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A list of MEV resources with a focus on past research papers/talks.

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A list of MEV resources with a focus on past research papers/talks.




# Awesome-MEV
A list of MEV resources with a focus on past research papers/talks, Will also provide interesting citations from papers whenever apt/possible.

# Research

- [Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering, and Consensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges](, 2019 [[Video]](
- [Front-running dynamics](, 2008
- [SoK: Transparent Dishonesty: Front-Running Attacks on Blockchain](, 2019
- [The High-Frequency Trading Arms Race: Frequent Batch Auctions as a Market Design Response](, 2015
- [Attacking the DeFi Ecosystem with Flash Loans for Fun and Profit](, 2020
- [High-Frequency Trading on Decentralized On-Chain Exchanges](, 2020
- [Order Fairness for Byzantine Consensus](, 2020
- [Combining GHOST and Casper](, 2020
- [Frontrunning on Automated Decentralized Exchange in Proof Of Stake Environment](, 2020
- [Frontrunner Jones and the Raiders of the Dark Forest: An Empirical Study of Frontrunning on the Ethereum Blockchain](
- [Quantifying Blockchain Extractable Value: How dark is the forest?](, 2021 [[Video]](
- [Estimating (Miner) Extractable Value is Hard, Let’s Go Shopping!](, 2021
- [On the Just-In-Time Discovery of Profit-Generating Transactions in DeFi Protocols](, 2021
- [Cyclic Arbitrage in Decentralized Exchanges](, 2021
- [Maximizing Extractable Value from Automated Market Makers](, 2021
- [Analyzing and Preventing Sandwich Attacks in Ethereum](, 2021
- [Themis: Fast, Strong Order-Fairness in Byzantine Consensus](, 2021
- [A2MM: Mitigating Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering and Consensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges](
- [Opportunistic Algorithmic Double-Spending: How I learned to stop worrying and hedge the Fork](, 2021
- [Your Smart Contracts Are Not Secure: Investigating Arbitrageurs and Oracle Manipulators in Ethereum](, 2021
- [SOK: Mitigation of Frontrunning in Decentralized Finance](, 2021
- [Is Blockchain Becoming More Centralized? Evidence on Collusion in the Ethereum Blockchain](, 2021
- [Unity is Strength: A Formalization of Cross-Domain Maximal Extractable Value](, 2021
- [FairBlock: Preventing Blockchain Front-running with Minimal Overheads](, 2022
- [FairTraDEX: A Decentralised Exchange Preventing Value Extraction](, 2022
- [Extracting Godl [sic] from the Salt Mines: Ethereum Miners Extracting Value](, 2022
- [TWAP Oracle Attacks: Easier Done than Said?](, 2022
- [F3B: A Low-Latency Commit-and-Reveal Architecture to Mitigate Blockchain Front-Running](, 2022
- [A Flash(bot) in the Pan: Measuring Maximal Extractable Value in Private Pools](, 2022
- [Towards a Theory of Maximal Extractable Value I: Constant Function Market Makers](, 2022
- [Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) Protection on a DAG](, 2022
- [Price of MEV: Towards a Game Theoretical Approach to MEV](, 2022
- [An Empirical Study on Ethereum Private Transactions and the Security Implications ](, 2022
- [Improving Proof of Stake Economic Security via MEV
Redistribution](, 2022
- [The spectre and spectra of Miner Extractable Value](, 2023

