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Animated Pagination For React Native's ListView, FlatList, and SectionList

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Animated Pagination For React Native's ListView, FlatList, and SectionList





The best Pagination component for React Native.

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# React Native Pagination

## Roadmap

> see: [](

### Horizontal

> To try these out yourself its prudy easy, Just open `examples/ios/*.xcodeproj` in Xcode, then press `Cmd + R`; you may edit `examples/index.ios.js` for switch cases.

react-native-pagination horizontal robot
react-native-pagination horizontal

### Vertical

react-native-pagination vertical
react-native-pagination lighttheme

## Getting Started

- [React Native Pagination](#react-native-pagination)
* [](#roadmap)
* [Show Cases](#show-cases)
+ [Horizontal](#horizontal)
+ [Vertical](#vertical)
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Installation](#installation)
+ [Example](#example)
+ [Development](#development)
* [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
* [Properties](#properties)
+ [Basic](#basic)
- [Basic Props](#basic-props)
- [Basic Styles](#basic-styles)
+ [Start/End Dots](#start-end-dots)
- [Start/End Dot Basic Props](#start-end-dot-basic-props)
- [Start/End Dot Text](#start-end-dot-text)
+ [Pagination Dots](#pagination-dots)
- [Pagination Dots Basic Props](#pagination-dots-basic-props)
- [Dot Text](#dot-text)
- [Pagination Dots](#pagination-dots-1)
+ [Advanced Positioning](#advanced-positioning)
+ [Visibility](#visibility)
+ [Methods](#methods)
+ [Other](#other)
* [Components](#components)
* [Issues](#issues)

## Installation

- Install `react-native` first
$ npm i react-native -g
$ yarn add react-native-pagination
$ cd ReactNativePaginationExample
$ yarn install #(or with npm "npm i react-native-pagination —save")
$ react-native run-ios
- Initialization of a react-native project
$ react-native init myReactNativePaginationExample
$ cd myReactNativePaginationExample
$ yarn install #(or with npm "npm i && npm i react-native-pagination —save")
$ yarn add react-native-pagination
$ react-native link
$ react-native run-ios

### Example
or clone the repo and play with the example project

$ git clone
$ cd react-native-pagination/ReactNativePaginationExample
$ yarn install
$ react-native link
$ react-native run-ios
one liner
git clone && cd react-native-pagination/ReactNativePaginationExample && yarn install && react-native link && react-native run-ios

> Quick start with [ReactNativePaginationExample](

### Development
in your project
$ yarn add react-native-pagination
$ react-native link #this makes sure react-native-vector-icons load correctly
$ react-native run-ios

## Basic Usage
- In your `myApp/index.ios.js`, use:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {AppRegistry,StyleSheet,View,FlatList,} from 'react-native';
import ContactItem from './Pages/widgets/ContactItem'; //
import faker from 'faker';//assuming you have this.
import _ from 'lodash';
import Pagination,{Icon,Dot} from 'react-native-pagination';//{Icon,Dot} also available

//lets use faker to create mock data
let MockPersonList = new _.times(35,(i)=>{
return {

export default class ReactNativePaginationExample extends Component {
this.state = {
items: MockPersonList,
//create each list item
_renderItem = ({item}) => {
return ()
//pressed an item
onPressItem = (item) => console.log("onPressItem:item ",item);

//map to some od. We use the "id" attribute of each item in our list created in our MockPersonList
_keyExtractor = (item, index) =>;

// REQUIRED for ReactNativePagination to work correctly
onViewableItemsChanged = ({ viewableItems, changed }) =>this.setState({viewableItems})

render() {
return (

this.refs=r}//create refrence point to enable scrolling
keyExtractor={this._keyExtractor}//map your keys to whatever unique ids the have (mine is a "id" prop)
renderItem={this._renderItem}//render each item
onViewableItemsChanged={this.onViewableItemsChanged}//need this

this.refs=r}" to your list)
paginationVisibleItems={this.state.viewableItems}//needs to track what the user sees
paginationItems={this.state.items}//pass the same list as data
paginationItemPadSize={3} //num of items to pad above and below your visable items


const s = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
// backgroundColor:"grey",//<-- use with "dotThemeLight"

AppRegistry.registerComponent('ReactNativePaginationExample', () => App);

Currently only supported for FlatList's

## Properties
All properties took text editors auto completion into consideration and follow the basic structure
[`prefix`][`body`][`suffix` ] where
[`component name` ][`component attribute`][`continued component attribute / component change`] to provide users with the full list of options when working with `prefix`'s without having to revisit the official docs.

