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👜 A Provider Component that encapsulate your forms and handle their states and validations.

javascript vue vue-component vue-form vue-form-validation vue-validate vue-validation vue-validator

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👜 A Provider Component that encapsulate your forms and handle their states and validations.




# vue-form-container

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A _Provider Component_ that encapsulate your forms and handle their states and validations. Under the hood it uses [`valite`](https://VitorLuizC/valite), a light and concise validator engine that works on asynchrony. The idea of having a component handling the states and validations of the forms I took from [`formik`]( and [`vue-final-form`](

## Installation

This library is published in the NPM registry and can be installed using any compatible package manager.

npm install --save vue-form-container

# Use the command below if you're using Yarn.
yarn add vue-form-container

## Getting Started

Wrap your form, or wrapper element, with the `FormContainer` component passing the initial state of the fields and a scheme with the validations. Use `slot-scope` to receive the `FormContainer` scope with fields, errors, and so on.



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> `FormContainer` is a renderless component, so it can receive just a single element as slot.

You can change the form field states and perform their validations using `update` functions or by changing the state of the` fields` object, which is a Proxy.

> Due to platform limitations, fields (properties) need to be defined in **`schema`** or **`initial`**. If you don't want to initialize the value of a field, use `undefined` for it in **`initial`** or an empty list of validations in **`schema`**.
> **It is extremely important that the field exists on at least one of the objects.**
> ```vue
> ```

To use the `FormContainer` validations, fields and errors outside the template you should use a `ref` as in the example:


Sign In

export default {
methods: {
async onSubmit () {
// A FormContainer instance to handle fields, validate methods and other stuff.
const form = this.$refs.form;

await form.validateForm();
if (!form.isValid)

console.log('fields', form.fields);


## API

### `FormContainer` props

Name | Type | Description
schema | `ValidatorSchema` | Schema of validators for form fields.
initial | `Object` | Initial state of form fields.

> #### About `ValidatorSchema` type
> `ValidatorSchema` is an object whose key is the name of the field and the value is a collection of validations. Validations are just functions that receive the value of the field and return` true` if it is valid and a `string` with the error message if it is invalid, these functions can also be asynchronous by returning a Promise that returns the same values (`true` or `string` with the error message).
> ```typescript
> type Validator = (value: any) => true | string | Promise;
> type ValidatorSchema = { [field: string]: Validator[]; };
> ...
> const schema: ValidatorSchema = {
> name: [
> (name) => !!name.trim() || 'Name is required.',
> async (name) => {
> const isRepeated = await services.isRepeatedName(name);
> return !isRepeated || 'Name is repeated.';
> }
> ]
> };
> ```

### `FormContainer` properties and methods (also received by slot-scope)

Name | Type | Description
isValid | `boolean` | Indicates if form fields are valid.
isLoading | `boolean` | Indicates if there's a validation running.
errors | `MessageSchema` | Error scheme of form fields.
fields | `Proxy<{ [field: string]: any }>` | Proxy with form fields. It uses getters to get the state of the field and setters to update it.
update | `(field: string, value: any) => void` | Updates the state of the `field` using the `value`.
validateField | `(field: string) => Promise` | Executes the schema validations for the `field` field.
validateForm | `() => Promise` | Executes the validations on all fields specified in the schema.

> #### About `MessageSchema` type
> `MessageSchema` is a reflection of the scheme used to define the validations and contains the error messages (or `null`) for the fields.
> ```typescript
> type Message = string | null;
> type MessageSchema = { [field: string]: Message; };
> ...
> const errors: MessageSchema = {
> name: 'Use first and last name.',
> email: 'E-Mail is required.',
> phone: null, // No error message, because validators have returned true.
> };
> ```

## Example



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Sign Up

import FormContainer from 'vue-form-container';
import * as services from './services';

// FormContainer schema to validate fields.
const schema = {
name: [
(name) => !!name.trim() || 'Name is required.'
email: [
(email) => !!email.trim() || 'E-Mail is required.',
(email) => /^.+@.+\..+$/.test(email) || 'E-Mail is invalid.',
async (email) => {
const isRepeated = await services.isRepeatedEMail(email);
return isRepeated || 'E-Mail is already registered.'

export default {
components: { FormContainer },
data () {
return {

// FormContainer fields initial state.
initial: { name: '', email: '' }
methods: {
async onSubmit () {
await this.$refs.form.validateForm();

if (!this.$refs.form.isValid)

console.log('submit fields', this.$refs.form.fields);


## License

Released under [MIT License](./LICENSE).

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