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Fuzzy search across folder subdirectories

alfred alfred-workflow fuzzy-search python workflow

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Fuzzy search across folder subdirectories




# Fuzzy Folders Alfred Workflow #

Fuzzy search across folder subtrees. Add your own keywords to directly search specific folders.

![]( "")

This Workflow provides partial matching of path components, allowing you to drill down into your filesystem with a space-separated query. Each "word" of the query will be matched against the components of a directory or file's path, so a three-word query will only match at least three levels down from the specified root directory.

You can use a **File Action** to intiate a fuzzy search on a folder or to assign a keyword to perform a fuzzy search on that folder.

## Download ##

Get the Workflow from [GitHub]( or [Packal](

## Commands ##

- `fuzzy` — List your Fuzzy Folders
+ `↩` — Edit Fuzzy Folder settings
+ `⌘+↩` — Start a Fuzzy Folder search with the associated keyword
+ `⌥+↩` — Delete the keyword–Fuzzy Folder combination
- `fzyup` — Recreate the Script Filters from your saved configuration (useful after an update)
- `fzyhelp` — Open the help file in your browser

## Settings ##

You can specify these settings globally as defaults for all Fuzzy Folders or on a per-folder basis. For ad-hoc searches via the `Fuzzy Search Here` file action, the default settings always apply.

Use keyword `fuzzy` to view and edit settings.

- **Minimum query length** — The last "word" of a query must be this long to trigger a search. Default is `1`, but increase this number if the search is too slow. This is very often the case if you're searching a large subtree and/or also choose to search files.
- **Search scope** — Choose to search only for folders, files or both. **Note:** In most cases, searches including files are significantly slower. Consider increasing the **minimum query length** to speed up slow searches.

## File Actions ##

- `Fuzzy Search Here` — Fuzzy search this folder
- `Add Fuzzy Folder` — Set a keyword for this folder for faster fuzzy searching

## Search result actions ##

- `↩` — Open folder in Finder
- `⌘+↩` — Browse folder in Alfred

## Excludes ##

Fuzzy Folders supports global and folder-specific glob-style excludes (similar to `.gitignore`).

Currently, these can only be configured by editing the `settings.json` file by hand. To open `settings.json`, enter the query `fuzzy workflow:opendata` into Alfred. This will open the workflow's data directory in Finder and reveal the `settings.json` file.

The `settings.json` file will look something like this:

"defaults": {
"min": 2,
"scope": 1
"profiles": {
"1": {
"dirpath": "/Users/dean/Documents",
"keyword": "docs"
"2": {
"dirpath": "/Users/dean/Code",
"excludes": [
"keyword": "code",
"scope": 3
"3": {
"dirpath": "/Volumes/Media/Video",
"keyword": "vids",
"scope": 3
"4": {
"dirpath": "/Users/dean/Documents/Translations",
"excludes": [],
"keyword": "trans"

The `defaults` key may not be present if you haven't changed the default settings and won't have an `excludes` member. Any `profiles` (saved fuzzy folders) added using a version of the workflow with support for excludes will be created with an empty list for the key `excludes`, but `profiles` created with earlier versions won't have an `excludes` member. Add it by hand.

`excludes` should be a list of strings containing `.gitignore`/shell-style patterns, e.g.:

"excludes": [

In contrast to the other default settings, `min` (minimum query length) and `scope` (search folders (1), files (2) or both (3)), the default `excludes` will be added to folder-specific ones, not replaced by them.

So to exclude compiled Python files from all fuzzy folders, add `*.pyc` to the `excludes` list under `defaults`:

"defaults": {
"min": 2,
"scope": 1,
"excludes": ["*.pyc"]

## Bugs, questions, feedback ##

You can [open an issue on GitHub](, or post on the [Alfred Forum](

## Licensing, other stuff ##

This Workflow is made available under the [MIT Licence](

The icon was made by [Jono Hunt](

It uses [docopt]( and [Alfred-Workflow](