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Edit images and video with Swift concurrency, powered by Metal.

async-await image-processing swift

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Edit images and video with Swift concurrency, powered by Metal.




# AsyncGraphics

AsyncGraphics is a Swift package for working with images and video with async / await. The core type is simply just called [`Graphic`](, it's like an image and is backed by a [`MTLTexture`](

## Documentation

[**Documentation**]( (DocC)

See the [**Graphic**]( docs for all effects.

### Articles
- [Blending](
- [Layout](
- [Video Playback](
- [Video Editing](
- [Live Camera](

### Content




[UV Particles](,
[UV Color Particles](

### Effects

[Zoom Blur](,
[Angle Blur](,
[Circle Blur](,
[Rainbow Blur](,
[Random Blur](,
[Channel Mix](,
[Chroma Key](,
[Color Convert](,
[Corner Pin](,

[Luma Blur](,
[Luma Rainbow Blur](,
[Luma Hue](,
[Luma Saturation](,
[Luma Brightness](,
[Luma Contrast](,
[Luma Gamma](,
[Luma Translate](,
[Luma Rotate](,
[Luma Scale](,


[Color Space](,
Coordinate Space,

## Install

.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")

## Views

In AsyncGraphics there are a couple ways to present a graphic.

- [AGView]( to declarativly view [AGGraph](
- [GraphicView]( to imperatively view [Graphic](
- [Graphic3DView]( to view [Graphic3D](

# Examples

## Blending

First we create an [AGView](, this is the container for all [AGGraph](
In this example we have a [AGZStack]( with 3 [AGHStack]( Each graph has a blend mode ([AGBlendMode](, in this case .screen.

import SwiftUI
import AsyncGraphics

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
AGView {
AGZStack {
AGHStack {
AGHStack {
AGHStack {

## Layout

First we create an [AGView](, this is the container for all [AGGraph](
In this example we create an [AGHStack]( to contain out boxes, then we loop 3 times with an [AGForEach](, calculate the width and create [AGRoundedRectangles]( After that we set the frame to get a fixed size and apply a color. After the stack we apply some padding and finally add a background.

import SwiftUI
import AsyncGraphics

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
AGView {
AGHStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 15) {
AGForEach(0..<3) { index in
let width = 50 * CGFloat(index + 1)
AGRoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15)
.frame(width: width, height: width)
.foregroundColor(Color(hue: Double(index) / 3,
saturation: 0.5,
brightness: 1.0))
.background {
AGRoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 30)

## Camera

import SwiftUI
import AsyncGraphics

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
AGView {
AGZStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)

You can also do the same with `Graphic`s:

import SwiftUI
import AsyncGraphics

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var graphic: Graphic?

var body: some View {
ZStack {
if let graphic {
GraphicView(graphic: graphic)
.task {
do {
let resolution = CGSize(width: 1_000, height: 1_000)
let circleGraphic: Graphic = try await .circle(radius: 500,
backgroundColor: .clear,
resolution: resolution)
for await cameraGraphic in try {
graphic = try await circleGraphic
.blended(with: cameraGraphic,
blendingMode: .multiply,
placement: .fill)
} catch {

> Remember to set the Info.plist key `NSCameraUsageDescription` "Privacy - Camera Usage Description"

## Metal

There is the option to write high level [metal]( code in AsyncGraphics. No need to setup a pipeline.

## Colors

Colors are represented with the `PixelColor` type.

`import PixelColor` to create custom colors with hex values.

[PixelColor]( on GitHub.

## About

AsyncGraphics is a work in progress project, there is more features to come! Feel free to submit a PR!