return aReducer( state, f( ... ) ) -- pass (modified) data
return state -- don't forward data

The new reducing function may forward the current iteration variables
(modified or as-is) to the old reducing function, or it may instead
return the state from the last call, basically ignoring the current
iteration step. The big advantage is that transducers only deal with
other reducing functions, and only the very last reducing function in
the chain needs to be aware of the contents of the state or where the
data is supposed to go. Thus, you can compose complex transformations
that are independent of the final output, and without intermediate
temporary copies of the iterated data structure.


### Sequences ###

Whenever this README mentions that a function operates on a sequence,
the usual Lua definition is assumed, i.e. a table for which the length
operator `#` is defined. However, if the table has a positive numeric
`.n` field (like in the table returned by `table.pack()`), that value
takes precedence, and the table may contain holes. Resulting tables
always have an `.n` field set.

### To-Be-Closed Values in Lua 5.4 ###

This library supports the the new for-loop protocol in Lua 5.4 with
the to-be-closed value on a best effort basis. Functions taking and
returning iterator triplets (quadruplets) might throw errors (in
particular memory and invalid argument errors) before the to-be-closed
value reaches the for-loop. In cases where this is not acceptable,
special steps have to be taken:
local f, s, var, c = io.lines("input.txt")
for line in fx.filter("v => #v > 0", f, s, var) do
-- do something
instead of the more idiomatic (and shorter, and version agnostic)
for line in fx.filter("v => #v > 0", io.lines("input.txt")) do
-- do something

## Reference ##

* `fx.has( s ) ==> f`

The `has` function takes a string of comma-separated field names
and returns a function that checks for the existence of those
fields in the given argument. The function returns `true` if all
required fields are non-`nil`, and `false` otherwise. If a field
name starts with a double underscore `"__"`, the field is looked
up in the metatable instead. Some metamethods are assumed to be
defined for certain Lua types (e.g. `__call` for functions).

Field names may consist only of letters, digits, and `_`.
Everything else (not just comma) is considered a field separator.
This is an extended and optimized version of a [proposal][3] on
the lua-l mailing list.

assert( fx.has"__index,__newindex"( t ) )
-- raises an error if `t` is either not a table or doesn't
-- have a metatable with __index and __newindex defined.
assert( fx.has"__add,__sub"( n ) )
-- works for numbers and objects with __add and __sub.

* `fx.curry( n, f ) ==> f2`

`fx.curry` creates a function that supports partial application
simply by calling it with less than the expected number of
arguments `n`. The result of such a partial application supports
partial application the same way until all required arguments have
been supplied, at which point the original function `f` is called
with all collected argument values. The special `fx._` value can
be used as an argument to reserve the slot for a later call.
Reserved slots are filled from left to right, and the original
function will not be called as long as there are placeholder
values in the argument list.

local f = fx.curry( 3, print )
-- the following expressions are all equivalent:
f( 1, 2, 3 )
f( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )
f( 1, 2 )( 3 )
f( 1 )( 2, 3 )
f( fx._, 2 )( 1, 3 )
f( fx._, 2 )( fx._, 3 )( 1 )

* `fx._`

`fx._` is a placeholder value that can be used to reserve a slot
in the argument list during partial application, or to terminate a
reduction early.

* `fx.compose( f, ... ) ==> f2`

`fx.compose` does function composition on a variable number of
given functions. The resulting closure calls the functions from
right to left, passing the return values as arguments to the next

local f = fx.compose( g, h, i )
-- is equivalent to:
local function f( ... )
return g( h( i( ... ) ) )

* ` fun, t, ... ) ==> t2`

` fun, f ) ==> g` (`f` and `g` are reducing functions)

`` applies a function to all elements in a given sequence,
returning a new table containing the results. Extra arguments
passed to `` are passed as extra arguments to every call of
`fun` to help avoid unnecessary closures. If the second argument
to `` is a (reducing) function, a new reducing function is
returned instead (thus, the partially applied ` fun )` acts
as a transducer). The transducer is stateless unless `fun`
maintains its own state.

