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A webpack loader / babel-plugin / babel-plugin-macros / CLI / generated file manager of GraphQL code generator.

babel-plugin babel-plugin-macros graphql graphql-codegen jest-transformer typescript webpack-loader

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A webpack loader / babel-plugin / babel-plugin-macros / CLI / generated file manager of GraphQL code generator.




# graphql-let [![Node CI](]( [![npm version](]( [![downloads](]( [![Babel Macro](]( [![Stake to support us](](

A webpack loader/babel-plugin/babel-plugin-macros/CLI/generated file manager of
GraphQL code generator.

[Create React App example](
[Next.js example](
integrating graphql-let. [A blog post](

🛰 **[Migration guide to v0.18.0](**

## Table of Contents

- [Why this exists](#why-this-exists)
- [Entrypoints and features](#entrypoints-and-features)
- [Getting started with webpack loader](#getting-started-with-webpack-loader)
- [Getting started with babel-plugin-macros](#getting-started-with-babel-plugin-macros)
- [Getting started with Babel Plugin](#getting-started-with-babel-plugin)
- [Difference between .graphql-let.yml and codegen.yml](#difference-between-graphql-letyml-and-codegenyml)
- [Jest Transformer](#jest-transformer)
- [Experimental feature: Resolver Types](#experimental-feature-resolver-types)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Contribution](#contribution)
- [License](#license)

## Why this exists

One of the strengths of GraphQL is
[enforcing data types on runtime](
Further, TypeScript and
[GraphQL code generator]( help it even safer
by typing your codebase statically. Both make a truly type-protected development
environment with rich IDE assists.

