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iOS-style listitem component for React Native

Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation

iOS-style listitem component for React Native




# This is crusty as hell
don't use it.

# react-native-listitem
react-native-listitem acts as a quick default for iOS-native styling of a listitem

![listitem preview](

## Installation
npm install --save react-native-listitem

## Usage example

note: see [example/index.ios.js]( for more detailed example

var Listitem = require('react-native-listitem')

// Listitem component


## Props

Prop | Type | Optional | Default | Description
--------------- | ------ | -------- | --------- | -----------
text | string | Yes | null | text displayed in listitem
children | string | Yes | null | pass custom component as child
backgroundColor | string | Yes | '#ffffff' |
indent | int | Yes | 15 | paddingLeft for listitem contents
onPress | func | Yes | null | function executed onPress
style | string | Yes | | custom style for listitem
styleText | string | Yes | | custom style for listitem text

## To Do
