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A cross-platform bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app

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A cross-platform bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app




# react-native-idle-timer

A cross-platform bridge that allows you to enable and disable the screen idle timer in your React Native app

## Install

`yarn add react-native-idle-timer`

## Link

#### Automatically

`react-native link react-native-idle-timer`

#### Manually

##### iOS
1. In the XCode's "Project navigator", right click on your project's Libraries folder ➜ `Add Files to <...>`
2. Go to `node_modules` ➜ `react-native-idle-timer` ➜ `ios` ➜ select `RNIdleTimer.xcodeproj`
3. Add `libRNIdleTimer.a` to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries`

##### Android

1. in `android/settings.gradle`

include ':react-native-idle-timer'
project(':react-native-idle-timer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-idle-timer/android')

2. in `android/app/build.gradle` add:

dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-idle-timer')

3. and finally, in `android/src/main/java/com/{YOUR_APP_NAME}/` add:

import com.marcshilling.idletimer.IdleTimerPackage; // <--- This!

protected List getPackages() {
return Arrays.asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new IdleTimerPackage() // <---- and This!

## Usage

### In your React Native javascript code, bring in the native module:

import IdleTimerManager from 'react-native-idle-timer';

### To disable the idle timer while a certain component is mounted:

Class component
componentWillMount() {

componentWillUnmount() {

Function component

useEffect(() => {

return () => IdleTimerManager.setIdleTimerDisabled(false);
}, [])

### If you have multiple components that are responsible for interacting with the idle timer, you can pass a tag as the second parameter:

useEffect(() => {
IdleTimerManager.setIdleTimerDisabled(true, "video");

return () => IdleTimerManager.setIdleTimerDisabled(false, "video");
}, [])

### If you need to interact from the native Android or iOS side:

IdleTimerManager.activate(activity, "video");
IdleTimerManager.deactivate(activity, "video");

[IdleTimerManager activate:@"video"];
[IdleTimerManager deactivate:@"video"];