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Blazing fast GraphQL discovery & fingerprinting toolbox.

discovery fingerprinting graphql graphql-tools pentesting

Last synced: 18 days ago
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Blazing fast GraphQL discovery & fingerprinting toolbox.




# goctopus

Blazing fast graphql fingerprinting toolbox.

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[![Go Report Card](](
[![Docker Pulls](](

> ⚠️ Goctopus is still in very early development. Breaking changes are expected.

goctopus -a

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[INF] Enumerating subdomains for ''
[INF] Found 5 subdomains for '' in 15 seconds 276 milliseconds
INFO[0016] Done fingerprinting
INFO[0016] Found: {"authenticated":false,"domain":"","schema_status":"OPEN","source":"","url":""}
INFO[0016] Done. Found 1 graphql endpoints

## Usage

Using go:

go install -v
goctopus -a

Using docker:

docker run --rm -it escapetech/goctopus:latest -a

## Main options & features

It is recommended to use the `-a` flag as a shorthand to enable all the features (if you want detailed results, and don't care about speed).

### Input

Goctopus takes a list of adresses (endpoints and/or urls) as input.
Adresses can be specified directly in the command line or in a file.

#### Command line

The adresses can be specified directly in the command line, comma separated.

goctopus -a,

#### Input file

The adresses can be specified in a file, one per line.
The file path should be specified using the `-f` flag.


goctopus -f input.txt

### Introspection fingerprinting

The `-introspect` flag enables introspection fingerprinting.
If enabled, goctopus will detect if the introspection of graphql endpoints is enabled.

### Subdomain enumeration

The `-subdomain` flag enables subdomain enumeration.
If enabled, goctopus will try to find graphql endpoints on subdomains of the given domains.
The enumeration is done using [subfinder](

### Field suggestion fingerprinting

The `-suggest` flag enables field suggestion fingerprinting.
This option needs the introspection fingerprinting (`-introspect`) to be enabled.
When enabled, goctopus will try to detect if the graphql endpoint has field suggestion enabled, if the introspection is closed.
This is useful to bruteforce fields and/or types when introspection is disabled, with tools such as [ClairvoyaceNext](

### Output

The `-o` is used to specify the output file path. It defaults to `output.jsonl`.
The output file is in json-lines format.
Each line corresponds to one found graphql endpoint and will contain at least the following fields:

"domain": "",
"authenticated": false,
"url": "",
"source": ""

The `authenticated` field can be one of the following:

- `true`: The endpoint is a graphql endpoint.
- `false`: The endpoint is a graphql endpoint and requires authentication.

## Additional options

Usage: goctopus [options] [addresses]
[addresses]: A list of addresses to fingerprint, comma separated.
Addresses can be in the form of or If an input file is specified, this argument is ignored.
-a (All) Enable all fingerprinting methods: introspection, field suggestion, subdomain enumeration
-f string
Input file
Enable introspection fingerprinting
-o string
Output file (json-lines format)
-s Silent
Enable subdomain enumeration
Enable fields suggestion fingerprinting.
Needs "introspection" to be enabled.
-t int
Request timeout (seconds) (default 30)
-v Verbose
-w int
Max workers (default 40)
-webhook string
Webhook URL

## Docker usage

Using volumes to load the input file and save to the output file:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data escapetech/goctopus:latest -f /data/input.txt -o /data/output.jsonl

Using a specific version:

# for version vA.B.C
docker run --rm -it escapetech/goctopus:A.B.C [args]

## Roadmap

- [x] Better wordlist for field suggestion fingerprinting, to improve the detection performance and detection rate.
- [ ] Engine fingerprinting.
- [ ] Script analysis.
- [x] Refactor to make goctopus usable as a go package.
- [ ] Document goctopus as a go package.
- [ ] Better flags.
- [x] Better logs.
- [x] Direct cli input.
- [ ] Improve performance further.
- [ ] Resume from output file. (maybe)
- [ ] Custom ascii art. (maybe)
- [x] Docker