graphql-let enhances that development pattern by minimizing configuration setup,
introducing intuitive syntax, and comfortable development experience through HMR
(hot module replacement).

```typescript jsx
import { useNewsQuery } from './news.graphql' // webpack
// or
import { gql, load } from "graphql-let/macro" // babel-plugin-macros
const { useNewsQuery } = gql("query News { braa }")

const News: React.FC = () => {
// Typed already️⚡️
const { data: { news } } = useNewsQuery()



## Entrypoints and features

Summary of characteristics of each entrypoint.

- **CLI** for efficient code generation before your type checking
- **webpack loader** to get HMR even on modifying GraphQL documents
- **babel-plugin-macros** for the minimum configuration
- **Babel plugin** if you don't want babel-plugin-macros

All of them mostly do the same behind the scene.

1. Loads your configuration from `.graphql-let.yml`
2. Finds GraphQL documents (queries, mutations, subscriptions) from `.graphql*`
and `.ts*` specified in your `config.documents`
3. Processes and passes arguments to GraphQL code generator **to generate
`.ts*` s**. These are used for runtime.
4. It also **generates the corresponding `.d.ts` s** of the codegen results.
These are used for typing checking / IDE code completion.

Note there are a few differences between the entrypoints.

Syntax table for the entrypoints

Entry pointsYou need .graphql-let.yml and:
Getting codegen result from
Use values of codegen result
Use types of codegen result

webpack loader

Configure "graphql-let/loader"
to files "/.*\.(tsx?|graphql)$/" in webpack.config.(js|ts)
✅ Import both value and types from a GraphQL document as a module.

import { useQuery, Query } from "./a.graphql"

HMR works as expected.
Webpack config is required even though your project only uses Babel

String literal
✅ by
import { gql } from "graphql-let" 

const { useQuery } = gql("query A { braa }")

⚠️ You can, but you have to find the internal d.ts.
import { gql } from "graphql-let"
import {Query} from 'graphql-let/__generated__/index-A'

const { useQuery } = gql("query { braa }")


If you've already setupbabel-plugin-macros,no config needed any more
✅ by
import { load } from "graphql-let/macro"

const { useQuery } = load("./a.graphql")

⚠️ You can, but you have to find the internally generated d.ts.
import { load } from "graphql-let/macro"
import {Query} from 'graphql-let/__generated__/index-A'

const { useQuery } = load("./a.graphql")

Easiest to integrate if your project already has babel-plugin-macros. create-react-app is the great fit.Cannot load types from function call.

Modifying *.graphql doesn't emit HMR.

String literal
✅ by
import { gql } from "graphql-let/macro"

const { useQuery } = gql("query A { braa }")

⚠️ You can, but you have to find the internally generated d.ts.
import { gql } from "graphql-let/macro"
import {Query} from 'graphql-let/__generated__/index-A'

const { useQuery } = gql("query { braa }")


Put "graphql-let/babel"to you .babelrc as a plugin
✅ by
import { load } from "graphql-let"

const { useQuery } = load("./a.graphql")

⚠️ You can, but you have to find the internally generated d.ts.
import { load } from "graphql-let"
import {Query} from 'graphql-let/__generated__/index-A'

const { useQuery } = load("./a.graphql")

Mostly equivalent to babel-plugin-macros, but you always need your .babelrc configuration. Possibly, "import "./a.graphql"" could be implemented, but not supported yet.Cannot load types from function call.

Modifying *.graphql doesn't emit HMR.Possibly I can make "--watch" option butlots to do for dependency management to detect file change.

String literal
✅ by
import { gql } from "graphql-let"

const { useQuery } = gql("query A { braa }")

⚠️ You can, but you have to find the internally generated d.ts.
import { gql } from "graphql-let"
import {Query} from 'graphql-let/__generated__/index-A'

const { useQuery } = gql("query { braa }")


There are things to make graphql-let light and stable.

- Sharing the processes. Generating files is expensive, so it runs less time
to run GraphQL code generator and TypeScript API.
- Caching. Embedding hashes, as your source states, reduces the number of
unnecessary processing.
- Sharing the promises. The webpack compilation in typical SSR applications as
Next.js runs [targets]( of `"node"`
and `"web"` simultaneously. If sources are the same, the compilation should
be once.

## Getting started with webpack loader

This is an example of **TypeScript + React + Apollo Client on webpack**. You may
[TypeScript Vue Apollo](
[TypeScript Urql](
Please replace the corresponding lines depending on your needs.

### 1. Install dependencies

Note graphql-let is in `devDependencies`.

# Prerequisites
yarn add -D typescript graphql

# Install graphql-let with its peer dependencies
yarn add -D graphql-let @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/import-types-preset

# Install GraphQL code generator plugins depending on your needs. These are in `plugins` of your .graphql-let.yml.
yarn add -D @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo

# Other libraries depending on your scenario
yarn add @apollo/client

### 2. Configure .graphql-let.yml

Run this command to generate a configuration template.

yarn graphql-let init
# This will generate .graphql-let.yml

Next, add
[graphql-codegen plugins](
in it. **Please note that you have to generate a TypeScript source** by the

Edit it like this:

schema: lib/type-defs.graphqls
- '**/*.graphql'
- '**/*.tsx'
+ - typescript-operations
+ - typescript-react-apollo

### 3. Check your `cacheDir`

`cacheDir` will have `.ts(x)`s that your sources will import. It's
`node_modules/.cache/graphql-let` by default, but you may exclude `node_modules`
for webpack compilation. In that case, we recommend setting up like this.

schema: lib/type-defs.graphqls
- '**/*.graphql'
- '**/*.tsx'
- typescript-operations
- typescript-react-apollo
+ cacheDir: .cache

Please note that files in `cacheDir` are only intermediate cache, possibly having wrong import paths. Your `tsconfig.json` probably complains, so give it a line for exclusion.

// tsconfig.json
+ "excludes": [".cache"]
Also, remember you have to `.gitignore` the `.cache` directory in the next section.

### 3. Add lines to .gitignore

graphql-let will generate `.d.ts` files in the same folder of `.graphql`. Add
these lines in your .gitignore.

+ *.graphql.d.ts
+ *.graphqls.d.ts
+ /.cache

### 4. Configure webpack.config.ts

The webpack loader also needs to be configured. Note that the content that
`graphql-let/loader` generates is JSX-TypeScript. You have to compile it to
JavaScript with an additional loader such as `babel-loader`.

const config: Configuration = {
module: {
rules: [
+ {
+ test: /\.(tsx|graphql)$/,
+ use: [
+ { loader: 'babel-loader', options: { presets: ['@babel/preset-typescript', '@babel/preset-react'] } },
+ { loader: 'graphql-let/loader' },
+ ]
+ }

### 5. Generate type declarations

Run this to generate `.d.ts`.

yarn graphql-let

# This will generate files such as:
# - src/query.graphql.d.ts
# - src/schema.graphqls.d.ts

By `--config` option, you can specify the custom path to the `.graphql-let.yml`.
The directory .graphql-let.yml is located at **is the basepath of** the relative
paths in .grpahql-let.yml. Also, the basepath should be identical to webpack's
`config.context` so the loader can find the config file.

pwd # "/app"
yarn graphql-let --config custom/path/.graphql-let.yml

# This will point paths such as:
# /app/custom/path/src/query.graphql.d.ts
# /app/custom/path/src/schema.graphqls.d.ts

You may want to run it every time before calling `tsc`. Please check your
`package.json` and modify like this.

"scripts": {
- "build": "tsc"
+ "build": "graphql-let && tsc"

### 6. Run `webpack serve` and Code

Enjoy HMR (Hot Module Replacement) of webpack with the generated react-apollo
hooks and IDE code assists.

