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:zap: :cyclone: Measure React rendering lifecycles using controls

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:zap: :cyclone: Measure React rendering lifecycles using controls




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Measure React rendering lifecycles using controls using a simple component



### Installation

$ yarn add -D rn-render-perfs

### In your code

import RnRenderPerfs from 'rn-render-perfs';
import Perf from 'ReactPerf';

export default function App() {
return (


You can pass any kind of `Perf` module inside `monitor` props that implements :

- `start`: Function
- `stop`: Function
- `printWasted`: Function
- `printInclusive`: Function
- `printExclusive`: Function
- `printOperations`: Function

### What can I expect from this module ?

This module is a simple wrapper allowing to call `Perf` modules using the same API as the `react-addons-perfs` one.

With the previous code example, you can access to these information (from [react-addons-perfs doc]( :

- `Print wasted`: “Wasted” time is spent on components that didn’t actually render anything
- `Print Inclusive`: Print the overall time taken by React
- `Print Exclusive`: “Exclusive” times don’t include the times taken to mount the components: processing props, calling componentWillMount and componentDidMount, etc.
- `Print operations`: Prints the underlying manipulations


*With the help of [@flepretre]( & [@kennydee](*