
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Manage github notifications on your menubar.

github-notifications tauri typescript vue

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Manage github notifications on your menubar.




[Download page](

# Gitification (Beta)
An app to view your notifications easily on your menubar.

- Gitification uses Tauri under the hood, so it does not ship a 200mb chrome browser. App size is just lower than 20 or 10mb.

- Gitification doesn't make you type your username and password, auth is done in browser with a single click.

- Gitification is built with `TypeScript`, `Vue`, `Tauri` and `Vite` with nice plugins.

# Size Comparison with Gitify

# Screenshots

# Building The App
If you want to build Gitification by yourself:

- Install rust and cargo.
- Install pnpm `npm install -g pnpm`
- Install packages `pnpm install`
- Create `.env` file, you can see required fields in `.env.example`.
- Build the app `pnpm tauri build`
- After that you can find executable in `src-tauri/target` folder.

# Contributing
If you want to contribute you should install these extensions and set-up these settings.

- Install `Eslint` from vscode marketplace.
- Install `Volar` from vscode marketplace.
- Add the following settings to your `.vscode/settings.json`

"[rust]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "rust-lang.rust-analyzer"
"eslint.enable": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
"vue.complete.casing.props": "camel",
"vue.complete.casing.tags": "pascal",
"vue.complete.normalizeComponentImportName": true
- And lastly in extensions page search `@builtin typescript` then disable TypeScript LSP for your workspace, after reloading vscode you're good to go.