```typescript jsx
import { gql } from 'graphql-let'
import { useNewsQuery } from './news.graphql'

const { useViewerQuery } = gql(`query Viewer { blaa }`)

const News: React.FC = () => {
// Already typed⚡️
const { data: { news } } = useNewsQuery()
const { data: { viewer } } = useViewerQuery()

{ }


## Getting started with babel-plugin-macros

requires the least configuration to setup.

Please finish [1. Install dependencies](#1-install-dependencies), and
[2. Configure .graphql-let.yml](#2-configure-graphql-letyml) as you still need

### 3. Make sure your babel-plugin-macros is ready

[Put a line `"plugins": ["macros"]` to your .babelrc](
If you use [Create React App](, it contains
babel-plugin-macros out of the box.

If you want a custom path to .graphql-let.yml, you can use `configFilePath`
babel option. `${configFilePath}` should point to your

### 4. Code

Thanks to babel-plugin-macros's beautiful architecture, you're ready to use
GraphQL codegen values.

```typescript jsx
import { gql, load } from "graphql-let/macro"

// Typed⚡️
const { useNewsQuery } = gql("query News { braa }")
const { useViewerQuery } = load("./viewer.graphql")

Note that your schema types are generated in
`graphql-let/__generated__/__types__`, instead of per-document outputs.

```typescript jsx
import { News } from 'graphql-let/__generated__/__types__'

## Getting started with Babel Plugin

Mostly the same as babel-plugin-macros, only you need to `import "graphql-let"`.

Please finish [1. Install dependencies](#1-install-dependencies) and
[2. Configure .graphql-let.yml](#2-configure-graphql-letyml) as you still need

### 3. Setup .babelrc

+ "plugins": ["graphql-let/babel"]