*Most Common Component Prefix Options*:`dot`, `startDot`,`endDot`
*Most Common Component Body Options*:`Icon`, `Font`,`Style` ,`Color`
*Most Common Component Suffix Options*:`Hide`, `Size`,`IconFamily` ,or `NotActive`,`Active` `Empty`
Resulting props like
`dotIconHide` ,`startDotIconHide`, or `startFontSize`,`endDotStyle` ect.

### Basic
#### Basic Props

| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
| paginationItems | `[]` | `array` |an array pagination Items|
|paginationVisibleItems|`[]`|`array`|an array pagination visible items obtained by using React Native List Components `onViewableItemsChanged` callback function (see example) |
|dotThemeLight |`false`|`bool`| if you pass in the `dotThemeLight` prop (setting it to `true`) the pagination dots swaps to a a light theme. By default they are dark. |
|horizontal |`false`|`bool`| use to alternate between horizontal and vertical (just like you do with your list component) |
|dotAnimation|`LayoutAnimation.Presets.easeInEaseOut`|`Animation`|dot Animation triggered when navigating|
|paginationStyle|`{}`|`style`|pagination Styles|
|pagingEnabled|`false`|`bool`| Enable Paging. This is a prop that is also used in React Native List Components (like `FlatList`) that gives you that paging effect that stops the scroll on every new page. |
|hideEmptyDots|`false`|`bool`| Hide Empty Dots Icons|
|paginationItemPadSize|`3`|`number`|pagination Item Pad Size|

#### Basic Styles

| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`paginationStyle` when horizontal|`{height, alignItems:"center" , justifyContent: 'space-between', position:"absolute", top:0, margin:0, bottom:0, right:0, bottom:0, padding:0, flex:1, }` | `style`| default when horizontal|
|`paginationStyle` when not horizontal|`{width, alignItems:"center", justifyContent: 'space-between', position:"absolute", margin:0, bottom:10, left:0, right:0, padding:0, flex:1,}` | `style`| default when not horizontal|
|textStyle|`{}`|`style object`| global style object. Tread lightly it may overlay if you plan to use my default Light/Dark Themes |
|dotStyle|`{}`|`style object`| addition style to use for pagination dots |
|startDotStyle|`{}`|`style object`| addition style to use for start dots |
|endDotStyle`|`{}`|`style object`| addition style to use for end dots |
> this uses react-native-vector-icons [checkout here] (

### Start/End Dots
#### Start/End Dot Basic Props
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`startDotIconName` (when `horizontal`)|`”chevron-left”`|`icon name`| Icon shown for dot at start of list |
|`startDotIconName` (when `vertical`)|`”chevron-up”`|`icon name`| Icon shown for dot at start of list |
|`endDotIconName` (when `horizontal`)|`”chevron-right”`|`icon name`| Icon shown for dot at start of list |
|`endDotIconName` (when `vertical` )|`”chevron-down”`|`icon name`| Icon shown for dot at start of list |
|`startDotIconSize` |`15`|`number`| end icon dot size|
|`endDotIconSize`|`15`|`number`| end icon dot size|
|`startDotIconFamily` / `endDotIconFamily`|`MaterialCommunityIcons`|`string` of font family name | Font Family for Icon. options: `Entypo`, `EvilIcons`, `FontAwesome`, `Foundation`, `Ionicons`, `MaterialIcons`, `MaterialCommunityIcons`, `Octicons`, `Zocial`, `SimpleLineIcons` (available in react-native-vector-icons package)|

#### Start/End Dot Text

| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|startDotFontSize|`11`|`number`|start Dot Font Size |
|endDotFontSize|`11`|`number`|end Dot Font Size |