# Articles
- [The Cost of Decentralization in 0x and EtherDelta](, 2017
- [Ethereum is a Dark Forest](, 2020
- [Escaping the Dark Forest](, 2020
- [Ethereum Docs on MEV](
- [MEV-SGX -- A sealed bid MEV auction design](, 2021
- [On the formalization of MEV](, 2021
- [MEV in ETH 2.0, an early exploration](, 2021
- [MEV and Cooridnation](, 2021
- [MEV... Wat Do?](, 2021
- [MEV... Do This](, 2021
- [MEV and ME](, 2021
- [Proposer/Block-builder Separation](, 2021
- [Two-slot proposer/builder separation](, 2021
- [MEV and EIP-1559](, 2021
- [Anatomy of an MEV Strategy: Synthetix](, 2021
- [MEV-Boost: Merge ready Flashbots Architecture](, 2021
- [The future of MEV](, 2022
- [Order Flows: Kingmaker of the Block Builders](, 2022
- [DEX Arbitrage, Mathematical Optimisations & Me](, 2022
- [Mev marketplaces and their evolution - Part 1](, 2022
- [Mev markets and proof of stake - Part 2](, 2022
- [Mev markets: payments for order flow - Part 3](, 2022
- [Mev Impact on Uniswap]( by Eigenphi, 2022

# Lecture/Podcasts
- [Blockchain 101: Transaction lifecycle & the mempool](, 2018
- ["Miner Extractable Value with Phil & Georgios" - Georgios Konstantopoulos & Phil Daian](, 2020
- [Flashbots Research Workshop playlist](, 2020
- [Investing in DeFi Paradigms | Charlie Noyes (MEV discussion starts around 1:00:00)](, 2020
- [Understanding MEV - with Georgios Konstantopoulos, Dan Robinson, and Hasu](, 2020
- [Monsters in the Mempool with Dan Robinson from Paradigm](, 2020
- [Interview with a Searcher, Uncommon Core](, 2021
- [Defi Security 2](, 2021 - Defi MOOC
- [Mev Summit playlist](, 2021
- [Interchain Conversations II - Options for Achieving Interoperability](, 2021
- [Flashbots with Phil Daian and Stephane Gosselin](, 2021
- [Flashbots – The Good, Bad and the Ugly of MEV](, 2021
- [Paradigm’s Thesis – w/ Charlie Noyes, Georgios Konstantopoulos and Hasu [+transcript]](, 2021
- [rypto’s Existential Threat | MEV Panel: Phil Daian, Georgios Konstanopolus, Charlie Noyes](, 2021
- [A Dip into the Mempool & MEV with Project Blanc](, 2021
- [Dark Forest and 0xPARC with Gubsheep](, 2022
- [Flash Loans, Miner Extractable Value and Efficient Settlement - Joint with Alfred Lehar (Calgary)](, 2022
- [MEV on ETH2 by Vitalik Buterin](, 2022
- [MEV Day playlist](, 2022
- [Stanford Blockchain Conference, MEV Workshop Video](, 2022
- Block Builder Innovation Post Merge by Alex stokes, 2022 [[Slides]](
- Probablistic Liquidity Attacks by Tarun Chitra, 2022 [[Slides]](
- [Dive Back into MEV with Alex Stokes and Chris Hager](
- [Cost of Feudalism by Tarun Chitra and Guillermo Angeris, Devcon 2022](
- [Block Building after the merge by Alex Stokes, Devcon 2022](
- [This is MEV by Sxysun, Devcon 2022](
- [ETH Denver 2023, Flashbots Day](
- [ Summit, 2023](

# Twitter Threads
- [Bert Miller, Flashbots, Thread of threads on MEV](, 2021 and updating
- [MEV on Solana by Misaka](
- [Thogard on Private Order Flow and MEV](, 2022

# Codebases
- [Arbitrage Examples by ControlCplusControlV](
- [Lido MEV: Withdrawal NFT by jackqack](

# Dashboards
- [MEV Explore](
- [Real-time MEV live stream](
- [](
- [MEV Boost Dashboard]( by [Nero_eth](

# Other Resources
- [Quantifying Total MEV - A list of resources]( by Alex Obadia, Flashbots 2022
- [Flashbots - MEV Research Repository]( - This repository contains active "FRPs" (Flashbot research proposals) which might give you a hint of where the field is going and other research directions that have been pursued by Flashbots in MEV in past.