### 4. Code

```typescript jsx
import { gql, load } from "graphql-let"

const { useNewsQuery } = gql("query News { braa }")
const { useViewerQuery } = load("./viewer.graphql")

## Difference between .graphql-let.yml and codegen.yml

graphql-let half passes your config options to GraphQL code generator API and
half controls them. Here explains how different these and why. You can see this
section as a migration guide, too.

documents: "**/*.graphql"
- generates:
- ./__generated__/operations.ts:
- config:
- key: value
- plugins:
- - typescript
- - typescript-operations
- preset: xxx
+ plugins:
+ - typescript-operations
+ config:
+ key: value

### Plugin `typescript` should not be specified

You have to have `@graphql-codegen/typescript` as a dev dependency. graphql-let
generates types **by default**, where it uses the plugin. The `plugins` in
.graphql-let.yml is for per-document, which imports the shared types
automatically. If you specify `typescript` as a plugin, it's
still okay, but you can imagine it's kind of redundant.

### No `generates`

codegen.yml has an option `generates`, but it's strictly controlled under
graphql-let. Rather, think graphql-let as a tool to let you forget intermediate
outputs and import/call GraphQL directly.

Therefore, we don't support output-file level configuration such as
[Output-file level schema](,
[Output-file level documents](,
[Output Level config](
right now. But this could be changed logically, so please
[vote by issuing]( if you'd

### No `preset`

decide how to split/import each other, which graphql-let manages basically.
graphql-let generates per-document `.d.ts` and binds up schema types into a
shared file, that's why
is our peer dependency.

I think you don't need to configure Presets, because graphql-let takes care of
what Presets does on your behalf. If you notice the use-case you need more
flexibility, please issue it.

### Limitation: `documents` expects `string | string[]`

Document-level options such as `noRequir` or
[Custom Document Loader](
are not supported.

### graphql-let specific options

In addition to `codegen.yml` options, graphql-let accepts these.

# "plugins", required. The plugins for GraphQL documents to run GraphQL code
# generator with. You should omit `typescript` plugin which graphql-let generates internally.
# See here for more information.
# Example:
- typescript-operations
- typescript-react-apollo
- add: "/* eslint-disable */"

# "respectGitIgnore", optional. `true` by default.
# If true, graphql-let will ignore files in .gitignore.
# Useful to prevent parsing files in such as `node_modules`.
respectGitIgnore: true

# "cacheDir", optional. `node_modules/.cache/graphql-let` by default.
# graphql-let takes care of intermediate `.ts(x)`s that GraphQL code generator
# generates, but we still need to write them on the disk for caching and
# TypeScript API purposes. This is the directory we store them to.
# Examples:
cacheDir: node_modules/.cache/graphql-let
cacheDir: .cache

# "TSConfigFile", optional. `tsconfig.json` by default.
# You can specify a custom config for generating `.d.ts`s.
# Examples:
TSConfigFile: tsconfig.json
TSConfigFile: tsconfig.compile.json

# "typeInjectEntrypoint", optional.
# `node_modules/@types/graphql-let/index.d.ts` by default. Needs to end with ".d.ts".
# Used as an entrypoint and directory of generated type declarations
# for `gql()` and `load()` calls.
typeInjectEntrypoint: node_modules/@types/graphql-let/index.d.ts

# "silent", optional. `false` by default.
# Pass `true` if you want to suppress all standard output from graphql-let.
silent: false

Simple example:

schema: "schema/**/*.graphqls"
- "**/*.graphql"
- "!shouldBeIgnored1"
- typescript-operations
- typescript-react-apollo

Example with a bit more complicated options:

Authorization: YOUR-TOKEN-HERE
- "**/*.graphql"
- "!shouldBeIgnored1"
- typescript-operations
- typescript-react-apollo
respectGitIgnore: true
reactApolloVersion: 3
apolloReactComponentsImportFrom: "@apollo/client/react/components"
useIndexSignature: true
cacheDir: .cache
TSConfigFile: tsconfig.compile.json
typeInjectEntrypoint: typings/graphql-let.d.ts

### Limitations of `graphql-let/babel`

- **Sadly**, type injection can't be done with TaggedTemplateExpression such
as `` gql`query {}` ``. This is the limitation of TypeScript.
[Please answer me if you have any ideas.](
- Fragments are still not available. Please watch
[the issue.](

## Jest Transformer

`graphql-let/jestTransformer` is available. Configure your `jest.config.js` as:

module.exports = {
transform: {
+ "\\.graphql$": "graphql-let/jestTransformer",

### Use `babel-jest` in Jest

`babel-jest` is the default subsequent transformer of
`graphql-let/jestTransformer`. Install these:

yarn add -D graphql-let babel-jest

And make sure your babel config can compile generated `.ts(x)`s.