If `f`/`t` is not a function but defines a `__map@fx` metamethod
in its metatable, `` delegates to this metamethod, passing
all given arguments.

The `` function is automatically curried with two expected

* `fx.filter( pred, t, ... ) ==> t2`

`fx.filter( pred, f ) ==> g` (`f` and `g` are reducing functions)

`fx.filter` applies a predicate `pred` to all elements in a given
sequence and returns a new table containing all values for which
the predicate returned a `true`ish value. Extra arguments passed
to `fx.filter` are passed as extra arguments to every call of
`pred` to help avoid unnecessary closures. If the second argument
to `fx.filter` is a (reducing) function, a new reducing function
is returned instead (the partially applied `fx.filter( pred )`
acts as a transducer). The transducer is stateless unless `pred`
maintains its own state.

The `fx.filter` function is automatically curried with two
expected arguments.

* `fx.take( np, t, ... ) ==> t2`

`fx.take( np, f ) ==> g` (`f` and `g` are reducing functions)

`fx.take` copies elements from the beginning of a sequence to a
new table. The first paramater `np` may either be a number of
elements to copy, or a predicate deciding when to stop copying
(when the predicate returns a `false`y value for the first time).
Extra arguments passed to `fx.take` are passed as extra arguments
to every call of the predicate to help avoid unnecessary closures.
If the second argument to `fx.take` is a (reducing) function, a
new reducing function is returned instead (thus, the partially
applied `fx.take( np )` acts as a transducer). The transducer is
stateful, and the internal state is initialized when the
transducer is called with the reducing function.

The `fx.take` function is automatically curried with two expected

* `fx.drop( np, t, ... ) ==> t2`

`fx.drop( np, f ) ==> g` (`f` and `g` are reducing functions)

Like `fx.take` `fx.drop` also copies elements from a sequence to a
new table, but it skips elements at the beginning. The first
parameter `np` may either be a number of elements to skip, or a
predicate deciding when to stop skipping (when the predicate
returns a `false`y value for the first time). Extra arguments
passed to `fx.drop` are passed as extra arguments to every call of
the predicate to help avoid unnecessary closures. If the second
argument to `fx.drop` is a (reducing) function, a new reducing
function is returned instead (thus, the partially applied
`fx.drop( np )` acts as a transducer). The transducer is stateful,
and the internal state is initialized when the transducer is
called with the reducing function.

The `fx.drop` function is automatically curried with two expected

* `fx.reduce( fun, init, f [, s [, var]] ) ==> val`

`fx.reduce( fun, init, t, ... ) ==> val`

The `fx.reduce` function calls the given "reducing function" `fun`
for every tuple generated by the input iterator or every value
from the input sequence, passing an additional `state` value as
first argument. On the first call `state` is the same as `init`,
on subsequent calls the `state` is the (first) result of the
previous call to the reducing function. The result of the last
call is returned from `fx.reduce` as `val`. If the reducing
function returns `fx._` as the second return value (after the new
`state` value), `fx.reduce` returns immediately with the new
`state` as `val`.

If the third argument is a function, `f`, `s`, and `var` are
evaluated as iterator triplet and the function `fun` is called for
every generated tuple `var_1, ..., var_n`, passing it after the
`state` value.

Otherwise the third argument is assumed to be a sequence(-like
object) which is indexed using consecutive integers starting from
`1` and ending at the value of the `n` field or the result of the
length operator. The function `fun` is called for every value `v`:
`fun( state, v, ... )`. Extra arguments to `fx.reduce` are passed
as additional arguments to every reducing function call.

