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A calendar component supporting dragging.

calendar react-native

Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation

A calendar component supporting dragging.




## DraggableCalendar

A calendar component supporting dragging operation.

## 1. Examples

Download the repository, cd the examples directory, and run it on simulator.

git clone [email protected]:SmallStoneSK/react-native-draggable-calendar.git
cd examples
react-native run-ios # for ios
react-native run-android # for android

## 2. Usage

At first, you should install react-native-draggable-calendar. Like this:

npm install react-native-draggable-calendar --save

1. For basic usage, you can use it as following:

export class BasicUsageDemo extends Component {

constructor(props) {

onGetTime = () => {
// you can get the selected time.
console.log('onGetTime: ', this._calendar.getSelection());

onSelectionChange = (newSelection) => {
// when selected time changes, this func will be called.
console.log('onSelectionChange', newSelection);

render() {
return (

this._calendar = _}

Get Time


2. As it has provided a default style, you can use it as following for in-depth customization.

export class CustomizationDemo extends Component {
_genStyles() {
return {
style: styles.draggableContainer,
headerTextStyle: styles.dayText,
monthHeaderTextStyle: styles.dayText,
dayTextStyle: styles.dayText,
selectedDayTextStyle: styles.selectedDayText,
singleDayContainerStyle: styles.selectedDayContainer,
beginDayContainerStyle: styles.selectedDayContainer,
middleDayContainerStyle: styles.selectedDayContainer,
endDayContainerStyle: styles.selectedDayContainer
render() {
return (


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
draggableContainer: {
backgroundColor: '#303E4D'
dayText: {
color: '#EAC351'
selectedDayText: {
color: '#303E4D'
selectedDayContainer: {
backgroundColor: '#EAC351'

For detailed xxxStyle meaning, you can see the following picture:

## 3. Others

### 1. Decide how many month to render.

You have two ways to deside this.

1. pass fullDateRange and availableDateRange. Like this:



So, the date between 5.1~5.20 will not be selected. You'd better specify the first day of a month and the last day of a month to fullDateRange.

2. pass maxDays. Like this:



In this way, the availableDateRange will be \[today, today + 180\]. And the fullDateRange will be \[first day of this month, last day of the month containing (today + 180)\].

### 2. Customize your render content.

If you are not satisfied with the customization above, you can even pass renderMonthHeader/renderDay function to DraggableCalendar. Like this:

renderMonthHeader={identifier => this.yourRenderMonthHeader(identifier)}


The data passed to yourRenderDay is an object:

date // a date obj
status // indicating its selected status. (enum value: see DAY_STATUS in Helper.js)
available // indicating whether this day is touchable

the identifier passed to yourRenderMonthHeader is a string:

'2018-05' // you can use identifier.split('-') to get the year and month