### Use `ts-jest` or other subsequent transformers in Jest

The option `subsequentTransformer` is available. If you use `ts-jest`, your
`jest.config.js` will look like this:

const { defaults: tsjPreset } = require("ts-jest/presets");

module.exports = {
preset: "ts-jest",
transform: {
+ "\\.graphql$": [
+ "graphql-let/jestTransformer",
+ { subsequentTransformer: "ts-jest" },
+ ],

### Transform `.graphqls` in Jest

If you use `graphql-let/schema/loader`, you may want a corresponding
transformer, but remember graphql-let does not transform the content of GraphQL
schema. Just use what you need; it's most likely to be `jest-transform-graphql`.

module.exports = {
transform: {
"\\.graphql$": "graphql-let/jestTransformer",
+ "\\.graphqls$": "jest-transform-graphql",

## Experimental feature: Resolver Types

If you meet the following conditions, graphql-let generates Resolver Types.

- You have file paths including glob patterns in `schema`
- You have


yarn add -D @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers
yarn graphql-let

Then you will get resolver types in `graphql-let/__generated__/__types__`.

import { Resolvers } from "graphql-let/__generated__/__types__";

const resolvers: Resolvers = {
Query: {
// All typed⚡️
viewer(parent, args, context, info) {
return { ... }

export default resolvers;

`graphql-let/schema/loader` is also available to update resolver types. It doesn't transpile anything;
just detects file modification and passes the content to the next loader.

// webpack.config.ts
const config: Configuration = {
module: {
rules: [
+ {
+ test: /\.graphqls$/,
+ use: [
+ { loader: 'graphql-let/schema/loader' },
+ ]
+ }

## FAQ

#### So, it's just a graphql-codegen wrapper generating `d.ts`...?


#### Supported combination of tools? / Tools x + y don't work!

The above documentation should work basically, but some of the combinations may
require more effort. Please vote by creating issues.
[Sponsoring me]( is another way to get
my attention🍩🍦👀

These are the states/tools for the syntaxes.

| states/tools for syntax | import GraphQL document as
`import './a.graphql';` | Inline GraphQL document as
`import {gql} from 'graphql-let';`
`` gql(`query {}` ); `` |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| generating `.d.ts`s by command `graphql-let` | ✅ | ✅ |
| importing GraphQL content from another as
`# import A from './a.graphql'` | ✅ | ✅ |
| webpack loader `graphql-let/loader` | ✅ | ✅ |
| Babel Plugin `graphql-let/babel` | ✅ | ✅ |
| Jest Transformer `graphql-let/jestTransfomer` | ✅ | [Vote by issuing]( |
| Experimental: Resolver Types for
GraphQL schema | ✅ by
`import {Resolvers}`
`from 'graphql-let/__generated__/__types__'` | (I think we don't need this) |

#### Is this a tool only for React?

No. There are
[more plugins that also generates `.ts(x)`s from GraphQL documents](

#### Can I use Tagged Template as `` gql`query News { baa }`; ``?

Sadly, you need `gql()` instead of `` gql` ` `` because of
[the limitation of TypeScript](

#### What's the extensions `.graphql` and `.graphqls`? Can I use `.gql` or something else?

You can use what you want. I wanted to recommend distinguishing GraphQL schema
and GraphQL documents in the extensions, which will lead to a more
understandable configuration for webpack loaders with fewer pitfalls. Another
reason for `.graphqls` is that it's one of
[the supported extensions in the internal library](

#### How to integrate Apollo refetchQueries?

[Query document exports `DocumentNode` named `${QueryName}Document` that you can make use of.](

#### How to import `.graphql` from another document, especially GraphQL Fragment?

Thanks to
the syntax `# import X from './fragment.graphql'` is supported.

Define your fragment named as `partial.graphql`

fragment Partial on User {

and import it.

# import Partial from './partial.graphql'
query Viewer {
viewer {

#### `.tsx`es generated in `cacheDir` (`.cache`) throw TypeScript errors of wrong import paths

It's not a bug. Please exclude `cacheDir` from your TypeScript compilation. The files in `cacheDir` are only intermediates, which will speed your next execution.

Your GraphQL documents -> (call GraphQL code generator API *1) -> .tsx *2 -> (call TypeScript to distribute declarations *3) -> .d.ts

You're seeing the `*2`. It's used to skip `*1` and `*3`, and recodnized as generated implementations, which graphql-let/loader returns, for example.

## Contribution

- **[Create an issue](**
if you have ideas, find a bug, or anything.
- **Creating a PR** is always welcome!
- Running `npm run prepublishOnly` locally will get your local development
- Adding tests is preferable, but not necessary. Maybe someone else will
fill it.
- [We have a chronic accumulation of dependabot PRs]( Please help us fix these version conflicts by cloning the dependabot branches.

## License

Apache License Version 2.0