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ReactNative autogrow/count/bottom textarea

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ReactNative autogrow/count/bottom textarea




# react-native-writebox
> ReactNative component for displaying Facebook/Twitter like textarea at the bottom of the screen
> with character counter.

[![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url]

Very basic component to display textarea at the bottom of the screen that will autogrow few lines
when the user input more content that we could display - also there is character counter that could
display how many characters are left.


## Installation

npm install react-native-writebox --save


yarn add react-native-writebox

## Usage example

Basic usage:

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import WriteBox from 'react-native-writebox'

export default class Demo extends Component {
render() {
return (
{ console.log('Input value', value) } } >
{ this.props.children }


| Prop | Type | Default Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| onSubmit | function | | When pressing `Done` or save button on the right this function will be called with the value of the textare as first argument |
| onBlur | function | | |
| onFocus | function | | |
| submitLabel | string | 'Send' | Text of the button on the right |
| placeholder | string | 'Type here ...' | Text of the textarea that will be display when there is no value |
| inputLimit | number | undefined | If set this is the number of max characters that could be inputed into the textarea - after that the counter will become red and will start to count negative values |
| autoFocus | boolean | false | When the component will finish rendering it auto set focus to the text area and will open the keyboard |
| value | string | '' | The value of the textarea at start |
| clearOnSubmit | boolean | false | When submiting the textarea if set to `true` the value of the component will be set to `undefined` |

## Author

Bozhidar Dryanovski – [@dryanovski](

Distributed under the ISC license. See ``LICENSE`` for more information.


## Contributing

1. Fork it ()
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/fooBar`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/fooBar`)
5. Create a new Pull Request