### Pagination Dots
These are the list of dots that represent each item in your paginationItems
#### Pagination Dots Basic Props
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`dotIconFamily`|`”MaterialCommunityIcons”`|`string` of font family name | Font Family for Icon. options: `Entypo`, `EvilIcons`, `FontAwesome`, `Foundation`, `Ionicons`, `MaterialIcons`, `MaterialCommunityIcons`, `Octicons`, `Zocial`, `SimpleLineIcons` (available in react-native-vector-icons package) |
|dotIconNameEmpty|`”close”`|`icon name`| Icon Shown when pagination dot is Empty |
|dotIconNameActive|`”checkbox-blank-circle”`|`icon name`| Icon Shown when pagination dot is Active|
|dotIconNameNotActive|`”checkbox-blank-circle-outline”`|`icon name`| Icon Shown when pagination dot is Not Active|
|dotIconSizeActive|`15`|`number`| size of pagination icon when active |
|dotIconSizeNotActive|`10`|`number`| size of pagination iconwhen vertical |
|dotIconColorNotActive|`”rgba(0,0,0,.5)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|
|dotIconColorActive|`”rgba(0,0,0,.3)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|
|dotIconColorEmpty|`”rgba(0,0,0,.2)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|

**when using dotThemeLight**

| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|dotIconColorNotActive| `”rgba(255,255,255,.4)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|
|dotIconColorActive| `”rgba(255,255,255,.5)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|
|dotIconColorEmpty| `”rgba(255,255,255,.2)”`|`color`|dot Icon Font Size when on page but Not Active|

#### Dot Text
by default it displays `index+1`, if you'd like display text add the `paginationDotText` property to each one of your items before passing it into the `Pagination`

Component. Example:

return o

#### Pagination Dots
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|dotFontSizeActive|11|`number`|dot Text Font Size when Active on page |
|dotFontSizeEmpty|11|`number`|dot Text Font Size when empty on page |
|dotFontSizeNotActive|9|`number`|dot Text Font Size when on page but Not Active |
|dotTextColorNotActive|`”rgba(0,0,0,.5)”` |`color`|dot Text Color when Not Active|
|dotTextColorActive|`”rgba(0,0,0,.3)”` |`color`| dot Text Color when Active|
|dotTextColorEmpty|`”rgba(0,0,0,.2)”` |`color`|dot Text Color when Empty|

**when using dotThemeLight**

| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|dotTextColorNotActive| `”rgba(255,255,255,.4)”` |`color`|dot Text Color when Not Active|
|dotTextColorActive| `”rgba(255,255,255,.5)”` |`color`| dot Text Color when Active|
|dotTextColorEmpty| `”rgba(255,255,255,.2)”`|`color`|dot Text Color when Empty|

### Advanced Positioning
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`dotSwapAxis` (all pagination dots)/ `startDotSwapAxis` / `endDotSwapAxis`|false|`bool`|keeps the lists in the correct position (horizontal or vertical) by swaps how dots display |
|`dotPositionSwap` (all pagination dots)/`startDotPositionSwap` / `endDotPositionSwap`|false|`bool`| Swaps the dots `flexDirection` default style property. |

Wanna move anything to the left, right, top, or bottom of something? Then use `dotSwapAxis` in combination until you find the right mix `startDotPositionSwap`.

### Visibility
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`dotIconHide` / `startDotIconHide` / `endDotIconHide` |false |`bool`| hide the dots icon |
|`dotIconHide` / `startDotIconHide` / `endDotIconHide` |false|`bool`| hide the dots icon |
|`dotTextHide` / `startDotTextHide` / `endDotTextHide` |false|`bool`| hide the dots text |
|`dotEmptyHide` |false|`bool`| hide the dots text |

### Methods
| Method Name | Description |
| `dotOnPress` / `startDotOnPress` /`endDotOnPress` | by default it will scroll to the pagination dot pressed (`disableDotOnPressNavigation` to turn off), if you'd like a callback you can pass in the `dotOnPress` callback function |

### Other
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
|`debugMode` | false |`bool`| show console log results of list items |

## Components
| Components | Required Params | Other Params | Description |
|`Pagination` | `paginationItems`,`paginationVisibleItems` |see above| main pagination Component |
|`Dot` | `` |see above| Pagination Dot Component |
|`Icon` | `name` | `iconFamily`,`size`,`color` | same as 'react-native-vector-icons' but with a `iconFamily` option|

## Issues

Feel free to [contact me](mailto:[email protected]) or [create an issue](