`fx.reduce` can also be used to execute transducers, because a
transducer, when called with a reducing function as argument,
returns another reducing function.


local appending = fx.curry( 2, function( n, state, ... )
state[ #state+1 ] = select( n, ... )
return state
end )
local function double( v ) return 2*v end
local xducer = fx.compose( fx.take( 5 ), double ) )
local t2 = fx.reduce( xducer( appending( 1 ) ), {}, t1 )

This protocol of calling the transducer with the final reducing
function right before passing it to `fx.reduce` is important for
stateful transducers, because this is the time when the internal
state (nothing to do with the `state` value) is initialized.

Transducers can be composed like normal functions, but they take
effect from left to right!


### Short Lambda Expressions ###

In many circumstances the functions above, and some glue functions
described below, accept a short lambda expression as a string instead
of a real function. A short lambda expression has the following
[,]* => [ [, ]*]
Vararg lists are supported as well. The string is compiled into a Lua
function on-the-fly using `lua_load()`, so the following two lines are
roughly equivalent:
local f = fx.compose( "x,y => x+y, x*y" )
local g = load( "return function(x,y) return x+y, x*y end" )()
There is no caching/memoization going on, so be aware of the
performance implications if you do this in a tight loop. In fact, it
is recommended to use the short lambdas only as part of function
compositions (see also the `fx.glue` module below).

The following functions accept short lambda expressions: `fx.curry`,
`fx.compose`, `` (first argument), `fx.filter` (first argument),
`fx.take` (first argument), `fx.drop` (first argument), `fx.reduce`
(first argument), `fx.glue.vmap`, and `fx.glue.vtransform`.

### Glue Functions ###

Unlike many functional programming languages, Lua supports multiple
return values. This makes composing functions more powerful, but it
also increases the chances of a mismatch between what one function
provides and the next one expects. Most common cases can (and should)
be handled with string lambdas, but for some akward situations the
`fx.glue` module provides glue functions that transform argument or
return value lists. It is similar in scope to the [`vararg`][4]
module, but since it is intended to be used with `compose`, the glue
functions in this module create closures that do the actual vararg

The following glue functions are provided:

* `vmap( fun [, idx1 [, idx2]] ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that applies the function `fun` to each
argument (between indices `idx1` and `idx2`, inclusively) and
returns the results (the arguments outside of the specified range
are passed unmodified). `fun`'s results are always adjusted to one
return value for each call. `vmap` accepts short lambdas.

* `vtransform( f1 [, f2 [, ..., fn]] ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that applies `f1` to `select( 1, ... )`
to create the first return value, `f2` to `select( 2, ... )` to
create the second return value, and so on. The last `fn` may
return multiple values as usual. `vtransform` accepts short

* `vinsert( idx, v, ... ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that inserts all values `v, ...` before
index `idx`. Using `nil` as `idx` will append to the vararg list.

* `vreplace( idx, v, ... ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that replaces the arguments starting at
index `idx` with the values `v, ...`.

* `vreverse( [idx1 [, idx2]] ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that reverses all arguments between the
indices `idx1` and `idx2` (inclusively). `idx1` defaults to `1`,
and `idx2` defaults to `-1` (the last argument).

* `vrotate( [idx [, n]] ) ==> f`

Returns a glue function that right shifts all arguments starting
at index `idx1` by `n` positions, reinserting the values that fall
off at index `idx1`. `n` may be negative (to do a left shift) and
defaults to `1`. `idx` defaults to `1` as well. (This is basically
an interface to the `lua_rotate()` API function.)


## Installation ##

Compile the C source file `fx.c` into a shared library (``, or
`fx.dll` on Windows) as usual for your platform and put it somewhere
into your Lua `package.cpath`. Copy `fx.lua` somewhere into your Lua

You can also use LuaRocks.

## Contact ##

Philipp Janda, siffiejoe(a)

Comments and feedback are always welcome.

## License ##

**FX** is *copyrighted free software* distributed under the MIT
license (the same license as Lua 5.1). The full license text follows:

FX (c) 2013-2020 Philipp Janda

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.