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Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction

graphql graphql-nexus graphql-schema nexus typescript

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Code-First, Type-Safe, GraphQL Schema Construction




# Nexus

[![npm version](](

Declarative, code-first and strongly typed GraphQL schema construction for TypeScript & JavaScript.

## Installation

npm install nexus graphql

Note you must also add `graphql`. Nexus pins to it as a [peer dependency](

## Features

- **Expressive, declarative API for building schemas**
- **Full type-safety for free**
- **Powerful plugin system**
- **No need to re-declare interface fields per-object**
- **Optionally possible to reference types by name (with autocomplete)**
Rather than needing to import every single piece of the schema
- **Interoperable with vanilla `graphql-js` types, and it's _just_ a [`GraphQLSchema`](**
So it fits in just fine with existing community solutions of `apollo-server`, `graphql-middleware`, etc.
- **Inline function resolvers**
For when you need to do simple field aliasing
- **Auto-generated graphql SDL schema**
Great for when seeing how any code changes affected the schema
- **DRY-up schema design**
Create higher level "functions" which wrap common fields

## Example

import { queryType, stringArg, makeSchema } from 'nexus'
import { GraphQLServer } from 'graphql-yoga'

const Query = queryType({
definition(t) {
t.string('hello', {
args: { name: stringArg() },
resolve: (parent, { name }) => `Hello ${name || 'World'}!`,

const schema = makeSchema({
types: [Query],
outputs: {
schema: __dirname + '/generated/schema.graphql',
typegen: __dirname + '/generated/typings.ts',

const server = new GraphQLServer({

server.start(() => `Server is running on http://localhost:4000`)

More examples can be found in the [`/examples`](./examples) directory:

- [githunt-api](./examples/githunt-api)
- [ts-ast-reader](./examples/ts-ast-reader)
- [apollo-fullstack](./examples/apollo-fullstack)
- [star-wars](./examples/star-wars)
- [kitchen-sink](./examples/kitchen-sink)

## Documentation

You can find the docs for Nexus [here](

## Migrate from SDL

If you've been following an [SDL-first]( approach to build your GraphQL server and want to see what your code looks like when written with GraphQL Nexus, you can use the [**SDL converter**](