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LXC provider for Vagrant

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LXC provider for Vagrant




# :warning: PROJECT UNMAINTAINED :warning:

This project has been archived. Thanks a lot to everyone that contributed itwith over the years :heart:

If anyone else wants to resurrect it please reach out by emails!

# vagrant-lxc

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[LXC]( provider for [Vagrant]( 1.9+

This is a Vagrant plugin that allows it to control and provision Linux Containers
as an alternative to the built in VirtualBox provider for Linux hosts. Check out
[this blog post](
to see it in action.

## Features

* Provides the same workflow as the Vagrant VirtualBox provider
* Port forwarding via [`redir`](
* Private networking via [`pipework`](

## Requirements

* [Vagrant 1.9+](
* lxc >=2.1
* `redir` (if you are planning to use port forwarding)
* `brctl` (if you are planning to use private networks, on Ubuntu this means `apt-get install bridge-utils`)

The plugin is known to work better and pretty much out of the box on Ubuntu 14.04+
hosts and installing the dependencies on it basically means a
`apt-get install lxc lxc-templates cgroup-lite redir`. For setting up other
types of hosts please have a look at the [Wiki](

If you are on a Mac or Windows machine, you might want to have a look at [this](
blog post for some ideas on how to set things up or check out [this other repo](
for a set of Vagrant VirtualBox machines ready for vagrant-lxc usage.

## Installation

vagrant plugin install vagrant-lxc

## Quick start

vagrant init fgrehm/precise64-lxc
vagrant up --provider=lxc

_More information about skipping the `--provider` argument can be found at the
"DEFAULT PROVIDER" section of [Vagrant docs](

## Base boxes

Base boxes provided on Atlas haven't been refreshed for a good while and shouldn't be relied on.
Your best best is to build your boxes yourself. Some scripts to build your own are available at

If you want to build your own boxes, please have a look at [``](
for more information.

## Advanced configuration

You can modify container configurations from within your Vagrantfile using the
[provider block](

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "fgrehm/trusty64-lxc"
config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
# Same effect as 'customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "1024"]' for VirtualBox
lxc.customize 'cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes', '1024M'

vagrant-lxc will then write out `lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes='1024M'` to the
container config file (usually kept under `/var/lib/lxc//config`)
prior to starting it.

For other configuration options, please check the [lxc.conf manpages](

### Private Networks

Starting with vagrant-lxc 1.1.0, there is some rudimentary support for configuring
[Private Networks](
by leveraging the [pipework]( project.

On its current state, there is a requirement for setting the bridge name that
will be created and will allow your machine to comunicate with the container

For example:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "private_network", ip: "", lxc__bridge_name: 'vlxcbr1'

Will create a new `veth` device for the container and will set up (or reuse)
a `vlxcbr1` bridge between your machine and the `veth` device. Once the last
vagrant-lxc container attached to the bridge gets `vagrant halt`ed, the plugin
will delete the bridge.

### Container naming

By default vagrant-lxc will attempt to generate a unique container name
for you. However, if the container name is important to you, you may use the
`container_name` attribute to set it explicitly from the `provider` block:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define "db" do |node|
node.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
lxc.container_name = :machine # Sets the container name to 'db'
lxc.container_name = 'mysql' # Sets the container name to 'mysql'

_Please note that there is a 64 chars limit and the container name will be
trimmed down to that to ensure we can always bring the container up.

### Backingstore options

Support for setting `lxc-create`'s backingstore option (`-B` and related) can be
specified from the provider block and it defaults to `best`, to change it:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
lxc.backingstore = 'lvm' # or 'btrfs', 'overlayfs', ...
# lvm specific options
lxc.backingstore_option '--vgname', 'schroots'
lxc.backingstore_option '--fssize', '5G'
lxc.backingstore_option '--fstype', 'xfs'

## Unprivileged containers support

Since v1.4.0, `vagrant-lxc` gained support for unprivileged containers. For now, since it's a new
feature, privileged containers are still the default, but you can have your `Vagrantfile` use
unprivileged containers with the `privileged` flag (which defaults to `true`). Example:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider :lxc do |lxc|
lxc.privileged = false

For unprivileged containers to work with `vagrant-lxc`, you need a properly configured system. On
some distros, it can be somewhat of a challenge. Your journey to configuring your system can start
with [Stéphane Graber's blog post about it](

## Avoiding `sudo` passwords

If you're not using unprivileged containers, this plugin requires **a lot** of `sudo`ing To work
around that, you can use the `vagrant lxc sudoers` command which will create a file under
`/etc/sudoers.d/vagrant-lxc` whitelisting all commands required by `vagrant-lxc` to run.

If you are interested on what will be generated by that command, please check
[this code](lib/vagrant-lxc/command/sudoers.rb).

## More information

Please refer the [wiki](

## Problems / ideas?

Please review the [Troubleshooting](
wiki page + [known bugs](
list if you have a problem and feel free to use the [issue tracker](
propose new functionality and / or report bugs.

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request